If you had an element of harmony, which?

Started by Naura, 2014 May 14, 14:43:57

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Which of the main elements fits you the best?

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I voted on Generosity which is Rarity's element, but I'm also for Kindness as well which is Fluttershy's element. Can't really say I'm for magic because magic doesn't exist in our world.


I have actually thought about this a lot.... I am definetly between Loyalty and Honesty.... I went with Loyalty here.  :P

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Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Aug 05, 09:25:30
I have actually thought about this a lot.... I am definetly between Loyalty and Honesty.... I went with Loyalty here.  :P

So your with Rainbow Dash, huh? Along with Applejack too! I just don't get how you could be the element of Magic though?


... That's a good question XP Guess someone would have to feel particularly magical or something... and not in a unicorn way. *Shrugs*

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Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Aug 05, 13:57:03
... That's a good question XP Guess someone would have to feel particularly magical or something... and not in a unicorn way. *Shrugs*

Maybe perhaps magical in the ways of being intelligent. Because Twilight is definitely that. I do have an IQ of about 120 so hers would probably be the same too. Maybe I should have chosen Magic instead after all! X3


If magic was intelligence then I would definitely think about it more. I do have a heavy value on logic. A lot of how I think is dependent on intellect, actually. I mean that in a philosophical way as well.

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Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Aug 05, 16:50:09
If magic was intelligence then I would definitely think about it more. I do have a heavy value on logic. A lot of how I think is dependent on intellect, actually. I mean that in a philosophical way as well.

Makes a lot of sense if you thought it out. To Twilight Sparkle, she is very smart when it comes to magic so you could be smart of things like history or math. That's why I think that magic would be if it was intelligence.

Pending Storm

Feel free to check out my channel on YouTube, 'Pending Storm', for Let's Plays and funny game clips.


There seems to be a distressing lack of the Element of Taco.
Hmmmmm, if I was to base myself on what most have refereed to me as, then it would be the Element of Kindness.


If food counts, then I'm Element of Banana.

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2014 Aug 12, 19:36:40 #30 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 12, 19:42:00 by my_name_is_not
Quote from: Mizuki on 2014 May 14, 21:48:46
A whole new element? I guess "Obsession", but I guess that doesn't really have anything to do with friendship lol

Starting on this way, magic doesn't really count too... :]

Obsession... Well manner to tell it, 'would be the same for me.

And between the originals... Meh, laughter. I thought to kindness first, but since some time I take it personally as an insult. (omg he refuses his personality, eat him !! O:)


I think I would definitely be honesty... Doesn't matter what I do... I can't lie... not about something more than... Who left the milk out... Then it's never my fault :P

Honesty, Loyalty, and then Kindness... Though Fluttershy is my favorite in MLP by far... Animals are my obsession.. Like... It really detriments me sometimes... Though not enough that I'm a hoarder...

Anywho if I made one up to really fit who I am... Sarcasm! Element of Sarcasm! And Cookies :3
White Pegasus with a baby or robins egg blue/white mane/tail. Long, not short. and ehhh 20% cooler than Rainbow Dash :P If any would like to give a shot at donating art for me? :D :D


I'll jump in on the bandwagon of creating my own element... granted, technically I'm supposed to be Truth (I know I didn't even mention that... it was this predecided thing with my character from the past ^^') I feel like I would be... Imagination. Yea.

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Quote from: cloudwilk on 2014 Aug 13, 18:52:18
I'll jump in on the bandwagon of creating my own element... granted, technically I'm supposed to be Truth (I know I didn't even mention that... it was this predecided thing with my character from the past ^^') I feel like I would be... Imagination. Yea.

That would be a cool element. But isn't this topic a little out of date? Because the Mane 6 now use Rainbow Power instead of the Elements of Harmony!


Why does it matter? It doesn't mean WE couldn't use our own new Elements of Harmony. :P


Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Aug 14, 03:19:52
Why does it matter? It doesn't mean WE couldn't use our own new Elements of Harmony. :P

True, I was just looking at it in a canon like way. The Mane 6 don't use them anymore. But I suppose a new generation would. I don't know.


I went with generosity. If I could make my own... I would go element of Free-Spirit.

Dream Bolt

I would probably be Honesty. :] For all my bad traits, I am honest, if nothing else. Not to mention I'm as bad a liar as Applejack. o_o

Were I to choose an Element to best describe me... perhaps Element of Hope. Despite often being rather negative, I do hold a very strong sense of hope in my heart. (I know because if I hadn't, I would have given up long ago with all the stuff I went through last year and the year before.)
Sadly, despite my hopes, I have not yet been asked to join the Blue Lantern Corps. Drat. >:/


I'd like to say Loyalty...but that's sadly not by best trait... :s
I'd say Kindness...I am very honest...honest to a flaw though...but only with 2 of my friends...
But everyone comments on my kindness though...
They say I'm kind, polite, and all in all a nice adorable foal!

if I were to make UP an element I'd be the element of adorableness! =P


I think I'd be Loyalty, and Honesty...
My own element (since everyone else is doing it so lul)?...
No idea. e_e
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