The crazy adventures in ponyvile

Started by Super sayian pony, 2015 Aug 12, 16:24:25

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Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:Yeah. That's my name.
Ginger Snap: *Sits down on the floor*
Star Light:Yeah?


Misty Fly

Twilight : anyway let me show you your room and dont mind this thing *she points at the portal*

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle: *looks at the portal* ookay then... well lets go. x3
Ginger Snap:*stands up* Ok I'm ready.
Star Light...


Misty Fly

Twilight : Spike can you show them the room i got some studying to...*she glows her horn and the map appears*
Spike : sure cmon

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:OK.
*sunset and his brothers follow spike*


Misty Fly

*Le Spike walks a lot of stairs until they finally reach a fancy room*
Spike : here you are

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:ooh very fancy.
Ginger Snap: this is a very nice room.
Star Light: *is nervous and looks around*


Misty Fly

Spike : if ya need anything feel free to ask me or...*he falls asleep*

Super sayian pony

*sunset poke spike*
Sunset Sparkle:Yeah he is out cold.
*sunset picks up spike and puts him on one of the beds*


Misty Fly

*Spike murmurs in sleep*
Spike : yes Rarity i would love to give this ice cream house to you

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:Ha that's cute.
Ginger Snap:This is a really nice room.
Star Light: *he fell asleep on the floor and murmurs in his sleep* No I don't want to eat the muffin.


Misty Fly

Twilight : hmm lets see Our town...Griffonstone...*gasps* oh no..

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:Well while we are in here what would you like to do now Ginger?
Ginger Snap:A board game?
Sunset Sparkle:Sure.


Misty Fly

*Pinkie Pie pops out*
Pinkie : did somepony said board game?

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:um Yes?
Ginger Snap:Yes we did.


Misty Fly


Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle:Well I don't know. But since your here what would you like to play?
Ginger Snap:Well I will play whatever you guys want to play.


Misty Fly

//guys xD
Pinkie : how about we try this game...*she takes out some wierd board game*

Super sayian pony

Sunset Sparkle: :/
Ginger Snap:Ok sure.


Misty Fly

Pinkie : okay lets see *she opens the board game but only it contains a book and a bunch of letters*

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