Land of Equestria: Event - The 7th Orin (JUMP IN)

Started by 7orin, 2014 Apr 29, 17:48:47

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Rush of MLP

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

Rush, a gray unicorn with brown mane, sat upon the side of what was commonly referred to as "his bridge". It wasn't really his bridge, but his constant presence there made it seem like he was attached to it, therefore others simply called it his. He didn't seem to care what others called it, though; to him, it was his escape.

He let loose a sad sigh as he stared into the river below.

"Must I really live here? Trapped by others' hatred?" He said to himself. "This town has become too much of a rotten memory. I must either escape... or perhaps... make friends? Nah. That is foolish."

He then looked towards the Everfree Forest with a blank expression.

"Maybe I should..." He trailed off and stopped talking to himself.


2014 May 11, 08:53:31 #61 Last Edit: 2014 May 11, 13:14:58 by Naura
Naura froze when she heard the scream. She was used to fight everpony that she was afraid of, but she couldn't imagine the creature with such a voice. She ran down to the hole and hoped that it wouldn't find her down there.
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night sees a pony who seems to be looking at the everfree forest strangly "...that pony cannot be thinking about going in here isss he?"
click my dragons please

Rush of MLP

Rush's ears perk up suddenly.
He looks around the bridge, then says, "It oughta be more fun than sitting here." He stands and begins walking towards the edge of Everfree.
Spotting something ahead he stops and his horn glows for a moment. After a light gray light envelopes him, he suddenly vanishes into thin air.
A light whisper can be heard. "Heh heh. Now you see me, now you don't..."


night saw that the pony just disapered now he gets nervous.
click my dragons please


As the beings stood silently in the quiet field(except for the two morons that childishly fought...), Arka spotted a dark and hollow alicorn 4 miles and a gray unicorn 2 miles away from them and directly launched two hollow dagger not far away from them in a world braking speed.

In the dagger contained Arka's own voice saying: many beings are needed for this task. So if you want to help your world, Just touch the blade before you. But if you won't, Your world might not continue to be in any form, Living or Dead... Besides. If you help us with this task, you might get at least some fun and maybe even get some new companions(Friends)...

(JSYK= Just So You Know: Arka is more than the fastest being in any existence, Even fast enough to talk and capture his own voice in a speed that is so fast that it doesn't even affect any of its surroundings)
As Arka Says: ?
As Vral Says: For Every Step You will Make. Another Life You do Take.
As Evor Says: See No Honor, Show No Honor.
As Nusk Says:?
As 7orin Says: I Guide All Life, But none of it's Souls.


The scared griffon peered over the bush to the clear where the being stood.
"Wh-who are you?" She asked, trying to hide her fear. Willow made herself apparent to the things that covered the clearing in shadows.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*


Rush of MLP

The dagger struck the ground near Rush and he staggered, losing his concentration. His invisibility spell failed.

"Gah!" He yelled as he lost his footing, falling face-first into the ground.

He stood up and looked frustratedly at the dagger, which had created a small crater.

"Eh?" He muttered confusedly. He stepped up to the dagger and heard the embedded voice message.

He looked around nervously and laughed.

"Perhaps this is fate?" He shrugged and continued, "Or not. Either way, an adventure is probably just the thing the doctor ordered."

He took up the dagger with one swift motion.


( im going with dashie is dead.) Shadedsword heard about the commotion and concentrated, and sent a message through his mind to the others that they should check it out. They were even closer than the normal siblings... they could use telepathic to send each other thoughts. In the house, they heard, and SilverBells dashed down and teleported them to shaded. And they headed off to check it all out.
Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


2014 May 12, 04:43:43 #69 Last Edit: 2014 May 28, 15:51:30 by 7orin
As the unicorn held the dagger, he disappeared and reappeared in front of the giants. and for the hollow one, he had accidentally tripped on the other dagger and was teleported to them as well. And after everyone was there, Arka spoke...

Arka: We Are The Seven Orin's. We Have Summoned You For Help. AVEN Have Crashed On Your World And Have Endangered Every Life-Form On This Planet. It Have No Social Intelligence At All, So Don't Try To Reason With It In Any Way.  If You Do , It Will Devour You Without A Second Thought. It's Highly Known As The Eraser. We Must Trap It In The Void At Any Cost. Including Your Life's If Necessary...
Are you in?
As Arka Says: ?
As Vral Says: For Every Step You will Make. Another Life You do Take.
As Evor Says: See No Honor, Show No Honor.
As Nusk Says:?
As 7orin Says: I Guide All Life, But none of it's Souls.


Suddenly a part of Willow snapped, and her alter ego showed it's face.
She knew well about her split personality, but as she his in the bush, Willow pleaded with it to stay put.
Clearly that didn't happen.
Willow made her way over to Rush, and looked at Arka.
"My help may not have been summoned, but I am willing to Aid towards the entrapment of the monster if it means Equestria remains free another day." She was bent towards watching The Eraser leave Equestria once and for all.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*



2014 May 12, 08:59:25 #71 Last Edit: 2014 May 12, 15:49:26 by 7orin
As Zecora and Fluttershy found them Arka spoke once more...

Arka: Still. I have to warn you that this is the most powerful living being there is. All of your worlds good and bad powers combined and tripled isn't even a corn of dust compare to it. Therefore i will give you parts of the Orin power.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm honored by the opportunity but i think the Element of Friendship is strong enough  ^-^

Arka: Are you deaf?. Did you not even listen to anything that i just said!. All the magic in your worlds combined isn't even near enough!. So i will let everyone here chose what sort of power they want. Strength, Speed, Magic or anything else.
As Arka Says: ?
As Vral Says: For Every Step You will Make. Another Life You do Take.
As Evor Says: See No Honor, Show No Honor.
As Nusk Says:?
As 7orin Says: I Guide All Life, But none of it's Souls.


Naura heard voices from above the hole, and she hoped that nothing would try to hurt her.
Feel free to check out my [URL=]Oc page[/URL]!


SilverBells, Moon, and Shadedsword found their way there and fitted into the crowd.
Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


Willow blinked.
"So can I help or not?" She asked.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*


Rush of MLP

Rush, who was standing absolutely still and hadn't spoken a word, was staring in awe of the being that was speaking to them. He thought to himself: 'What have I gotten myself into?"

He stared intensely at the being and spoke suddenly after he mentioned giving him and the others the power of their choosing. "How exactly does that work? I understand the powers of Equestria not being able to defeat something like that, no offense Princess, but what is this about you giving us power? And what the heck is an Orin? Please explain."

He was clearly more than a bit flustered about what was just said.


Arka: Urg... Fine. A Orin is the highest god-form there is in any existence and have enough power to destroy a galaxy only by doing a single move. But because of this we are restricted by the Code of Honor. Meaning that we will only use 1% of our powers and forbidden to use our full strength of not needed. we must use 80% of our powers when we fight AVEN, and the rest goes to you. Vral will make a barrier around us so we don't harm your world, and so AVEN can't escape.

Arka: and willow. why do you think you're here if you're not suppose to help?
As Arka Says: ?
As Vral Says: For Every Step You will Make. Another Life You do Take.
As Evor Says: See No Honor, Show No Honor.
As Nusk Says:?
As 7orin Says: I Guide All Life, But none of it's Souls.


The two arguing sisters had stopped hearing something and ran of to investigate, but they didn't get far as they slipped down a pit, unnoticed.

"What do we do now?"

"No idea."


Naura sat and thought to herself in the hole under the tree.
'What do I do, what do I do! This is not a ordinary day for me, no no no no, I must check what's going on up there!"
She ends her thinking and starts to carefully climb up to the edge of the hole so she can look through the bushes.
But she get's a bad hold and falls down again with a big noise. She rubs her head and looks up.
'Oh no! Maybe they heard me!" She thinks, now trying to dig the hole deper so she can get away, but then,
she get's hit by a rock in the head which fell out of of the cave roof, and she passes out.
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When she Passed out she had a dream that she was in a colorful forest with the ground filled with roots that formed a path. she followed it and after a wile it stooped at a unbelievably beautiful cove. she walked around and adored the little waterfalls coming from the mountains, the small glowing butterfly-looking insects and the adorable animals walking around the fields. But when she looked at the large lake beside her, she saw little island in with a giant metal statue facing away from her, looking into the dark forest across from her. She went over a bridge to the little island and walked to the statue. But when she watched into it's gemstone eyes, it awoke. and talked with a gentle but greatly sorrowed voice...

Vral: This was once my only home. Now it's just a fragment of my hollow past...
I can never go back to save my world, but I want you to have the chance to protect yours.
so do you want to stand for your world or shiver before the very eyes of destruction?...
As Arka Says: ?
As Vral Says: For Every Step You will Make. Another Life You do Take.
As Evor Says: See No Honor, Show No Honor.
As Nusk Says:?
As 7orin Says: I Guide All Life, But none of it's Souls.

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