My OC Sundew!

Started by PrettyFlyForAScienceGuy, 2014 Jul 14, 21:47:33

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Let's get the boring part out of the way

Name: Sundew
Age: 20
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Cutie Mark: Venus Fly-Trap

A pegasus that became entranced at a young age with the plants on the ground that he never looked back up to the skies.  After growing up in a small house outside of Manehatten, Sundew has made himself a bit of a celebrity in the plant world for his strange and unusual plants he breeds (like his trademark venus fly-trap!).  He has recently been interested in studying the vast flora of the Everfree Forest. 


Oh gosh I love him! *-*

Not to be confused with Zukiuke


Thanks so much!  Originally, Sundew started as a Fluttershy double, in a way.  Where Fluttershy is an animal lover, Sundew is a plant lover and they both had similar personalities to begin with.  But after awhile, Sundew kinda developed his own personality that really set him apart from his origins. 

I can't wait to have enough time to roleplay as him in the forums!

Shadow Mare



I like em! Considering the amount of information put on his bio, I imagine that you will either explain more about him as you go along, or you will give more info later. Therefore, I can only say a little bit. Mainly, I like this guy!
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


I mean, there's a lot about him (I wrote 13 fics with him) but I just don't know what all to write here, haha.


Well then! If you wrote that much, would you kindly give us links to these works? Or were they more personal notes fics? Regardless, as long as you know what and how to show him, Congrats!
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


Unfortunately I'm not totally confident in my works so I haven't posted them online yet, but maybe someday!  But I basically wrote 13 show-length episodes for Sundew to give him his own story arc.


Cute! We have a storyboard ... board that you could put them there and have people look over them for you.
I believe the shape of happiness resembles glass. Even though, we don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there, we merely need to change our point of view slightly, and that glass will sparkle whenever it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else can argue its own existence so perfectly


I'm gonna leave this here, stolen from the how well do you know your OC thread, haha.

Spoiler: The questions • show

1:What's your OCs favorite color?

The most plant-like one; so definitely green.

2:Where does your OC work?

Sundew works as a plant doctor as well as the occasional flower show judge.  But he also spends many hours in the Everfree Forest cataloging all the strange and unusual plants there.

3:What's your OCs favorite food?

Sundew's biggest weakness is a good ole deep dish veggie pizza.

4:Does your OC have a favorite drink?

Rose Water; it's the only reason he grows roses!

5:How old is your OC?


6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers?

Some say he can actually talk to plants; but that's ridiculous!

7:Is your OC in a relationship?

Only with his research.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths?

Sundew has a photographic memory and is, on the whole, very brave.  I mean come on, he wanders in the Everfree in his free time!

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses?

He's afraid of letting other ponies down.  He also has a habit of not thinking clearly when he's inspired to do something.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit?

His white shirt with two black stripes is fine by him!

11:What is your OCs spirit animal?

Probably a timberwolf.  I mean look at those things!  Sundew thought the insect-eating Venus fly-traps were mystifying.  These things are the next step up!

12:Is your OC currently in school?

No, but that doesn't mean he hasn't stopped learning.

13:What is your OCs earliest memory?

His mom watering a plant that she put into Sundew's bedroom's window.

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?

There are cell phones in Equestria?

15:What makes your OC angry?

Blatant disregard for plants; I mean come on!  For all they do for us and you're going to treat them so poorly because they can't defend themselves?  What kind of pony are you?!

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year?

The Summer Sun Celebration.  Sundew usually goes all out for it!

17:How long can your OC hold their breath?

Like 15 seconds?  I bet longer if he practiced.

18:What is your OCs favorite holiday?

See number 16, but I guess I'll go into more detail.  As a plan enthusiast, of course Sundew's favorite holiday is the one to celebrate the sun that lets plants live!

19:What usually bums your OC out?

Soggy hay.  Weirdest thing.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza?

Go back to his favorite food!  But Sundew's personal favorite topping is sliced tomatoes.

21:Who is your OCs best friend?

Sundew doesn't really have any 'best' friends, but he does try to make friends anywhere he goes.

22:Has your OC ever been arrested?

There's a funny story about this one... But that's for a later time.

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret?

Question 22.

24:What does your OC smell like?

Usually a bouquet of flowers, but not the kind you'd give to someone you like.

25:What time of year does your OC prefer?

All but winter, but fall and spring suit him best; it's not so hot!

26:What race is your OC?

Pegasus, but he likes to keep his hooves planted firmly in the ground.

27:What languages does your OC speak?

Nothin' fancy.

28:Does your OC like anime? Western Cartoons?

Anime?  Western cartoons?  Do they have those in Equestria, or are they with the cell phones?

29:Can your OC swim?

I can't honestly say I've ever seen him try, but he's never been by a body of water large enough to swim in.  He's usually in bogs with his waders.

30:What would be your OCs favorite movie?

Same with Question 28.

31:Does your OC believe in fairies?

Of course not, that's sill nonsense... then again, maybe I haven't found them yet.  Seeing is believing after all.

32:Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?

Nope, he's self-educated in his field of botany.

33:How many family members does your OC have?

A mom, dad, brother, and sister. 

34:Is your OC a huge fan boy/girl over anything?

Venus fly-traps.  Those are cool.

35:How flexible is your OC?

He can touch his nose with his hoof?

36:What if they were gender bent?

Then he would be she.  His name probably wouldn't change though.

37:What was your OCs first word?

Wheeler.  It's his brother's name, well, his older brother's name is Waterwheel, but everypon calls him Wheeler.  Sundew and Wheeler don't get along, so their parents always bring up the fact that Sundew's first word was his brother's name.  This is often cited as 'the only time they got along.'

38:Does your OC have any pets?

No but he swears with the way the rabbits are eating his flowers, he has a whole warren of pets.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy?

Sundew doesn't make enemies and even his rivals are friendly. 

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done?

Question 22.

41:What is your OCs motto about life?

"To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent ponies and the affection of foals; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy foal, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea?

He's been known to indulge in a cup of tea every now and then, but it really isn't his cup of tea.  Nor is coffee.

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero?

His baby sister, Venus.

44:What color eyes does your OC have?

They were blue but as his eye sight has worsened over the years of prolonged sunlight exposure, they've dulled to grey.

45:Does your OC like reading?

Of course!  He reads monthly plant magazines thrice over!

46:Is your OC loyal?

Extremely so.  His fear is letting others down so if you put your trust in him, he'll do his best to not let you down.

47:Does your OC tolerate violence?

Never.  Violence never solved anything except more violence.

48:What social class is your OC?

Middle class, but in the plant circuit, he's a bit of a celebrity.  Not that that's saying much...

49:What country was your OC born in?

Equestria?  More specifically Manehatten, though.

50:Does your OC cry easily?

Sundew's empathy is usually through the roof, so he'll cry as easily as the person around him does.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music?

Bluegrass; did you expect something else?

52:How does your OC feel about insects?

Well this is an interesting question for the pony with a venus fly-trap emblazoned on his flank.  Sundew rates bugs at just below plants on coolest things ever.  Plants rely on insects to pollinate their flowers and they serve as food for carnivorous plants.  He wholly respects the importance of insects.  But that doesn't mean a spider sneaking up on him unexpectedly won't give him a jump.

53:What are your OCs hobbies?

Besides gardening and all that, Sundew does have a hobby of carpentry and often builds all kinds of structures to hold plants in unique ways.

54:Does your OC use any medication?


55:What gender is your OC?


56:What kind of clothes or accessories does your OC wear?

Glasses and a button down shirt and he pretty much wears them all the time.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous?

Totally!  He's always up for an adventure!

58:Is your OC social?

Most people think that Sundew is introverted because he spends all day looking at plants, but that's just simply not true.  Sundew enjoys the company of ponies just as much as plants.

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?

That he's orange?

60:Does your OC enjoy nature?

He loves everything.

Spoiler: The origins of your OC • show

1. When and how did you get inspired to create them?

Well, I was in college when I created him, and he was supposed to be more of a ponysona than an OC.  I study botany (at the time, carnivorous plants) at college so I made an OC that liked plants.  Then he kinda morphed into more of a character I wish I could be more like.

2. How did you decide on their personality, interests, etc?

Again he's based off of me quite a bit, but some of his mannerisms are based off of Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors.

3. Why did you give them the name you did?

This took the longest time to figure out.  I wanted to name him something plant like, but I didn't know what.  I couldn't name him Venus fly-trap because that's ridiculous, but the name Venus was given to his sister.  Waterwheel, another carnivorous plant, was a name I also scrapped, but later gave to his brother.  Pitcher plants are carnivorous but that's also a ridiculous name.  Sundew was decided because it's a carnivorous plant, it sounds whimsical like a pony name, and the name just really fit his appearance.

4. Compare yourself to your OC in any areas from genres, hobbies, anything.

I would say that in the beginning Sundew was 100% me, but now he's more 50% me.


What a nice OC! He's adorable, and you're creative.  ^-^
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


Quote from: Princess Button on 2014 Jul 24, 15:17:02
What a nice OC! He's adorable, and you're creative.  ^-^

Thanks a bunch, Princess Button!

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