Started by The Clockwork King, 2013 Nov 17, 18:57:30

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The Clockwork King

2013 Nov 17, 18:57:30 Last Edit: 2013 Nov 20, 05:51:58 by The Clockwork King
Equestria, an unknown year.
It happened so...suddenly.
It was as if the gods of the world, of the delicate balance that kept the land spinning through the cosmos, had simply...
Even the Elements of Harmony, so eternal in the hearts of all, and their bearers...
Vanished without a trace.
Without their guidance the world quickly fell into a somewhat organised disarray in the absence of the Disorganised Draconnequis.
The sun and moon hang in a perpetual eclipse of the sky, the world turned grey in eternal twilight with neither of the Celestial Sisters to lower their charges.
The land is cold and dusty, the water is muddy, plants dying out, rain comes but once a month without the tender touch of the Life Lord.
Even time seems slower without the preciseness of the Clockwork King, his vast factories silent, his soldiers still, an eerie silence echoes outwards all across the world.
The magical field unique to Equestria and beyond is failing, rendering magical abilities a risk for those that still have them.
Yet, as it is expected, Ponykind clings on with scant few others, griffon and zebra tribes, a dragon or two are spotted occasionally by wandering herds, hoping to find a place of rest so they may sleep without fear of attack in the night.
Not from Timberwolves, or Sea Serpents that climbed out of whatever is left of their life-giving lakes, but each other.
In a world with limited food and water, where riches are worthless and the rags on your back are all that stands between life and hypothermia, bitterness and prejudice thrives.
Your first night's sleep in four days may be your last, your allies may be eyeing that flask of water you stole a few days back, not everyone is how they seem and yet they may be your only means of survival.
There is no magical reset button, there is no beacon to bring the deities back, no ancient cities of prophecies of chosen ones, no amount of magical prowess, sonic rainbooms or applebucking will change your fate or the fate of the world.
You must tell the kindest lies and the most hurtful truths.
You are judged by character, not accomplishment.
You will always be alone, no matter how many your herd numbers.
To win, you must outlast everything and everypony using whatever means you can.
To win, you must survive.
Rules of the Game
1.There must only be one being per player, races will be listed alongside benefits and deficits in the Sign-Up section. Upon being accepted into the game, you will receive a PM detailing your secondary mission in this game. Unlike the Primary objective, which is to survive, the Secondary is occasionally optional and sometimes persistent.
2.If a character is deemed too overpowered, I will enforce deficits upon that character, which are mandatory and must be complied with. Judge of Character will take place in Sign-Up and will feature the deficit of need be. Contests of any ruling are welcome in OOC.
3.A day in game time is equal to 4 GM posts, which will announce Dawn, Noon, Dusk and Midnight in that order. These will come whenever I deem it so, unless a time-skip is required (All players must request a skip for one to be made, please do this in the OOC), and will usually come with new information about your current location(s). GM posts used when entering a new area will be marked with a MINOR and do not contribute to the passing of time, or they might, you never know.
4.This will be a 98% non-combat Roleplay, meaning that players are expected not to go looking for a fight, even if it may be beneficial at times. Remember, your 'allies' may not require a hard-headed buffoon that does not contribute at least a little to the group. If this is so, I suggest changing your attitude...or watching your back at night.
5.Unlike RP's where characters can go for weeks without food, water or sleep, this one will aim to be different. At every GM post the characters will receive a deduction from how full, awake, healthy and hydrated they are. Some races will feel the passing of time a lot less than others, but these will come with their own downsides that may leave you unpopular with your group. It is advisable you do not let any level reach 0%, for you will eventually lose the game. Unlike most games, you will receive a second chance in the form of The Traveller should you fall, though this is a one-time-only, so don't push your luck.
6.'Death' is handled cleanly, if you do not heed the Traveller's warning and reach 0% for another term you simply drop. Proceed directly to Sign-Up and delete your original sign up, then create another character with a brand new mission/problem. Your 'allies' are free to squabble over who gets to loot the body, and no knowledge is to be carried over from your first life to your second one.
7.If the GM does not describe it, it is not there. The only way around this is if you can see things that others cannot, in which a description may be provided. If you do begin seeing what nobody else can, you may just be crazy from that water a while back.
8.Both speaking and doing at the same time requires two sentences minimum, and though staying silent to think is accepted, standing still and talking is hardly descriptive. Are you kicking dust as you talk, sitting/lying down to rest, poking the fire? Get in your character's horseshoes.
9.The usual, no real-world politics, religion, bullying of characters outside of RP (or inside, if you have no reason to), graphic scenes of violence, substance abuse and other inappropriate material that is not found in these forums. You all should know the drill, or read the forum rules on the main page to familiarize/remind yourselves. Closest we'll get to violence is broken bones, cuts and bruising, as well as some infections if you're not careful around some environments. Cuddles and kisses are also fine, as well as pony swears.
10.Have fun. Yes, the tone of the game is serious and the goal is very serious, but fortune favours those who can make a friend in this land, and fate may be kind to those who can find laughter in dark times. I am not going to force anyone anywhere if I can help it, you guys go where you want, I'll provide the scenery, benefits and problems that come with that choice. I'll admit that sounds kind of lazy on my part, but what do you want me to do? Give you guys a countdown clock to who knows what and leave you to figure it out? Don't be silly, hahaha-haha...haaa... *kicks bomb under desk*
•Hold on Clockwork, you said the Sun and Moon hang in the sky at all times in a solar eclipse, how can there be times of day if this is the case?
The planet is not under anyone's governing , or at least none of the deities that left, and thus continues to spin. The slightly unnerving nature of the 'daytime' will come when the sun will remain in the exact same place for all players, no matter where they are. Spooky.
•How many days per month are we talking here, saying there is only so much one can do in a day?
20 days counts as a month in this roleplay, not as arduous as 30 but not as easy as 10, I do want my players to survive long enough to see the rain. Days will be numbered accordingly for reference. There are 10 months to a year for those who want to aim high.
•Tell us about the rain and when it occurs.
One word: Clouds. As a month goes by, clouds will begin to form in the sky from what water is left in the daytime. The start of every month is the wettest, due to rainfall happening the night before, while the day before rainfall is the driest because all the moisture is in the air. So that would make the driest day the 19th, Rain Day the 20th and the wettest day the 1st of the next month. Rain is more beneficial to the player when taken directly from the air, being better at quenching thirst and being healthier than water from the ground. Some species can, however, drink dirty water from the ground without side effects, but for most it will lead to large penalties to health levels.
•Anything we should look out for/be wary of?
Those figures in black cloaks might seem great at first, but be careful around them if you begin indulging
The night brings out the best and worst in beings as time goes on, be on your guard.
You might find some documentation of what happened to the deities in select places, but not every premonition may be correct.
Those that are still aren't as still as you'd think...

Post Merge

White Shimmer:

  • Food:90%

  • Water:100%

  • Sleep:90%

  • Health:100%

Eagle Eye:

  • Food:90%

  • Water:90%

  • Sleep:100%

  • Health:100%

CEO of Clockwise Industries, Master of the Empire of Gears, Ave Dominus ex Tempore!


So should I just jump in normally or what?
ay i'm no longer using this site

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