Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Grey soon found the stone, scanning the area, she found no ponies nearby, using a spell, she pushed the stone out of the way, and walked in.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Doom woke up in a tiny bed and babbled.

((Any railings on this one? X3))


'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


The small colt rolled off the bed and crawled towards the door.


Ivory woke to see Doom crawling for the door.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Doom turned towards Ivory, curiously.


Ivory looked at Doom Hi..
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


2014 Aug 21, 12:27:14 #28928 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 12:35:45 by ChibiGrrl
As the stone moved, Grey could see a stone staircase traveling upwards. A few light spells dimly illuminated the walls around her.
The staircase led to a long passage, and there were two doorways across from each other in the hallway. One door was made or polished wood and had a golden doorknob, the other was a simple door and looked as if it hadn't been used in sme time.
At the end of the passage was a large stone door, reinforced with dark magic and heavy locks.
Perhaps something in the other rooms held the answer. . .


The small colt babbled cutely in response.


2014 Aug 21, 13:01:37 #28930 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 14:59:41 by DawnsEmbrace
[[*Stretches and yawns*
I had a very...Interesting night.  I can't stick around, just thought I'd write something to further this while we're both here.]]

White moved closer to the two of them, looking at the chains holding Crimson in place.
He wouldn't be able to break them easily, so he would have to go with Crim's suggestion.

White was beginning to tire, sweat dripping down his face and shakes going through his body from the effort to keep the illusion up.
He knew this illusion would not come without side-effects, it was too close to his own fears.
But despite this, White tried his best to look for a key or a lock that could be holding Crimson where he was.
<br />


2014 Aug 21, 13:11:51 #28931 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 13:22:29 by ChibiGrrl
Crimson pointed a hoof towards the wall behind Whitewash, where a mercenary had hung the keys to the locks on a hook.
Both Crimson and Silver located the padlocks that locked their chains in place.
"Quickly, before the mercenaries spot us! We can hide for a moment in the herbal bath,
then surprise them and fight if we have to.
" he whispered quickly.

The blue unicorn stallion cursed and threw a vial to the floor, frustrated that the smithing ponies hadn't finished the last piece that he needed.
"Blast! Those stupid earth ponies, what's taking so long?" he muttered darkly.
Sweet flinched away from the shattered glass, her actions were not missed by the stallion.

"So, the sleeping beauty finally wakes, hm?" he said, grinning slyly at Sweet as he turned to face her.
"And before my expected calculations, too. That is good, I'll need you to be conscious for my experiment to work." he chuckled at this, his eyes shining madly.

Sweet met his yellow eyes and shuddered in fear. Experiment?? Not likely! I just hope the others find me soon. . . she thought to herself.


Grey walked over to the stone door, she began several complicated spells to open the door.

((Up to you Chibi!))
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


2014 Aug 21, 13:29:51 #28933 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 13:31:52 by ChibiGrrl
The stone door remained shut, it would take the magic of more than one lone unicorn to open. . .
The thrum of magic being cast had triggered a music player in the room behind the polished door, a low, eerie melody could be heard faintly inside.


Grey's ears perked as she walked towards the polished door, he sword held at the ready, she opened the door.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Doom yawned in boredom and babbled, hoping for an event to occur.


2014 Aug 21, 17:00:22 #28936 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 17:03:45 by Luminescence
Sveta had trekked decently into the woods, when the signs of a scuffle tangented off for a moment. He paused a moment to check what had been done. It appeared as though there was some kind of net trap, but it had been cut down. Strangely, the ropes, made of hastily done up vines, appeared to be gnawed on...

He had no more time to waste on this, despite a small trail leading off away from there. That didn't seem like a tactic those running away would set up. Too temporary. He shook his head and continued following the carts track.

The path of destruction to the natural ecosystem was very apparent as he moved along. Broken branches here, vines with massive gouges in them, the ground was riddled with debris. So too was the sudden lack of its path. Seemingly for no reason, the path just lead up to a small hill in the woods, before vanishing. The hill didn't particularly stand out, it was just a large bump upon the ground. More of a dune of ground really. When he took a few steps forward to investigate the missing tracks, nothing appeared to change, for a moment. When he looked down at the ground, he saw his feet lightly sticking into the ground. Appalled, he moved to take his claws away from the ground.

But when they moved away, almost as if there was nothing there, he was thoroughly confused. What in the world? he thought, before an idea popped to him. An illusion! Wanting to test this, he placed his head on the pseudoground for a moment. As it did, he could then see past the illusion with the eye closest to the ground, and it lead down.

Down was not a pleasant idea to him. His entire life was the sky! His job, his family, his home even, all based around the heavens! Down, particularly the dark, cold, cramped, Underground,... Not so much.


But there were ponies down there who needed help. Ponies who could use his help. Ponies he considered friends.

With a perceivable intake of breath, he crossed the illusion.
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


2014 Aug 21, 20:37:22 #28937 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 20:58:31 by ChibiGrrl
The room that Grey entered was softly illuminated by many wax candles which had burned down to stumps. A musty scent hung in the room, piles of parchment with various notes and machine schematics were strewn about on the floor haphazardly. An old record player continued to play its eerie tune.

The work desk in the corner held a few piles of books stacked high, all of them rather large volumes.
In the glow of the candlelight, a journal lay open on the desk. It's pages turned to the most recent entry. . .

In a darkened corner of the room, a tall glass case was partially covered by cotton sheet. The glass reflected the candlelight, and a faint silhouette could be seen inside.

As Sveta entered the chasm, he could see an abandoned cart. An open metal cage was n the back of it, partially covered by a tarp. Checkmate saw this as well.
The glowing crystals in the cave walls lit the passageway ahead, which descended deeper into the gloom. The clash of blades and the stomping of hooves could be faintly heard from there. . .


Grey looked at the journal, reading the entry, her horn illuminated when she brought the book up, it's silver glow lighting the room.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


2014 Aug 21, 21:02:26 #28939 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 21, 21:04:24 by ChibiGrrl
The entry in the journal that Grey held had been scrawled sloppily, as if the writer had been in some great hurry.
Even through the messy horn writing and ink splatters, Grey read the page. . .

All our preparations have led to this point. . .
We have finally located the perfect candidate to test our prototype. I have gone over all the necessary preparations
and the Transfer should go as planned. Once it is done, our creation shall finally be complete!
The Artisan provided the Vessel which arrived the other night, it is now safely stored in my study. I, the Inventor, provided the schematics and technological prowess, and the Architect provided a base of operations and made certain that we would not be interrupted. A shame that he didn't share our vision. . .ah well, the stone door is a lovely piece of work, although it takes the magic of three to open it.
The mare will provide useful insight on the transfer of Energies, separating the wheat from the chaff should prove to be an easy task. Although, an interesting question has plagued my mind. . .What shall become of a kind, loving pony when their loving nature is stripped from them?
No matter, that oaf Blade Storm can have whatever is left of the mare as payment for his services to me.

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