I wrote some backstory....

Started by AH PyrotechNick, 2015 Dec 27, 23:23:21

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AH PyrotechNick

I spent some time tonight working on the backstory for my OC PyrotechNick. Let me know what you guys think

     PyrotechNick was born on the outskirts of Las Pegasus to a unicorn father and earth pony mother (both of mixed blood themselves). He took an early fascination with technology and science, doing very well in his science classes in school. He often liked to take things apart and see how they worked. His was a curious mind, and he sought to learn the concepts that drove innovation. He first discovered his affinity for fire while camping with his dad and older brother. He would always insist on being the "fire master", and would often poke at the fire or simply stare into it, admiring its simplistic beauty. Ever since then, he loved finding new ways to make beautiful flames or magnificent explosions. When he became a working lad, he started making fireworks for celebrations. After building a bit of a reputation for it, he started doing the pyrotechnics for concerts. He started off doing small, local gigs, but soon found himself occasionally going to downtown Las Pegasus to do shows for Sapphire Shores and Countess Coloratura.

     Now an adult, he had started training a few younger ponies to help out with his growing business. Whenever they weren't working, they would often go out seeking adventure and adrenaline. They even took a trip once across Equestria, just to have a race through dragon territory. Unfortunately for them, it was nesting season, and they would not escape unscathed. The oldest of his friends, who had been working with him the longest, had taken a nasty fire blast to the wing, and was grounded for weeks. While Pyro himself - being quite the strong flyer - didn't suffer any long term injuries, he still left with a few minor burns and claw marks from a persistent adolescent dragon. Upon returning home, Pyro and his friends learned of a coming attack from Chrysalis and her changeling army. With the imminent conflict, he focused his efforts on finding ways to fight the changelings rather than make pretty boomsticks. He invented a flight assist system that would help pegasi fly faster and for longer distances, with less effort. It was a piece of light, but strong armour that would affix to the leading edges of a pegasus' wings, containing small, powerful servos attached to sensors that would read the movement of the wing muscles and assist in making the movements. Pyro was a strong flyer already, but with this flight-enhancing armour, he could come very, very close to creating a sonic rainboom. With a few models, he even built in some... surprises. With the large guard force that protected Las Pegasus, they were able to drive the changeling army away, perhaps to attempt their invasion elsewhere...

     Unfortunately, PyrotechNicks parents were both killed in the attacks. After that, he couldn't just go back to life as usual. After thinking about his life for a few weeks, he decided it was time for a change, so he packed up what few belongings he cared to take with him, sold his parents' house, and left. He remembered meeting somepony in a pub in Horseshoe Bay, just south of Baltimare on his trip home from the dragon lands that was from some place called Ponyville. The pony - a doctor of some kind  - really made the place sound lively and yet, simple. Just the kind of place Pyro was looking for. After leaving his business to the young stallions he had trained, he headed to Ponyville, unsure of what his life was to become...

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