Legends of Equestria is Now Recruiting!

Started by Ellowee, 2014 Aug 06, 01:51:02

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Quote from: Cro Straysoul on 2016 Jan 16, 03:12:02
Any chance to apply as a "Tester"?
Played plenty of MMOs since 2006 and i still find bugs in many fine games, or ways to go around a specific event. Even in games i've bought for over 40 GBP, like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Even have a screenshot on my steam of me falling under the ground texture. XD

I'd be honored to try and help your team by finding whatever flaws, bugs, ways to go around objectives/quests i can.

At the moment there is no way to apply as a "tester". Too many people would sign up just to have regular access to the game :I

Not to be confused with Zukiuke

Fluffle Puff

If you're still in need of 3d modelers in a month or two, or whenever my house renovations calm down, I'd love to try out.


I feel a little sad cause I want to help in many ways, which I have the knowledge of certain jobs, but I don't have a good enough PC, and time, to do so. >A<


I might hit you guys up in a couple months, if the opportunity still exists.
Double job, in a limited industry.
Good luck horse crafters.


Quote from: Fluffle Puff on 2016 Feb 04, 13:08:21
If you're still in need of 3d modelers in a month or two, or whenever my house renovations calm down, I'd love to try out.

We're looking more towards people who have the capability of doing hairstyles, tails and pony statues.
Of course if you got texturing experience that's always a plus as well.

Colt Concept

hiyo. i used to be a member of this site awhile back. anyhow since the notification for concept artist are still wanted and i have always wanted to be apart of the team. i was wondering if they are still recruiting, obviously. but more of the question would be; would i be able to see artwork from current or past concept artist to see if my skills match? i am currently in a mentorship program for concept art and have to focus on that and won't be able to build up a portfolio until around the end of march. so it will be awhile until i can put in an application. but in the meantime id like to see what concept artist on the team are making to start working on my skills to fit the appearance of the game. well what LOE wants in concept art.

sorry if any of this is a bit confusing. I'm obviously no writer. thanks for reviewing!

Moonlight Sonnet

If it wasn't for the fact that I've got exams coming up soon, that will take up a lot of my time, I'd gladly help on the music as a musician.

Also, from what I've seen so far, the game looks great! Keep it up!  ^-^


Quote from: Colt Concept on 2016 Feb 04, 21:46:13
hiyo. i used to be a member of this site awhile back. anyhow since the notification for concept artist are still wanted and i have always wanted to be apart of the team. i was wondering if they are still recruiting, obviously. but more of the question would be; would i be able to see artwork from current or past concept artist to see if my skills match? i am currently in a mentorship program for concept art and have to focus on that and won't be able to build up a portfolio until around the end of march. so it will be awhile until i can put in an application. but in the meantime id like to see what concept artist on the team are making to start working on my skills to fit the appearance of the game. well what LOE wants in concept art.

sorry if any of this is a bit confusing. I'm obviously no writer. thanks for reviewing!

You can check out some of our Concept Art over here: http://legendsofequestria.deviantart.com/gallery/37043529/Concept-Art

Colt Concept

2016 Feb 11, 17:14:40 #268 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 12, 18:57:47 by Colt Concept
Quote from: BludSpammd on 2016 Feb 11, 06:14:28
You can check out some of our Concept Art over here: http://legendsofequestria.deviantart.com/gallery/37043529/Concept-Art

thank you! this seems to be up my ally way. i can't put in an application till march(mentorship and usar stuff). hopefully you guys are still recruiting by then.

btw a little sidenote. do i have to do the make sure I'm not a robot thing overtime i post. where i have to type the numbers and letter?


If you are ever in need of musicians or composers, I got you  8)


2016 Feb 14, 21:59:14 #270 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 15, 06:54:24 by Bakasan94
can you make a pony where its an alicorn???? pwease!!! my oc is an alicorn so I would be happy to have my oc on the game very much!!!!!!!!!!

-please don't spam the emotes-


Quote from: silverLPSfox on 2016 Feb 14, 21:59:14
can you make a pony where its an alicorn???? pwease!!! my oc is an alicorn so I would be happy to have my oc on the game very much!!!!!!!!!!

-please don't spam the emotes-

The developers have been rather adamant about "no alicorns".
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


What are the makers thoughts about having Griffons, Changelings, or Sea-ponies for characters?


Quote from: RavenWing675 on 2016 Feb 21, 16:04:30
What are the makers thoughts about having Griffons, Changelings, or Sea-ponies for characters?

I'm just running off this until otherwise told.

( Image taken from http://www.legendsofequestria.com/faq )


Quote from: RavenWing675 on 2016 Feb 21, 16:04:30
What are the makers thoughts about having Griffons, Changelings, or Sea-ponies for characters?

Rocks, what about rocks?

Golden Candy


Quote from: phirenor on 2016 Feb 22, 06:53:14
Rocks, what about rocks?

"Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat."

"This time for sure!"
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).

Rasy (Flanniest Flan)

It says that since February 2016, you are accepting Front End Web Designers. Who should I contact for more information or an application about this? I currently am interested in using CSS3 and HTML5 for any project you guys may have.


Quote from: cshadd on 2016 Mar 08, 23:31:50
It says that since February 2016, you are accepting Front End Web Designers. Who should I contact for more information or an application about this? I currently am interested in using CSS3 and HTML5 for any project you guys may have.

The lead of Web Design is also the Programming team co-lead if I read the roster correctly, so I'd send an email to ocbaker@legendsofequestria.com, or programming@legendsofequestria.com

Rasy (Flanniest Flan)

Quote from: Princess Darcy on 2016 Mar 09, 21:03:27
The lead of Web Design is also the Programming team co-lead if I read the roster correctly, so I'd send an email to ocbaker@legendsofequestria.com, or programming@legendsofequestria.com

Before I contact them, are these positions really open? Because it does not display Front End Web Developer on the front page. Or are they just part of the programming team itself? I just want to make sure before I send an application. In fact I believe I did send an application before to be a Web Developer when it actually displayed Front End Web Developer on the front page.

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