S.S. Celebrate RP Sign Up and OOC

Started by FakeSmile, 2015 May 30, 01:37:11

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2015 May 30, 01:37:11 Last Edit: 2015 Jun 19, 14:45:47 by FakeSmile
Welcome to the S.S. Celebrate, an Equestria cruise that is ready to set sail! This thread is meant for a relax vacation for your pony to interact with others! But before you can board the ship, you must read over the rules and fill out an application! Once you have been accepted the Role Play Thread is Here!

Accepted Members!
Mirustal - Ink Coment (Earth Pony)
FakeSmile - Pink Cloud (Earth Pony)
GamePaw - Game Paw (Wolf)
DiamondsDroog - Diamonds Droog (Unicorn)
GoldenTerrabyte - Doro (Wolf)
PlatinumJoystick - Joystick (Unicorn)
Peace Keeper - Peacekeeper (Pegasus)
Sweet Brew - Sweet Brew (Pegasus)
MajoraTheHylian - Firebird (Pegasus), Neapolitan Swirl (Unicorn)
Naura - Hype (Earth Pony), Bright Grace (Pegasus), Naura (Earth Pony)

We will not accept any violence on this party boat! This is a celebration of summer, not a brawl house or arena. Please do not harrass other guests!

Please do not leave the ship or board it by strange means! You purchased your ticket; why not have some fun or relax? Please, do not force others off or tickle the clouds till they downpour! There are only clear skies and lightly cloudy days on this trip!

Please, talk to the character's owner by either PM or in the Sign Up threads to talk about your characters knowing each other. It is okay to say you have seen them around on the S.S. Celebrates, but if they don't know each other, please do not say they seen them around town!

Unless connections have been pre-established and AGREED UPON by BOTH OWNERS, everyone will be a stranger to each other just wanting to have some fun this summer!

If you mess up three times, you're outta here! We will be active and reading logs, so please, PLEASE do not make us call you out or drop you off at the
nearest port!

Please, at least two sentence minimum on each post! We really would like to respond in a colorful, vibrant manner!

While the BACKGROUND of your character is optional, we would really like a PERSONALITY part filled out!

Background (Optional):

We'd also like a small preview how your character would feel in RP form, so we have prepared a small scenario for you to respond to.

It was a warm sunny day, and the pier was bustling with ponies seeing off their friends and family to the S.S. Celebrate, a lovely ship by the sounds of it. You've purchased your ticket, and it is time for you to board.

The author and owner of this Role Play is @mirustal and co-owned by me. The two of us will decide whether or not you will be accepted based on how you filled out the application. What we are looking for is a real show on who your character is. Let us feel how your character feels! Please include your response with your application. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here or PM either of us!
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


2015 May 30, 02:10:24 #1 Last Edit: 2015 May 30, 02:13:50 by GoldenTerrabyte
I'll give this one a shot! A cruise RP seems like it'd be fun!

Name: Doro
Age: 16
Species: a wolf
Background (optional): Not much to say here
PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Friendly, playful, adventurous, sometimes calm, sometimes energetic.
Talent/CutieMark: Since he is not a pony, he doesn't have a cutie mark, however he is very skilled in the magical arts.

Doro took just one look at the sky, and he was filled with excitement. "Ahh, how perfect! The ship's departure was scheduled on such a perfect day... I can't wait to board! I'm getting to like Equestria more and more each day I'm here. The ship's very different than any ship I've ever seen, but I suppose it's all in part of the ponies' culture..." he said, excitedly running towards the port where the ship was docked.

So yeah, I'm not sure if you'll accept a non-pony character. But I gave it a shot anyway!
I'm back


All races and non-ponies are allowed on
this cruise ship! :DD
But can you give me a little background
information about Doro's magical skills?
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Name: Game(paw)
Gender: Male
Species: Feral - Wolf (Four legged)
Background (Optional): Mainly, he just eats a lot of food from wherever he lives, either from houses, ponies or trash.
Personallity: Gamepaw, is fairly lazy in personality but is still fairly outgoing and kind, be nice to him and he will be nice back.
Spoiler:  Images • show

Talent/CutieMark: N/A

Game, waddled around the dock sniffing the pre-made food being loaded onto the cruiser. Turning a corner the chubby wolf noticed a fairly decent sized container of pre-made pies. The wolf, having a somewhat affection towards pie, put his tubby frame into the container and shuffled his way to the back and quickly dug into the pies, unaware that it was slowly being lifted into the ship.


Name: Diamonds Droog
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Background (Optional): he's a mobster dont tell anyone shhhhhhhh  Upper class jazz musician, living with his friends in their hideout.
PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Cold, calculating, snarky, manipulative, calm, bit of a control freak, prideful, sociopathic.
Appearance: http://prntscr.com/7b6acd
Talent/CutieMark: His cuite mark is a saxaphone.

You are now ON A CRUISE SHIP, as is custom whenever someone needs to unwind from the stresses of...whatever. You intend to spend this cruise doing what you usually do to relax: ignoring everything else with a pulse and reading detective stories, playing your saxaphone, or just taking anytime you can to appreciate a lack of spontaneous detonations in the area. You board the ship with the odd annoyance you always have, like no matter what's here, it won't live up to your standards.


Accepted! Welcome aboard
the S.S. Celebrate! Try not
to drown in pie.

Accepted! Welcome aboard
the S.S. Celebrate.

🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Name: Miru Loulis is his human name and should not be known by people outside of his group of friends 'Ink Comet'
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Earth Pony
Background (optional): Learning to be a mobster by his mentor Droog. Suuuper secret business! A fairly spoiled boy coming from a single father and having gone through a crazy ride of obtaining the power of gods then losing it due to him abusing it for fun, him and his friends ended up in this new world as ponies. As one last crude goodbye, he was left as an Earth Pony, without any active magic to allow him to actively use his magic. He spent days and months with his friends, creeping at night to avoid meeting anyone while he adjusted to his new body and gained means to live here. He hides his origin with fervent passion, and will not disclose where he came from to ANYONE.
Personality (required): Miru is not exactly a nice pony, being defensive to the point of offensive to new people. He seems to have a bit of 'horn envy' as well, longing to do magic again. While with his friends he came to this land with, he can appear to be childish and clingy, not wanting to leave his reminders of home, and what he once was. He can sometimes speak in tongue, and by that I mean he suddenly won't make a lot of sense. (Strange comparisons to using human, Earth or some strange term such as 'sylladex' and 'skaia' and 'the great frog') He usually means well, and is often found by Droog's side, much like the tool sidekick he is. He is very insecure without his fleece jacket, or any kind of jacket on him, as he claims he feels 'exposed'.


He is great at making drabbles of strange worlds, writing in vivid detail about them. Not for long stories, however. He also seems to have an extremely good understanding of lands that are not familiar to him, to the point of able to find false doors or walls, and just generally a trailblazer for lands unknown. He seems to have some dormant abilities...

The lavender male stared up at the huge ship, ticket in his mouth as his eyes went all big. The sound of people, no, ponies walking around along with the sound of crashing waves left him feeling icy cold out of fear. Taking a deep breath before sighing it out through his nose, the feminine male bounced his way to the ticket taker while his luggage was loaded aboard. Once the ticket was handed over, his fate was sealed. It was time for him to go on vacation.
He half wondered what was the point in this, since he probably won't be able to relax since he's not too fond of water.


Accepted! Welcome aboard
the S.S. Celebrate. :DD

Might as well post my application.

Name: Pink Cloud
Species:Earth Pony
Background (Optional):
Spoiler: Back Story • show
Pink Cloud was born and raised in Baltimare. As a filly, she was extremely awkward and found it hard to hold conversations with other ponies. To escape the real world, she would sleep a lot during the day. She suffers from sleepwalking, sleep talking and narcolepsy. When she wasn't asleep, she would talk about dreams and try to find a deeper meaning of them. She had many dream journals and would write short stories about a dream she had. Her few friends would ask her to analyze their dreams and she happily would. Pink Cloud would ask questions and interpret what her friends dreams meant. This quickly got her more friends and was able to break from her shell. From an awkward filly, she bloomed into a social butterfly. One afternoon as she was napping with a few friends, she had a terrifying dream. Waking up in a sweat, she discovered her cutie mark. Till this day, she still tries to interpret what the dream was and how it's connected to her cutie mark. Once she grew older, Pink Cloud went to school and became a Oneirology. After years of helping ponies and sleeping, she was able to lucid dream and figure out even more about dreams. Rumors say she is able to enter other ponies dreams and she has her own palace in the dream world.

PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Charismatic, Energetic, Optimistic, Delusional, Fast-Talking, Easily Distracted
Spoiler: Appearance • show

Spoiler: Talent • show

Her special talent is interpreting and entering dreams. With special scents and herbs, Pink Cloud is able to enter her patient's dreams. While in their dreams, she is able to explore deep into their unconscious and memory of past dreams.

Spoiler: Scenario Response • show

A chubby chocolate mare sat in a back of a taxicab, she had one large suitcase in the trunk and a small saddle bag cross her chest. Her cotton candy mane was in two low pigtails and shutter shades  covered her pink eyes. As she sat in the cab she looked out the window. Her smile was as big as her eyes when the taxi cab was getting closer to the cruise ship. She let out a little squeal, barely able to sit still from all the excitement. As the cab pulled up to the pier, the mare checked her saddle bag for the ticket. Her eyes shined bright, the ticket was placed between her dream journal and a book. The mare then opened the door and jumped out of the taxi. The taxi driver already got her suitcase out and waited for her with a smile. The mare thanked the taxi cab with a hug and fifteen bits. As she waved the taxi off, a soft breeze blew through her fluffy mane. Her peach sundress slowly went with the breeze as her white floppy hat stayed firm on her head. Once the taxi was out of sight, the mare turned toward the ship. Her smile widen as she examined the humongous ship. She couldn't believe she will be vacationing on the S.S Celebrate. The idea of sunbathing, and chatting with guest made her let out another squeal. As she picked up her suitcase with her mouth, she then started to make her way toward the ticket booth. Once she got to the booth, she gently set her bag down. Digging through her purse for the ticket, the energetic mare started to giggle with joy. She pulled out the ticket with great speed and hoof it to the pony behind the booth. The pony smiled and hoof her the guest book for her to sign. A black pen was provided but the mare always came prepare. Pulling out a pink pen from her mane, she wrote her name quickly: Pink Cloud. She then gave the pen and guest book back and thanked the pony for their service. After picking her suitcase back up her gaze then fell back on the ship; not able to believe how beautiful it is. Pink Cloud eyes were bright and her smile was large as she made her way toward the party ship.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Well I don't know, I mean it's just simple magic, pretty much anything a unicorn can do.
I'm back


🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


I'm back

Sweet Brew

Is there a needed amount of activity to be in it?
'Cause I thought about trying to join, but I can't promise I'll be super active or anything.

Just mostly something to do while I draw or something.


If you ever go too inactive,  we could simply assume your pony retired to their room aboard the ship.  Is this fair for you,  sweet brew?
@FalseSmile Pink cloud has been accepted,  welcome aboard,  over course!




Gender: Male

Species: Unicorn

Background (Optional):

A stallion hailing from Fillydelphia, Joystick could seem a little off to strangers, but he's a good friend to those who he knows. He spent most of his childhood spending time with his friends, Story Arc and Flame Dancer. They stole things when they needed it, and sometimes when they didn't. Okay, mostly when they didn't. He also enjoyed playing and tinkering with arcade games, typically only in his downtime.

He got out of the underground and was mildly successful at being a law-abiding citizen. He was hired on for a job to fix those cabinets he so adored as a child, although this job did not last long due to a heavy work load and an overbearing boss.

PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Slightly kleptomaniacal, care free. Often investigates those little sounds he hears in the dark of night. Enjoys swimming and popcorn. Appreciates music, and sometimes even enjoys it!

Appearance: See Profile Picture

Talent/CutieMark: Playing, repairing, and 'adjusting' arcade cabinets and other mechanical objects.

Spoiler: Scenario • show
"It was a warm sunny day, and the pier was bustling with ponies seeing off their friends and family to the S.S. Celebrate, a lovely ship by the sounds of it. You've purchased your ticket, and it is time for you to board."

"Today couldn't have come sooner.". Joystick had booked this cruise in order to unwind from the stress of dealing with the ponies who lived in his neighborhood, always stealing his mail.

I can't wait to set sail. He approached the dock and prepared to board after hugging his cousin goodbye. This is gonna be great.

Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Accepted! Glad to have you
aboard the S.S. Celebrate
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.

Peace Keeper

Name: Peacekeeper
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Background (Optional): Lives in Las Pegasus. He is a student at a college and wants to be a weather pony planner. He is the youngest of the 7 siblings in his family. He had lived in his apartment for most of his life, but from being in an uneasy neighborhood, he learned to respect others and learned to watch for those who are a bad influence to him. One of his goals is to help out and bring peace to many.
PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Respectful; usually in a happy mood; would avoid any conflict; kind and generous; a bit shy; and smart

Spoiler: His appearance • show

Talent/CutieMark: A rainbow firework. It represents him spreading peace. The colors also represent the vast races that live in Equestria.

sample scenario:
Peacekeeper arrives at the dock, ready for a relaxation in the ocean. He is a bit nervous as he has never been out to see in his life and he will be away from the city, but at least he can be away from city life for a bit and have a breath of fresh air. He feels a bit anxious as he boards the ship, but calms himself down and thinks positive of the fun relaxing things he will do in the ship.

I really hope it is good enough.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


@Peace Keeper  your pony is all ready for a trip of relaxation! I hope you make lots of friends!

Sweet Brew

Spoiler: Application time v: • show
Name: Sweet Brew
Age: A young Foal
Gender: Colt
Species: Pegesus
Background (Optional): Same as mine, he is a ponysona after all.
PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Deathly shy, meek, fragile, kind, understanding, creepishly perceptive, quiet, derp.
At times he can seem rather unemotive, but he does care, he just has plenty of control over his emotions.
When he does show them he can be quite enthusiastic though.
Spoiler: Derp • show

Deep blue mane with paler highlights with a indigo coat.
Very thin and skinny

Talent/CutieMark: A tea pot, meaning he's a master of tea.

It was a warm sunny day, and the pier was bustling with ponies seeing off their friends and family to the S.S. Celebrate, a lovely ship by the sounds of it. You've purchased your ticket, and it is time for you to board.

Sweet Brew trotted up to the dock with quite a few bags of stuff, most of which seeming useless.
The young foal said nothing as he boarded the cruise ship, he merely looked around and brushed his main out of his face.
Though seeming as expressionless as a rock, inside he was squeeing with joy! Going on a cruise for a vacation was always a dream of his.


@Sweet Brew  Your foal is accepted! I hope your first RP on the forums is a good one!

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