Legend of the furred beast. (Jump-in rp)

Started by NekoZombie, 2014 Sep 14, 01:12:31

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2014 Sep 14, 01:12:31 Last Edit: 2014 Sep 14, 01:15:44 by NekoZombie
My character list: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13171.0

Cloudy Skies trotted around Rainbow Falls, looking through the trading stands. He leaned over, lilac eyes focused on a silver item. He huffed and turned away, he'd seen tons of those pins. He trotted a ways down, stopping at a blueish stand. The silver silky ribbons drooped down from the top of the stand. His breathed in, "What kind of claw is this?" it was blunt and looked like it was for digging. "It's said to have fallen from the beast known as Yanmei." Cloudy Skies flicked a white ear, feeling his mane rustle between them, "Yanmei?" The stand owner leaned on her table, "Yanmei is a furry beast known to attack and kill ponies." Cloudy Skies blinked, "It doesn't sound as dangerous as all the other creatures that plague this land." The mare shrugged, "It's dangerous because of how easily it kills ponies. Not even the Canterlot royal guard could take the beast down, they only received this claw." Cloudy Skies rolled his eyes, "How could that be true?" He glanced around, stopping a random pony on the path, "You, have you heard of a creature called 'Yanmei'?" (This random pony could be YOU!)


Lightspeed flash walks toward the stranger that beckoned her "Yanmei huh, come to think of it isn't that the legendary creature that even the royal guard could not detain?" she asked. "why do you have one of its claws?" she added


2014 Sep 28, 00:51:52 #2 Last Edit: 2014 Sep 29, 11:27:56 by annosrules
Overhearing this interesting conversation, a rather puzzled Match joins in by saying, "The royal guard couldn't defeat this beast?". Match's puzzled expression is quickly replaced by a determined grin as he realizes what this  creature's defeat could bring him, and he boldly states, "Then it must be defeated while it is weak, lest it regain its strength!". "And appetite." he adds slyly.


Lightspeed Flash turns to the confidant pony and asks "Do you really think you can find let alone defeat this creature?" cocking her head and raising her eyebrow  "Yanmei is known for killing ponies easily who knows what it is still capable of. The creature is most likely quick witted so a head on attack would probably end in failure." she states "I mean unless you have a thought out plan to find and take on Yanmei you will likely get hurt at best. So with that said I am going with you so if there is a problem I can fly us to safety so we can live another day and plan our next move" She says to the mysterious dark pony
she then turns back to the pony that beckoned her and asks "Hey do you want to come too this sounds interesting to say the least right?"


Match starts thinking out loud, "Well the Yanmei seems to be strongest at close range, so all one needs to do is take it out from afar. All one would need is bait and a defensive position a little ways away to retreat to or attack from.". (Match continues talking in this manner until spoken to.)


Flash walks up to to the dark pony and waves her hoof in front of his face "Hey hello I was talking to YOU silly do you want me to go with you or not"
OOC: look at my previous post bud.


(OOC. Sorry, thought you were talking to Cloudy Skies 0:) )
Realizing that the pony was in fact addressing him, Match faces him and states, "Are you crazy? I was only theorizing, I cant take on a murderous pony killer!"

Grey Leaf

2014 Oct 01, 13:57:44 #7 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 01, 19:55:14 by Grey Leaf
Grey Leaf was browsing the flowers section of the stands, being careful not to.... well, get kicked out again. The merchants were all eyeing him very carefully.... however, there was no need. Last time what he did to the flowers was a total accident, and he didn't mean to ruin their entire flower crop so quickly. He was just sampling the flowers colors... as he was browsing, he overheard the conversation of the small group of ponies, talking about some pony killing, unkillable beast. Soon his interested shifted from the roses and tulips, to monster slaying, and so he stands a bit away from them, watching and listening. He was a gry pony with a black mane and tail that was rather unkept, and his cutie mark was a grey maple leaf. His eyes were Silver, and although calm, seemed peircing, like they could rip any lie you put in front of him.

Post Merge

((Also before you think  I'm sort of new RPer making an OP character, this OC simply has the ability to drain color from vegetation, hold onto it, and use it elsewhere. How is it useful? No idea.))


A short purple pony was standing on a dark corner of an alleyway looking at strip of newspaper, his red eyes were the only light in the area .  "Yanmei strikes again...ha it seems this creature is really making a name for itself." he said leaning his head down smiling. The newspaper he tossed was being seen blowing in the wind. "A creature that big of a threat...ooooh it would be the joy taking it out for myself hehe...haha"
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



"Well now that I have your attention." she snickers "Can I get your name? as for mine my name is Lightspeed Flash nice to meet you." she smiles  "what happened to all that courage and confidence you had just a second ago? she laughed "I don't blame you for the fear you have of the beast. Yanmei is a scary creature so IF we do end up trying to go after it we will NEED more than just the two of us. she adds


2014 Oct 02, 00:47:52 #10 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 02, 18:57:46 by annosrules
"My name is Match Stick" Match states while giving a ceremonial bow. "And pointing out that Yanmei is injured and should be taken care of, doesn't really count as courage.", Match adds with a laugh.


"oh well it sounded brave anyway" she says as she bows her head in return "well nice to meet you Match Stick" she said "what is it you came to rainbow falls for?" she wondered " I came initially to trade my spare flight badge." she holds up a shiny flight badge "I was hoping to trade it for the new daring do book it has rainbow dash on the front" she continued "but then over heard these two talking about Yanmei and that got my attention."


Match says with a casual shrug,"I've been roaming around the main cities looking for adventure, but this one seems a bit over my head." He then asks while pointing toward Lunar Dusk and Grey Leaf, "Are those ponies watching us?"

Grey Leaf

Grey Leaf quietly keeps watching them for a few moments, then notices the hoof pointed towards him. He at first flinches a little, then slowly walks over to them, "Hello..."


Match cheerfully replies,"Hello! What's your name?"


"....." Lunar remained at his spot while Match points his hoof at him.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Grey Leaf

"Grey Leaf." he states simply, his voice deep and slightly gruffly. "You?"


"Match Stick.", Match answers with the same ceremonial bow as before, "Good to make your acquaintance."

Grey Leaf

He blinks, "Matchstick. What are you doing?" He watches him curiously as he bows.


"I am looking for adventure, but this Yanmei creature seems to be a little too much for me to handle." Match sighs with disappointment. Then a spark of hope shines in has eyes as he declares, "But with your ponies help, we could defeat it together!".

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