Slender-Pony's Forest RP

Started by FluffleStar, 2014 Apr 18, 00:29:57

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The freaky alicorn was a safe enough distance away...

Skye quickly ran back to the generator... and... turned it on.

She then quickly ran back to the entrance of the room. She looked around to see if any of the freaky ponies heard the generator turn on.

If there was somepony Skye wouldn't have minded hearing her turn the generator on... it would probably be Zsaszz.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


lulu suddenly stops and facehoofs. "why am I looking for him I could just teleport to him." lulu teleports to slendermane.
click my dragons please


2014 May 14, 18:32:33 #202 Last Edit: 2014 May 16, 22:15:16 by Zsaszz
A strange sound echoed through the mine, Zsaszz was still following the rails of the mines when he heard it.

"What the hay was that?" Thought zsaszz, it sounded like if some kind of machinery was powered on somewhere within the mine, without having a better lead, he tried to go to the source of the noise.


lulu walks up to slendermane. "hey slendermane hoodies hurt he needs some help."
click my dragons please


2014 May 14, 19:44:08 #204 Last Edit: 2014 May 14, 19:47:19 by sfg
The faceless Slendermane said nothing to the proxy that approached him as he drained the life out of another pony who happened to have been lost in the forest and tried camping out in an abandoned shack. However, he turned his head slowly to her and in a flash, he was gone. Looks like Slendermane got the message from Lulu and was on his way to feast upon more helpless ponies within his territory. The pony he was torturing, on the other hand, fell to the ground with a loud thud, and vanished into dust as it was being carried away by a breeze that conjured itself through Slendermane's magic.

As Zsaszz was trotting towards the source of the noise he heard, he would eventually rejoin with Skye. The generator emitted a few sparks due to its age and wearing condition. The unstable condition of the generator eventually caused it to short circuit and power down. The maintenance panel, however, flew right open, allowing either pony who might be handy at repairing electrical equipment, to take the time to fix the generator.


lulu watched the dust float away she shrugs and heads back to the mines she liked tha pony that had crashed into her before so she gose to look for the pony in the mines.
click my dragons please


Skye facehoofed. Literally.

The other generator seemed to turn on fine. Yet this one didn't. What was up with that? She sighed.

She noticed Zsaszz approaching her. She spoke to him.

"I tried to turn this thing on but it decided to break. I'm no good with machines. What about you? Think you can fix it?" asked Skye

Completely unaware of the new danger in the mine and the returning "danger" that was coming back to the mine...
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Zsaszz felt a big relief when he saw that Skye was fine, when he approached, the mare told him about the generator that she tried to turn on, but it apparently broke, then she asked him if he could fix it.

"Well...some time ago my brother taught me something of electronic, but not too much of this kind of industrial machinery" but hoping that it could make the illumination on the mines to came back, or help them find a way out,  he tried to fix it.

When he opened the panel, the wires in the interior were full of dust, and some were unplugged, it was no surprise that it had failed, the dust probably make it to overheat when Skye turned it on, he cleaned the generator and started to plug the wires, when he was almost done, he tried to plug in the last wire to the panel then he felt a burst of electricity in his hoof at the moment he plugged it.

"Ouch!, that really hurts" said he, while laughing, a little embarrassed for getting shocked by the generator, and with his hoof still shaking a little.

"Well I hope it works" then he proceeded to try to turn it on one more time, the generator made a strange sound and a few sparks came out from the panel, but then, the main light in the board started to glow in a green color.

The same echoing sound went trough the mine as the generator started to work again.

"Now we need to find a way out of this mine, away from those freaks" said Zsaszz to Skye.


lulu follows the noise and ends up in a room she sees the pony who had crashed into her before and another.
click my dragons please


Skye nodded in agreement with Zsaszz.

She turned around... only to see...

Quote from: Moonspiritz on 2014 May 16, 11:21:54
lulu follows the noise and ends up in a room she sees the pony who had crashed into her before and another.

The look on Skye's face was one of annoyance, and absolute terror. It was the freaky alicorn from before.

Her instincts began to kick in.

The freaky alicorn was blocking the entrance. Just running past it probably wouldn't work.

Skye backed up a little... and took a slightly defensive position... waiting for the freaky alicorn to make their move...

((Yeah... Skye's willing to fight her way out if she has to...  :I ))
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


llu tilts her head in counfusion...she wasen't that scary looking was she? she stays where she is standing looking at them........she decides to say hi. "hi...."
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Zsaszz was still looking at the generator, hoping that it didn't stop functioning again, and waiting for his hoof to recover from the numbness that he felt after the shock from the generator, then, he noticed that Skye was acting strange.

"Huh?, what's wrong Skye?" Then he turned back, he saw what it looked like an alicorn, but it looked different, it could be another one of those things too?.

"Looks like even an alicorn has become one of those things" thought Zsaszz, he kept looking at the alicorn ready to act if she tried to catch them like one of the other two from before.

"Hi....", said the alicorn

"She...spoke?", he wanted to believe that the pony wasn't going to attack them, but the other two freaks were still very present in his thoughts.

He saw Skye, and seeing her ready to react if the alicorn tried to make a move, he stood there too, waiting for the creature to move away from the entrance, so they could escape, or to try to defend themselves if she decided to attack.


lulus ears go down....she looks sad "aawww you guys are scared of me......I just want someone to play with the others are always to busy to play with me....."
click my dragons please


Skye was annoyed. Did this freaky thing really expect them to trust it right away?

Her frustrations finally reached a boiling point.

"DO YOU TAKE US FOR FOALS?! WELL DO YOU?! BECAUSE WE'RE NOT. You'll make us have a false sense of security... and then... we won't be ourselves anymore!! Just like you!! We'll just be mindless puppets!! You might be okay with that, but I'm not!!" shouted Skye


Quote from: Moonspiritz on 2014 May 16, 22:46:05
lulus ears go down....she looks sad "aawww you guys are scared of me......I just want someone to play with the others are always to busy to play with me....."

Skye's right eye began to twitch...

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


.......lulu looks at them "but.......forget it.......i'll leve you ponys to what you deserve and you will be getting no help from me I am no mindless puppet if I were you ponys would not have servived this long." lulu growls at them her eyes flash and there all shrouded in darkness the generator will not be working again or fixable "enjoy your nighmares mean ponys." lulu dispite her playfulness was not a pushover and if you make her angry well like BEN would say you shoulden't have done that. and if your a bully you better pray she doesn't find you as she hates bullys with a passion. at least she had nough courtesy to leave flashlights and batterys.
click my dragons please


Skye looked downward and was clenching her teeth together.

"Think whatever you want. You have no idea what we've been through. Well... you have no idea what I've been through anyway... I've pretty much been chased around by those other freaky ponies A LOT. What do you expect us to do? Trust you immediately? Sorry... that's not how things work. I want to go home. That's all." remarked Skye

Skye carefully then approached one of the flashlight and batteries that the freaky alicorn dropped, keeping an eye on the freaky alicorn as she picked up one of the flashlight and a couple batteries as well.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


"I can't tell the others what to do though I don't agree with what they do all of us other then our leader were created couse you ponys woulden't accept us for what we used to be our leader accepted us and all but in order to stay alive some of us other then me it's not like your princesses are just gona give us the power we feed on why the hey do you think the changlings attacked it was because they were starving. one of us is angry to all others but not to us,the other is very shy. the other is a very powerfull being, and I? well I just like playing. they are like my brothers and our leader....I think of him as dad.......I hope you may get lucky as if you do servive I'm sure I can talk to my leader and you ponys may be able to come in this forest on nicer cercumstances and we would be able to play and you can visit whenever you ponys want without being attacked as long as you don't intifer when there are other ponys stuck in this forest. I see more potential in you ponys then the others who have been here." lulu looks at them and walks away...
click my dragons please


Quote from: Moonspiritz on 2014 May 17, 12:21:34
"I can't tell the others what to do though I don't agree with what they do all of us other then our leader were created couse you ponys woulden't accept us for what we used to be our leader accepted us and all but in order to stay alive some of us other then me it's not like your princesses are just gona give us the power we feed on why the hey do you think the changlings attacked it was because they were starving. one of us is angry to all others but not to us,the other is very shy. the other is a very powerfull being, and I? well I just like playing. they are like my brothers and our leader....I think of him as dad.......I hope you may get lucky as if you do servive I'm sure I can talk to my leader and you ponys may be able to come in this forest on nicer cercumstances and we would be able to play and you can visit whenever you ponys want without being attacked as long as you don't intifer when there are other ponys stuck in this forest. I see more potential in you ponys then the others who have been here." lulu looks at them and walks away...

After the alicorn stopped talking, she left, leaving the batteries and another flashlight that Skye took, Zsaszz stood there thinking on what the alicorn said, several things of what the creature said gave him a terrible feeling.

"She said that they have a...leader?, can their leader be more powerful than her!?" said Zsaszz to Skye, trying to get his thoughts in order, trying to remember everything that she said.

"She said something about us having more potential than others that have been here before,so...that means that there's more ponies that have got lost in here". Said Zsaszz to Skye.

"Could they be some of the ponies that got lost and had became those things!?", many thoughts were crossing through his mind at that moment, and they were only making things worse.

Then, he remembered something that happened when the creature got mad with Skye, it was some kind of dark fog that shrouded the room for a moment, and then banished, he looked back at the generator, and it was off.

"B...but what happened to the generator!?", at that moment he lost his temper, he thought that at least that was going to work out for them, but it didn't, the alicorn shutdown the generator when they weren't looking.

"Why this things don't leave us alone!?" he shouted, then, he kicked the side of the generator in an attempt to release some of his anger, it didn't work much, but then he took a deep breath and started to get his ideas in order.

"*Sigh* Well...I don't think that this generator is gonna work again;'s better that we get on the move, before any of those freaks want to come too" said Zsaszz to Skye, all the bad things that happened to them were starting to get him angry, he changed the battery of Skye Flashlight, then took all the batteries that the alicorn left, and put them in the bag.

"Ok, we're set, let's go" said Zsaszz to Skye, he was more calm now, then he looked at Skye with a smile on his face, "u we're pretty brave to stand up against that thing" said to her. Then he went slowly to the entrance of the room to see if the alicorn was already gone.


lulu sighs....she goes to look for masky...maybe he can cheer her up.
click my dragons please


There wasn't much for Skye to say. It was apparent that Zsaszz was just as freaked out as Skye was.

There was no point to dwell on the freaky alicorn. Though... Skye couldn't help but say something under her breath...

"Yeah... you'll visit us and make everypony like you. You just want to take over all of Equestria..." mumbled Skye.

Either way, it was time to get going. The longer they stayed here, the higher the chance of another freaky pony showing up was.

Skye simply followed Zsaszz and waited to see what they should do next...
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

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