Life in the stars (Jump in)

Started by Snowcraft_Pony, 2014 May 10, 10:54:43

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((All normal, besides gravity, which is at 78%))

Zander Slade

(Plasma Wrench, Male Pegasus, Purple coat, glowing blue eyes, cutie mark is a wrench around a glowing green multi-shaded orb)
Plasma readjusted his suit, trying to get more comfortable.


(North Wind, Male Pegasus, Cream coat, sky-blue mane, three snowflakes cutie mark)
North Wind turned on his Nexus Storage Unit (a disc-like object that can summon a pocket dimension that one can store things in) and pulled out a metal collar. He put it on, and a cyan stripe in the middle began to glow.
Derp race!
[move] :P[/move]
[move]    :P[/move]
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"Alright, keep our friend contained, and less move," Starlight commanded.


North Wind started to fly next to Starlight and said, "Tey'lo, huh? I always wondered why you never had problems with high-gravity scenarios in training." North Wind took off the collar and put it back on a different way, muttering, Gosh, I wish I didn't have to wear this thing."
Derp race!
[move] :P[/move]
[move]    :P[/move]
[move]       :P[/move]
[move]          :P[/move]


Starlight looked ahead and jumped, her jump was incredible, at least three meters high. "Less talkin', more walkin'!"

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