The servers are now open for testing!

Started by Ellowee, 2015 Jan 24, 00:04:55

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Me either!I'm stuck with a pic of cantermore...

I can't do anything :I


This keeps happening to me, I can login, but there are no servers to choose from... What does that mean?  DD:
[glow=blue,2,300]Help Meh[/glow]

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[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Seems like I managed to enter Ponydale, goofed around there a bit, but when I tried to go to Heartlands it got stuck in an aerial view for it. When I relogin, I am where I last was in Ponydale. Can't play my unicorn as it is always stuck in aerial view for me. Hovewer, I managed to get in as a pegasus after some tries. Flying is just amazing!

Nonetheless, thanks for such a good game LoE team! I hope you can fix the errors so that more of us can enjoy the game.


Equus server seems to be down now, and the other two servers freeze whenever I try to join them.. I get the "No response from remote host" error when trying to connect to Equus.


2015 Jan 24, 14:50:08 #105 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 24, 14:52:08 by myhorrorpony
well at least I'm not the only one getting these issues, I'm also unable to log onto Equus (Getting the failed to connect) and logging onto the others left me frozen on an overhead view of the town.

But the character creator worked just fine, so that was good.

Post Merge

Ooops, sorry just saw in the other thread that the aerial view means I'm in the waiting room.


This thread needs to be changed because the servers obviously aren't open.

There shouldn't be a "waitlist."

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


2015 Jan 24, 21:39:37 #107 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 24, 21:54:29 by Galapagois
Hey all! We know there's a lot of problems with the game at the moment, and you can bet your behind we're working ours off to get everything working as well as it possibly can. There's been a lot of trouble for us to deal with on our end, from that rather inconvenient attack on our servers to just general massive overcrowding, but we're doing our best to sort everything out - and this kind of experience will be invaluable for later development of the game.

I just want to thank you all for being patient with us during all this. LoE, after all, is still in a pre-alpha state, and these tests are fantastic for us to get as much info as possible about the game to make sure that, when it's finished, it'll hopefully run smoothly; you are all helping us to make this game better!

In the mean time, the servers are still open, and (barring any further naughty shenanigans) should be remaining open until the planned end at 11:59pm EST on January 26th. We don't plan to extend the servers beyond that time; they're not free, after all, and everybody on the team here is a volunteer on the project, with real-life stuff to do during the week. You know, jobs and education and other sucky stuff.

Also, a quick note on waiting lists: I know they're super frustrating, but they are fairly typical for MMO games like this. i can't tell you the amount of times I had to wait for a number to tick down before I could get online, back in my WoW days! We are working on things at our end, but for now, I'm afraid you'll just have to be patient!
Head of LoE Public Relations, King of Support, and a nuisance!


Sorry but I still don't really see a reason why it can't be extended for pretty much everyone since, when it comes down right to it, no one was able to play on the servers today.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Well I don't know if this is a bad start or weekend for most of us. The Reason why is that most of us didn't get a chance to play and enjoy the game like this and we have to wait for a long time to get inside the game. All We wanted was to look through the new contents and have fun with the game and test.

I'm not sure if I do agree with lostsanity, but we had 1-day extension on one of the previous open servers. If what galapagois, staff, and devs said about not extending it for 1 day, it can't be helped or extended for their own reasons.

It's really hard to tell who's on the waiting list and how long we have to get inside the game and yeah it may be frustrating.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh

Mike Dragon

2015 Jan 24, 23:21:04 #110 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 24, 23:25:30 by Mike Dragon
Mostly no one was able to play. That is true. Myself included. I only got to play for less than 10 minutes as a pegasus before the server crashed on me (and that after the DDoS attack issue have been resolved). I couldn't connect/spawn after that, regardless of the race I chose. And I wanted to play as unicorn all along to begin with. I tried several times for -literally- hours and could not play. This OSW is being extremely irritating>:( And I love this game so much!  ono I've been on the waiting list for over three hours, now. THREE HOURS! And that was just my latest attempt to play. Same deal on all servers. That is... when I get to connect to other besides Equus.

As for why they can't/won't extend the OSW the reason is simple and have already been mentioned: Money. It costs money to make these servers run and they use their own money to do it. They are not paid to even make this game to begin with. :\
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2015 Jan 24, 23:24:50 #111 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 24, 23:30:52 by Galapagois
Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Jan 24, 22:57:10
Sorry but I still don't really see a reason why it can't be extended for pretty much everyone since, when it comes down right to it, no one was able to play on the servers today.

Well, some people clearly were able (myself included!), at least for a while. Obviously, not many; certainly not as many as we'd like for there to have been - namely, everyone - and we're doing our best to make sure it doesn't happen again (although there's not much in the way of protection against this kind of thing, as Sony will attest, but the server issues we CAN deal with are being looked into).

I know it's frustrating - believe me, whatever anger or disappointment you're feeling right now, times that by a thousand, and you're still nowhere near what the people who actually spent many hours of their free time after work/education building this thing up for the server event are feeling - but there's just no way we could really extend the event. Everyone on the team is an unpaid volunteer, and we all have other things to do during the week; some of us have even taken time off from work or education for this event to try and see it go as smoothly as possible. We can't really ask those people to put off their actual lives for an extra day to make up for something that was completely outside of their control, and there's definitely no way we could keep the server up and maintained properly at this point in development without them.

This has been a bit of a bad start to the weekend, and we're trying to make up for it, but there's only so much we can do! I don't want to say 'it definitely won't happen', because we might be able to manage it, but for the time being I really don't think it's likely at all.
Head of LoE Public Relations, King of Support, and a nuisance!


I'm still getting stuck on the loading screen.

Fix this ridiculous "waitlist" please.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Well It seems I'm right about the bad start or weekend part. It doesn't seem like we're getting our hopes in getting 1-day extension like one of the previous open servers as i recall and it can't be helped.

I may be guessing this could be a bust for some of us that can't play and enjoy the game.
3DS Friend Code: 2363-5641-1771
Final Fantasy XI Char/Server: Chiririn / Asura
Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble Player Code & Username: 1qmgdmug / KirbySh

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