"Post count" not counting correctly

Started by Night Striker, 2017 Aug 30, 08:28:52

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Night Striker

Just as the title says, I don't really care too much about it, but it fells weird to see the number barely change at all after posting/replying a few things in topics.

While I may not be part of LoE staff, I always try to help others who might have problems in LoE the best I can because I want others to share my enjoyment of the game. ^-^

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Thread Games do not go toward your post count

Night Striker

That just seems like a very odd reason to not count towards it. Was there a problem or something in the past where posting in thread games shouldn't be counted towards post count?

While I may not be part of LoE staff, I always try to help others who might have problems in LoE the best I can because I want others to share my enjoyment of the game. ^-^

Want to be in a herd? PM to get more details to join the NLR!


Well, it says I only have 100 and something even though I spend almost all my time in Roleplay and easily have over 100 posts on multiple individual RPs



According to my own stats, I should be in the top 10 of 2 of the above.

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RP posts do not go towards your post count either.

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