Atala, the lost city

Started by Grizzly, 2014 Jun 09, 02:32:03

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Naura just looked when the prints got handed over, not knowing what she should do.
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  "MOVE!"  Not that Vigilant's other teammates needed an order, everyone made a quick beeline for the ship, strapping themselves in.


As soon as all members were on board they could hear two loud explosions followed by a roar. "A state of the art combat machine, reduced to dust just like that." Blue only stares at the rising smoke in the distance as she manipulates the controls. The ship comes to life and backs up slowly, as they were far enough they could see the minotaur on the shore, roaring at them, even trying to hit the ship with stones. Luckily the ship was far enough to be safe.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Suddenly the group saw a bite mark on Startlight. Her coat is black and blue around the wound.  There also appears to be thick hair growing around the edge of it.


2014 Jul 04, 12:36:34 #744 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 04, 16:52:00 by Maplewood
maple sighed as he handed them over "fine here you go but be careful they look really old" he finishes walking away his shoulders slumped in a sadden way. as he walked away he kicked the nearest thing to him which happens to be a energy crystal that had been placed on the ground while they were looking for the parts.

Post Merge

Aftr kicking the crystal it started to spin,then suddenly with a loud bang it exploded emiting a bright flash of light and sending maple flying across the room into a set of steel pipes (good bye this is the last post ill be making till i get back).


Cosmic's device activates putting up an energy shield around Cosmic and Narua as the explosion happens. After the explosion happens, Cosmic rushes over to Maplewood's side and says, "Avatar, Three to transport to the medical bay now."


The avatar doesn't even answer as a flash moves the three in question to the medical area, a medical Avatar waiting for them already.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Tundra stumbled into the medical area just moments after the three had teleported in, the rune mage looking like he was about to say something, though noticing the unconcious Maplewood and stopping, deciding to wait just a little bit.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Quote from: Snowcraft_Pony on 2014 Jul 03, 13:34:34
Suddenly the group saw a bite mark on Startlight. Her coat is black and blue around the wound.  There also appears to be thick hair growing around the edge of it.

Blue had no time to take note of the change, she had to concentrate on steering the ship. The trip back will take the same time as the trip there, approximately six hours.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Cosmic places Maplewood on the table and says, "Energy explosion with a nearly drained energy crystal. It knocked him right how. Please analyze Maplewood for long term injury."

((I guess the description of Maplewood's injuries would be left to Grizzly, the RPs Game Master.))


(( Y.... you didn't just destroy a antimatter crystal in my city... did you? IF so, we're all dead :I ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


((no, it was just a mana crystal.))


  Looking over to Starlight, Vigilant makes a worried expression, "Uhh, is something wrong with the commander?"


Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jul 05, 18:25:42
((no, it was just a mana crystal.))

(( alright, you got me worried there for a moment. Can't really dictate how severe the injuries of someones character are, i can only say the type of injuries. In this case it would be shrapnel damage from the crystal and mana burn. ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 Jul 06, 02:25:17 #755 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 06, 02:32:22 by Omega_Khaos
Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Jul 06, 01:58:44
Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jul 05, 18:25:42
((no, it was just a mana crystal.))

(( alright, you got me worried there for a moment. Can't really dictate how severe the injuries of someones character are, i can only say the type of injuries. In this case it would be shrapnel damage from the crystal and mana burn. ))

((Don't forget the blunt trauma suffered from the impact with a wall.))


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


((Also, if it was described as such, I would have been a bit of a Player GM and said that isn't possible. because of said consequences.))


Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jul 06, 02:32:08
((Also, if it was described as such, I would have been a bit of a Player GM and said that isn't possible. because of said consequences.))

(( What do you mean is not possible? ))

Quote from: hazardtime on 2014 Jul 06, 01:12:00
  Looking over to Starlight, Vigilant makes a worried expression, "Uhh, is something wrong with the commander?"

"I don't know, we need to get her to the medical bay as soon as possible. I have a hunch though..." Blue said while steering the ship. As soon as they were at open see she sat down, pulling out a small notebook from her saddlebag and started to write, occasionally checking on what was going on in front of the ship.

Captains log - Entry Two:
We were to the landmass and discovered something like a pyramid with a maze in it. In the maze we encountered Iron Will's ugly brother. All jokes aside, the creature we encountered was truly fierce, easily destroying two of our machina. The maze and the creature reminds me of a old maretail my mother used to tell me when i was little, about naughty foals that are sent to the Catacombs to be eaten by the Minotaur. I wonder if that story has its origin here...

(( decided to make a "captains log" after every 'chapter' X3 what do you think of the idea? And yes, the landmass was Chapter two! :3 Advancing to Chapter three ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


((I mean that in this format, I would have come out and said that if the player did that The RP would pretty much be over because all players in it would have died from the catastrophic release of such energy.))

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