So you're trapped on a mysterious island..... [Jump-In]

Started by Weatherboy1, 2014 Jan 31, 19:33:37

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Slowly peeking out the leaves in the tree, Lunar looks up at the swarm of bees. " Where are these creatures even coming from?!", he thinks as he starts to charge up energy.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Tilien started to fly in a circle slowly forming a small tornado. When it was ready she lowered it to suck up the stinging insects. When the majority of the swarm was in the tornado. "Ok, bees are under control, what the tartarus am i to do with them now? Any ideas?" she called at the ponies on the ground.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Torch Light woke up at the edge of a beach, right by the ocean. Her eyes slowly opened, and, when her eyes were fully open, she jumped up in panic. "This isn't the Royal Celestial cruise ship!" She exclaims, and runs around the beach, panicked.

((Sorry if this isn't any good, I'm still trying to figure out how to roleplay D: ))


"Perfect!" Lunar says then he shoots the blast of fire at the tornado turning it into a fire tornado.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Electric pants and notices shes on the other side of the island. Hmmm... Electric soon sees a panicked pony and trots up to her. hey you okay?
Stay Happy!


Seeing as we've lost so many fridays of monsters, It's time to release 4 of them! HAVE FUN! suddenly, a swarm of football sized bees come into the fight! Then 2 Red Dragons come! Then over the horizon, you see a pack of hyenas! Then an army of marshmellow men comes over the horizon, chasing after the Hyenas!  have fun....


2014 Mar 27, 21:52:35 #406 Last Edit: 2014 Mar 30, 23:46:33 by LunarDusk
Lunars eyes widen as soon as he sees the monsters at once. " You gotta be kidding me." He shakes his head then flies in the air. "Ill crush you marshmellows and insects", he whispers with an evil grin on his face.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



As the flames spread across the artificial tornado Tilien flew away from it and watched as the bees burned. Then the other monsters came. "Oh, for the love of..." She flew in fast, catching the attention of the two red dragons, who started to chase her across the islands sky.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Electric saw the hyenas and the marshmallow men. .....wat.....
Stay Happy!


Lunar tilts his head up at the clouds to charge up his magic and whispers. " Say you prayers insects." Lunar finishes charging then sends lightning bolts at the marshmellow men and hyenas.
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



((May I join as well?))  X3

A lone mare comes upon the scene; gasping at the apocalyptic display. The echoing commotion of cackling hyenas, their rampaging confectionery mutations, and the full force of nature's wrath consumed the island.
Taking her personal stun gun from its holster, she rushed forward to aid the small collection of ponies ahead of her.


((yeah, sure, go ahead and join ^-^ the more the better))

After some time of being chased by the two dragons Tillien was in desperate need of a rest. She flew up high and hid in the clouds.

((Tillien is a grey feathered griffon, just to let the newcomers know))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


((Thanks! this is my first roleplay, i'll be honest so my bad if i make a mistake  :l))

Shelly rushes towards the battlefield, a tide of vertigo rushing over her. She felt sick to her stomach and wondered if she could fight. Her weapon levitating in front of her with the use of her unicorn magic, she changed the output setting and fired a single concussive bolt of electricity at an approaching hyena.


another friday has passed, so that means another monster/thing!
Suddenly a small army of Earth Golems joins the battle already raging between the warring factions! The Earth Golems have earth magic which controls... earth and stuff...


From her hiding cloud, Tilien looked to the ground and saw the golem army. What? Oh, for the love of... She growled, which was not wise as it attracted the attention of her dragon pursuers. The rest she got was not nearly enough, and now she is again dodging fire blasts and has a ever harder time to avoid them. I need to get rid of these dragons... She thought and did a barrel roll to the right, attempting to evade a rather big fire ball, but the feathers of her left wing caught on fire. She plummeted down, straight the lake. The impact knocked her out for a second, forcing her to resurface shortly for air, only to be greeted with another fireball. Every time she resurfaced she needed to dive again, but got at least a bit of air every time. Oh come on, these guys don't have endless energy and fire reserves, they must get tired sooner or later... I hope that sooner...
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Lunar looks down while recovering due to shooting lightning then his eyes widen. "Golems now?!" he says while turning to Tilen "We don't seem to be getting anywhere."
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Tilien swam as deep as possible and then resurfaced even faster, splashing a lot of water on the two dragons, which was enough to cool their bodies, making fire breathing impossible, and flying quite hard. The dragons retreated and Tilien crawled on the shore, then Lunar came and said his line. "Yeah... I suggest an tactical retreat. There's pretty much nothing we can do now but to run with our tails between our legs..." she sighed, half from exhaustion and half from frustration. Her feathers are soaked and she is unable to fly as of now.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Lunar flies down to Tilen and starts to lift her up. "Whats the problem, are you unable to fly or something?"
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



"My feathers are soaked, its impossible to fly for me now, until they dry up that is." Tilien explained. "Where are all these monsters coming from?"
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

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