
Started by Lunicous, 2013 Oct 03, 18:45:34

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2013 Oct 03, 18:45:34 Last Edit: 2013 Oct 03, 18:54:20 by Lunicous
Race-Earth pony
Coat color-Cream
Mane style/color-Blond:Spikes up slightly in the front.
Cutie mark-A knights sword.
Occupation-Royal guard.(Left and is now apart of a carnival as a stunt stallion)

Lunicous may seem to appear as mature due to his mold expression and his well built body structure.
But trust me he is merely a colt trapped in a soldiers body as he had gotten himself into quite some trouble in the past.
Quite a talker and a great sense of humor Lunicous is determined to make his friend Willow wisp to pull down that hood of hers and to smile no matter how hard he has to try. His occupation of a knight started when he lost his father in battle at a very young age of a colt turning him into a somber figure. He would often stare at his fathers sword dreaming of the day when he would be just as strong as he was. (WIP feel free to leave comments)

Midnight Breeze

Mold expression?

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