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Messages - Rusty-Watch

Might just be me on this, but it's a pet peeve of mine when people try to give a name to their OC like "Shining Blade" or "Dark Shadow" or "Silent Knife". It makes you look like you're a twelve year old on Xbox Live. All you need to do is add an XX to the start and end and you're golden.

Moderator note:Please refrain from using inappropriate language, thanks
The smell of toast, wool, and iron. Typical from a stallion such as Pitch Black. Always wearing that wool longcoat, even during the summer, always wearing that pickelhaube, even though he's not fighting, and always smelling like toast for some reason. Foals are being watched, bills are paid. Time to relax. As he approaches the pool, he unbuttons the jacket, putting it on a table far away from the pool, placing his helmet on top of his coat. Then he approaches the pool. Tapping it with his hoof to make sure the water is fine, he slowly steps inside. "Good evenin'." He said, his accent completely indeterminable. Sounded eastern, yet upper-class, yet somehow like a lower class pony at the same time.
Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2014 Aug 08, 15:54:28
Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us you in the madness my friend  ^-^

I appreciate it, though the roleplay section seems a lot more active than on most pony boards I've been to. It's a bit overwhelming...
Spoiler: Pitch Black • show
1:What's your OCs favorite color? Hm... I'd go with orange.

2:Where does your OC work? Sort of an independent. One day he could be mixing potions, the next he could be delivering packages.

3:What's your OCs favorite food? Garlic cheesy bread with jalapenos and hotsauce sprinkled on it.

4:Does your OC have a favorite drink? Orange cream soda.

5:How old is your OC? 28

6:Does your OC have any supernatural powers? Well, besides magic, he might be a changeling. He's rather silent on that, though.

7:Is your OC in a relationship? Used to be, got two foals out of it.

8:What are some of your OCs strengths? Pitch Black, befitting his name, is rather stealthy. Chances are he could sneak into your house, make himself dinner, and sneak out without you noticing.

9:What are some of your OCs weaknesses? Prone to paranoia and a bit too protective of his kids.

10:What is your OCs favorite outfit? A spiked helmet resembling a Pickelhaube (though with a picture of Luna's cutie mark printed on the front rather than the iron cross.), and a long, grey wool coat.

11:What is your OCs spirit animal? What?

12:Is your OC currently in school? No.

13:What is your OCs earliest memory? Something involving a lobster suit. Can't remember all of it but he knows it was there.

14:Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind? Pitch owns a cellphone, though it's not a touch screen. (He can't figure the bloody things out). It's a standard flip phone.

15:What makes your OC angry? Canterlot and Manehatten accents.

16:When is your OCs favorite time of year? Fall

17:How long can your OC hold their breath? About 20 seconds.

18:What is your OCs favorite holiday? Nightmare Night

19:What usually bums your OC out? His son won't take off his fez.

20:What's your OCs favorite kind of pizza? Pepperoni with jalapenos and hot sauce.

21:Who is your OCs best friend? His two foals, Felt Top and Chem Craze

22:Has your OC ever been arrested? Once when he was 17. Stole a hat from somepony, I believe.

23:Whats your OCs biggest secret? He's a changeling He has occasional cupcake binges whenever he's in Ponyville.

24:What does your OC smell like? Toast.

25:What time of year does your OC prefer? Fall. Not too hot, but not cold enough to justify huddling inside.

26:What race is your OC? Unicorn, supposedly.

27:What languages does your OC speak? English, Greek, and Celtic (supposedly. Might just be gibberish that sounds like those languages)

28:Does your OC like anime? Western Cartoons? Anime disturbs him. Western Cartoons are on a case-by-case basis.

29:Can your OC swim? Yes.

30:What would be your OCs favorite movie? Spaceballs

31:Does your OC believe in fairies? With changelings, griffons, breezies, dragons and all those other things roaming around, fairies aren't that odd, so yes.

32:Did your OC go to college? What did they major in? Went to Canterlot University and majored in Equestrian History.

33:How many family members does your OC have? Father, mother, twin sister, brother, son, and daughter.

34:Is your OC a huge fan boy/girl over anything? Show him a game in the Foalout series and he'll start squeeing.

35:How flexible is your OC? Physically or mentally?

36:What if they were gender bent? Pitch has had to disguise himself as a mare before, this wouldn't be too shocking.

37:What was your OCs first word? "Potato!"

38:Does your OC have any pets? He used to have a dachsund named Lump, but that was a long time ago.

39:Who is your OCs biggest enemy? That guy down the street who won't turn his music off.

40:What is the craziest thing your OC has done? Once chugged a bottle of hotsauce on a dare.

41:What is your OCs motto about life? "Don't get your hopes up."

42:Does your OC drink coffee or tea? Ew to both of those.

43:Who is your OCs biggest hero? Batcolt.

44:What color eyes does your OC have? Green

45:Does your OC like reading? Depends on what he's reading.

46:Is your OC loyal? Well... how much are you offering?

47:Does your OC tolerate violence? Only in self-defense. Or if the person you're beating up is really annoying.

48:What social class is your OC? Wat?

49:What country was your OC born in? Constantineighpol.

50:Does your OC cry easily? No.

51:What is your OCs favorite genre of music? Gothic Rock

52:How does your OC feel about insects? Kill them with violence. Except dragonflies, he likes them.

53:What are your OCs hobbies? Video games, travelling, reading, and sometimes knitting.

54:Does your OC use any medication? Sometimes takes some pills for his nausea.

55:What gender is your OC? Stallion.

56:What kind of clothes or accessories does your OC wear? Typically a Pickelhaube and a thick wool longcoat.

57:Would you call your OC adventurous? Yes.

58:Is your OC social? Yes.

59:What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC? The helmet, probably.

60:Does your OC enjoy nature? From a distance.

Origins of the OC

1. When and how did you get inspired to create them? I made the first incarnation of this character three years ago for another roleplay. He was terrible and got rejected but I used him somewhere else and developed him over the course of two years. He's now in another RP and a completely different species and character, but seeing as this is an MLP-dedicated site, he's been modified heavily to fit in with the ponyverse again.

2. How did you decide on their personality, interests, etc? Just borrowed from myself, I guess.

3. Why did you give them the name you did? Because his fur is pitch black and I'm not very good at coming up with pony names, if you couldn't tell.

4. Compare yourself to your OC in any areas from genres, hobbies, anything: We both enjoy sneaking around, gaming, and spicy food. Though I hate kids, unlike Pitch.
I've known about LoE for a while now, mostly through scattered word of mouth. I saw one of my friends was playing it on Steam so I decided I might as well check out the open weekend, right? Well, my connection is horrible and the servers have shut down, it seems, but hey, it was fun for a few minutes.

Anyways, nice to meet you all. You might know by several other names assuming you frequent a ton of other forums. Rustic Overwatch, Luna-tic, TotallyNotEvilLand, and a few other names I can't remember. I'm lacking in social interaction so I think I'll stay here for a bit, if that's alright.