The Journey to be the Prettiest Pony, starring Bucky Geldin

Started by Jack_Daft, 2013 Jul 10, 14:14:05

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The Journey to be the Prettiest Pony, Starring Bucky Geldin.

Hello there everybody everypony! My name is "Jack_Daft" and since all the cool ponies are doing it, I just want to be popular too so I'll make a an introduction thread here on Legend of Equestria! So let's get this train wreck a'rolling!

How did you get associated with bronies?: I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a red blooded Brony here, but I am a fan of the show and the media Bronies usually produce. I heard about this show when Season 1 was underway and it completely baffled me why teenagers and adults were absolutely enthralled by a seemingly innocent cartoon. Confused (yet very intrigued) by the hype, and being encouraged by Internet peeps, I decided to give it a go. There was a MLP thread on a forum I participate in, and recommended the Dragonshy episode. Hey! It wasn't bad! Good animation, amusing characters, and doesn't talk down the viewer like some dumb child. I started from the two part beginning, then finished the whole season within a few days. Like a steady incline, my appreciation for PONIES skyrocketed and I was hooked. It was very refreshing to watch a new cartoon that was entertaining in so many ways.

Are you a Brony? Do you have a ponysona/Original Character?: I wouldn't label myself as a Brony, rather just a fan. I'm no stranger to having an identity since I used to muck around the furry fandom, but since I got involved in Legend of Equestria, I had to make a character. So, "Bucky Geldin" was born. I don't have a well thought out character background, let alone a set appearance for him. So maybe down the line I'll throw a couple of bucks at someone for a pony commission of my OC (original character, do not steal  ovO )

"Bucky -Geldin-"? Err, doesn't that mean...: Yes, don't google the last name if you're faint of heart.  And no I am not into that. I found it an amusing and equine appropriate name.

Have you attended any Brony functions? Meets? Conventions?: Nope! I've been offered to attend some local meet ups to watch new episodes of the show a year or two ago, but I wouldn't jive with the company. Conventions are a big maybe. I'd be curious to check one out, but I've been to enough furry conventions to be bitter and jaded when being around a bunch of nerds with a poor grasp on hygiene.

Tell us about yourself because we're all so interested!: I'm a 25 year old male, and I currently reside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania US. I work as a critical care paramedic and live with my boyfriend (5 years) in our own house. When I'm not working, I bum around home. Videogames are a big hobby of mine, mostly a PC gamer though. Music has always been a second passion of mine. I have lots of music theory under my belt and play a variety of instruments. I'm best at piano and bass guitar (I love my Fender P-Bass), and I've been in bands on and off and performed at a few gigs. A year or two ago I was thrust into the DJ scene and have been giving that a go. Had a few gigs with that too, using my MacBook Pro, Traktor Pro 2, and a Pioneer DDJ setup.  So, videogames and music, not that much different from many ponies here I guess.

Why are you interested in Legend of Equestria? : MMOs are a guilty pleasure of mine, and seeing one in the pony universe got me interested too.  I usually love being a part of videogames during their development and the prospect of a decent MLP game in the works piqued my curiosity. Not to mention, it seems like a great environment to start my budding, illustrious career as a pony. Everypony seems alright here so I'm happy to give this the old college try.  It reminds me of an old furry game "Furcadia" which was just a big graphical chat room with role playing and furries.

Favorite Pony!?: Among the "Mane Six"? I suppose I like Rarity the best.  ;) But of the entire cast, I have the biggest crush on Braeburn and Hoity Toity.  <3

Favorite pony song!?: Art of the Dress

Favorite episode?!: From the same episode as my favorite song, the season 1 episode with Rarity making dresses for everyone. My boyfriend tailors on the side and I've seen the same frustration from him and from Rarity when tailoring.  DD:

Pardons for the wall of text, but that should be an adequate introduction. I look forward to all the good times and happenings here on Legend of Equestria with the pony folk.  :]

LoE: Bucky Geldin
Level 1 Sugarcane Farmer Earf Pony


Hi my new friend and welcome to the Legends of Equestria forum! I wish you to have the best stay here and make lots of friends! And most important HAVE FUUUN!! :D
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us you in the madness my friend  ^-^


Oh, I've been meaning to reply.

Thanks a bunch for replying!  I appreciate the warm welcome.  :]

LoE: Bucky Geldin
Level 1 Sugarcane Farmer Earf Pony

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