My OCs

Started by FairyTaleFantasies, 2014 May 11, 20:05:32

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2014 May 11, 20:05:32 Last Edit: 2014 May 11, 20:18:20 by FairyTaleFantasies
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Aqua Light has a dark blue coat and an aqua-blue mane and tail with darker blue headband and streaks. Her cutie mark are two dolphins forming the shape of a heart. Aqua Light has pale green eyes and her mane is usually short.


15 years old

Aqua Light is a very stubborn pony, yet not the most graceful even if she isn't in a rush to do something. She usually has some...grammar OCD, and can be very easily annoyed been by the slightest grammar mistake in somepony's sentence, though she often tries to hide her annoyance. Aqua Light is a very serious pony and can sometimes have a very dry sense of humor. However, despite those traits, if you are her friend, Aqua Light treats you like the most wonderful pony in the world and can do some friendly teasing sometimes, has a better attitude and sense of humor, and she can sometimes goof off if she has the chance to do so.

Cutie Mark;;
Two dolphins forming the shape of a heart. Her special talent obviously has something to do with marine life and things like that, but it also means that she has a certain understanding to

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