Atala, the lost city

Started by Grizzly, 2014 Jun 09, 02:32:03

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Blue didn't take any chances, the jumped to the counter and opened it, taking out a syringe and filling it with anesthetics. She then quickly moved to Starlight and injected the sedative to her hoof, after which she used her unicorn telekinesis spell to lift her and place her on the bed. She sat down to take a sigh, then used some very powerful straps to hold Starlight down.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


The sedative didn't last long, and Starlight was struggling to get free. When she temporarily gave up she howled in sorrow, very loudly.


Blue was catching her breath. "You wanted lead, Starlight. What for? Was it because of this? Does it somehow help you gain control, or change you back? Or is there a different reason all together?" She asked more herself than the raging beast strapped in the bed. Blue sat next to the bed, watching the half wolf intently and thinking. Then she stood up and walked to her microscope again. "Avatar, requesting three kilos of lead." She said and a brick of said material appeared.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Starlight suddenly seemed conflicted, part of her fearing the lead, another part desiring it.


Blue stared in the microscope again. She din't know what to do with the lead just yet, but she had a hypothesis. She took a small amount of lead and introduced it to the sample blood, to see how it will react.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Something happened in the sample. The Lycanthropic genome - the infection, changed. It was dominant before but now it was recessive. Somehow the lead had forced the genomes to alter themselves. However the blood sample was also poisoned.


Blue sighed and turned towards Starlight. "If i give you too much i will kill you. If i give you too little it will have no effect..." she thought out loud and prepared an injection of lead. She walked to Starlight with the injection and sat down, contemplating if she should inject her with it.

(( just a question, do you know about heavy metal poisoning? ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.



Suddenly the wolf-pony agreed with herself, trying to break out harder mow, not wanting the injection. There must have been an easier way.


Blue sighed and put the injection away. "There has to be a better way." she looked at the brick of lead and thought for a moment. She took the brick and sliced it to small tails, then put a few of the tail on Starlights chest.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


The beast within Starlight suddenly seemed weaker, it was working... Sorta.


Tundra meanwhile just wandered through the city completely at random, even using a few obscure nursery rhymes when not quite sure which way to go. He'd gotten checked up on by the medical AI after it had finished with Maple and checked Naura and cosmic after he'd insisted it to do so first, luckily he only had some small bruises so nothing much really needed healing, the bruises he took care of himself before leaving it anyways.

So essentially Tundra was wandering through the city's corridors at random, mostly looking for anything to catch his interest as he actually didn't feel like diving into research for once. Maybe he'd try finding an interesting book in the library or some texts to read through in the library, maybe not.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Blue sighed, picked up a notepad and wrote down her findings on Starlight's condition.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Starlight was still a wild beast - pouncing at Blue in rage.


Blue was scared of how feral Starlight is.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Blue had no choice - at least until Starlight became to tired, fight back...


Blue tried her best to keep Starlight restrained, using her body and her magic to keep her down.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Starlight wasn't letting up, her body was seething with a raging hatred. "You, no survive!" She still couldn't move, but she wouldn't stop trying to fight.


Blue held on. "Hope this passes soon, i would really hate to hurt you." she said more to herself than to Starlight.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"You, die!" Starlight roared, breaking free. She lunged in an attempt to eat Blue. She really was still just an animal. She suddenly seemed weaker though...


Blue jumped back as Starlight broke free. She lowered into a defensive position, pointing her horn at Starlight. Suddenly she got an idea. "A.I. activate artificial gravity and set it to fifty!" She ordered and the city complied, raising the gravity in the medical room fifty times, making movement impossible for Blue as well as for Starlight.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

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