Pascalo Beach RP OOC

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jul 14, 15:32:32

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Hi guys, what's going on right now? Is there any way i can participate or should i just continue playing with my dolls?
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Rush of MLP

If Blue were to go outside, Spook, and I think Lil Foli, are available.

Nameless Whirlwind

Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 Feb 15, 23:55:53
i have no reason here or she/he has no reason

Quote from: Grizzly on 2016 Feb 09, 03:26:43
How does someone become a prosecutor at the age of 15?


Quote from: Rush of MLP on 2016 Feb 16, 01:16:16
If Blue were to go outside, Spook, and I think Lil Foli, are available.

Oh yeah Mr.Krabs.
🌻🌻🌻   ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»   ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»


Quote from: Grizzly on 2016 Feb 16, 00:09:57
Hi guys, what's going on right now? Is there any way i can participate or should i just continue playing with my dolls?

There's that button. I accidentally left Doomato in a state of limbo and now I'm depending on someone to press that button.


Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 Feb 16, 23:41:23
Umm i can't find any joining sheets lemme try joining again
Name: Mogeko
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (changing to 19 cause thats my age :33)
Personality: unsocial,lame,Happy (mostly),Gamer
Talent: good at video games
Occupation: she has no job but thinks Gamer is a job
Bio: Born somewhere in the crystal empire she went to ponyville to get some friends and failed than went back to her sister again just to play video games...than Midawn sent her away saying: get some friends. and here she is
Appearance: Pink coat,red eyes (turns blue sometimes but rarely) black hair with 2 Neon blue Hair clips. this better?

I'd say yes, but i dont think my vote matters...
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


My apologies, but I'll have to stick with no. I don't think your style of writing/role-playing is a good fit for Pascalo. Again, sorry, honestly and truly, but we've played with fire too much already. Best of luck.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 Feb 16, 23:41:23
Umm i can't find any joining sheets lemme try joining again
Name: Mogeko
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (changing to 19 cause thats my age :33)
Personality: unsocial,lame,Happy (mostly),Gamer
Talent: good at video games
Occupation: she has no job but thinks Gamer is a job
Bio: Born somewhere in the crystal empire she went to ponyville to get some friends and failed than went back to her sister again just to play video games...than Midawn sent her away saying: get some friends. and here she is
Appearance: Pink coat,red eyes (turns blue sometimes but rarely) black hair with 2 Neon blue Hair clips. this better?

I'll have to say no too, because "she went to ponyville to get some friends" and "than Midawn sent her away saying: get some friends. and here she is" just reminds me way to much of Twilights backstory, and I don't really understand how "Gamer" is a personality. And being good at games is such an overused talent and I don't even get how it'll help in any way? Most talents means someone is good at something that can help them/others and make life easier, if she was working with making games or if you made it a bit more specific I'd understand, but I just can't see how a pony with a talent like this can fit in on the beach. And I also have to agree with Plat that your writing style won't fit the the roleplay.
Feel free to check out my [URL=]Oc page[/URL]!


Moge...There's no easy way to say this and no easy way to hear it, but hun...
I don't think your writing is advanced enough quite yet.  We already have too many writers around here of questionable quality.
Don't take it the wrong way, Moge, you didn't do anything wrong.
It's a third and final no from me.
<br />


2016 Feb 19, 02:26:40 #7129 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 19, 02:43:37 by Grizzly
I-I can leave if my writing is a problem, not like i'm posting all that much anyway.

Post Merge

Also, if anyone wonders, here's an audio file of the for now disembodied voice that might pop up in my posts.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


okay so from: not having a good talent to then personality
than to writing?!
Whats so wrong with writing? isn't that mean't to express your feelings and put your words on a test or a book?
What is going on?!
A nomad, tired from wandering.


Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 Feb 19, 03:20:26
okay so from: not having a good talent to then personality
than to writing?!
Whats so wrong with writing? isn't that mean't to express your feelings and put your words on a test or a book?
What is going on?!

We just don't think how you write fits our standards. It's the kinda thing we've talked to members about before, and I'd like to not have to repeat that process.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


The way everyone says "members" gives me an impression of some kind of "High Council of Pascalo". Doomato's stuck to this RP for a while now, ain't he a member of the big-city "High Council"!?


i-is it night already on the beach?
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


I'm not a hundred percent sure. . . Its hard to tell
what time it is in this RP.
🌻🌻🌻   ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»   ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»ðŸŒ»


2016 Feb 22, 00:24:12 #7135 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 22, 00:26:32 by DawnsEmbrace
Quote from: Grizzly on 2016 Feb 19, 02:26:40
I-I can leave if my writing is a problem, not like i'm posting all that much anyway.

Grizz, sweety, I know we don't know each other very well, but you don't need to be that hard on yourself.
You write very well, as you did when you started.  In fact, you've even improved since then, like we all have.
I wasn't referring to you.

Oh, and Doom, everybody is a member as soon as they're signed up.
What you're thinking of is Founder, as in, a member who's been here from the relative beginning and stuck through with it until now.
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eh? HIGH COUNCIL?! OKAY WHERE'S THE EXIT BUTTON *leaves looking like this  X3 *
A nomad, tired from wandering.

Misty Fly

Mogeko have you joined the RP?


They haven't, Misty.
Hail to the Knights Of The Dawn.


Look at all of us being online at the same time...There's somethin' special about that.
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