Ban the Pony above you(reactivated)

Started by Zsaszz, 2014 Oct 21, 00:58:33

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Banned by the power of static character development!
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!


Banned because blasphemy is a serious thing in the brony community :P
What is this 'happiness' others speak of


Banned? Banned! Gilda is a more enjoyable character to watch and is better than Pinkie! There's your blaspheme, and my honest opinion too.  :] Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Also banned for, for, well, being honest about the brony community.
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!

Super sayian pony

Banned idk y but u r banned for sum reason



Unbanned for reasons above my pay.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Unbanned 'cause you unbanned another user.
What is this 'happiness' others speak of


Unbanned as the cycle must continue.
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!

Nightshade Star

Banned, because the pattern is supposed to be Banned, Unbanned.

Super sayian pony



Part of The Kingdom of Roses


Banned for keeping it up for over 3 posts.
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!


Unbanned, because there has been too much banning this day.
What is this 'happiness' others speak of


Banned because to me, you are the first post of the day.


Unbanned because I suppose that's acceptable.
What is this 'happiness' others speak of


Banned becuase its also a new day for me :P
Part of The Kingdom of Roses

Super sayian pony

Unbanned cuz I just got home .3.



Unbanned, because you are kind enough to unban other ponies.
What is this 'happiness' others speak of


Banned, trying to establish a pattern here hurts too much for midnight.
What is the strongest weapon of ponykind? The Elements of Harmony? No! The Princesses? No! The cannon? The spear? The horn? Not at all! Courage and courage alone stands above them all!


Unbanned, 'cause I can get behind what you're saying.
What is this 'happiness' others speak of

Super sayian pony

unbannded.. a du dabuwa eh ooh


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