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Messages - Chesharq

oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh mY GOSH!! WE'RE SO CLOSEEEE
I can hardly contain my excitement oh my gosh
this'll be my first time ever playing the game and I cannot wait!! my laptop better be able to handle it otherwise I will be forced to go out and buy another with better performance!
and don't think I won't do it :/
eeeee! it seems I joined at the most wonderful of times! I can't wait to explore and complete quests!
...I just hope my laptop can handle it. :s
well, I've got two ideas as to what it could be...
a red gem, because I looooove love love ANY kind of crystal or jewel! and I am trying to become a collector of any and all shiny, beautiful wonders of the earth, so yeah! and specifically red because red is my favorite color~.
orrrrr it could be the Oblivion symbol, or a computer mouse, or the Oblivion symbol AND a computer mouse! reason being I am in love with the Elder Scrolls series--Oblivion being my most favorite of those games--and because I like playing PC games in general.

...or I could be a blank flank bcuz I dunno what I'm truly good at >.<
After taking yet another side road and then going down towards the Everfree Forest, the light orange mare turned off on a small dirt road which eventually led to a stone house that was built into a mountain. Home at last. She sighed in relief, ducking to avoid various huge raindrops. With a sudden burst of speed from a flap of her muddy wings, she dashed forward and hurriedly opened the door, shortly after slamming it shut and locking it once she was inside. Whew. Now I can get to work. Not even stopping to dry herself off, she gingerly placed the bag onto a nearby stone table--which seemed to be made of the same stone as the floor, ceiling, and walls--and let the gems slide out. Pulling out a stool and plopping down onto it, she began carefully sorting the gems by color, shape and size.
She nodded at the two stallions. You lot may go if you wish to. However, I shall be going to my home to finish some work. Blinking down at the filly, she paused for a moment before rubbing a gentle hoof over her mane. It is up to you who you want to go with, little one. With that said, she turned and glanced out at the darkness--seemingly looking lost--before perking her ears and trotting off down a side road.
She paused when she heard Bright Grace scream at the thunder. Don't say it. She thought to herself. Don't get involved... She tried to keep walking, but she couldn't just leave them out here in the rain. I have too much goodness in me. Heaving a low sigh, she turned so she faced them and blinked shyly at them. If you've no where to go, could stay at my place until the storm blows off.
Oh, uh... The mare went silent when the filly asked her name. Then when two others approached she nervously began backing away, but she figured it best to at least answer one of the questions. I just had some business to attend to, otherwise I wouldn't be out in this mess. She addressed the storm by looking up at the non-visible sky. Ever so often lightning would strike, which would light it up just enough for black clouds to be able to be seen. She then awkwardly shuffled a front hoof, slowly backing off once again. Now if you'll, uh, excuse me...I need to be on my way. Don't want to stay out too long and catch a cold, you know. She had flipped her soaked mane so it covered just a bit of the right side of her face, the corners of her mouth drooping into a nervous frown.
Eck! She grunted as something suddenly bumped into her. Already unstable because of the slippery mud, the Pegasus fell down with a faint 'splat'. Just as she was about to ask what the big idea was, she saw the purple velvet of her bag. There you are! She sighed in relief, reaching forward and carefully biting onto it. Mud on her legs and body were one thing, but mud in her mouth? No thank you. With haste she placed the bag onto a hoof and she looked inside. Gems of all colors glimmered back at her, and she smiled. Thank goodness none fell out... Grabbing back onto the bag after closing it up again, she shakily stood up and turned to the pony who had bumped into her. Terribly sorry about that. Are you okay?
alright, here's the scene...
it's a dark and gloomy night in Ponyville, leaving many ponies in a bad or otherwise odd mood. and as if the dim light wasn't enough, it soon began to rain, but not just a light drizzle like it usually was; no, it was pouring down in drops nearly the size of a pony's nose. clearly this is the work of somepony...but who?
Spoiler: Strawberry Slice • show

Ouch! Ow! A light orange Pegasus exclaimed as massive raindrops covered her pelt, sending tingles of pain up and down her body. Usually Strawberry Slice didn't mind the rain, but such a harsh downpour like this was simply too much. A small velvet bag dangled around carelessly in her mouth, her teeth eventually loosing their grip on it and leaving it to fall into the mud with a faint splash. Oh no! No, no, no! She shrieked softly, her hazel eyes--which were kind of hard to see considering the grey hood that partially covered her head--going wide and her dark pupils thinning into tiny dots. Struggling for a grip on the slippery ground, she scrambled around in panic as she quickly tried to find her bag. It was already dark without the rain causing a shroud of mist to overhang atop everything, and the mud wasn't helping her.
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2014 Jul 06, 05:31:38
A lone light orange Pegasus filly slowly walked down to the beach. She avoided the other ponies with great caution, either by turning away so their gazes wouldn't meet or by simply giving them a wide berth.
not really one for introductions but oh well. may as well make my presence known.
greetings, everyone. the name's Chesharq, but you can just call me Chesh if you really want to.
I have actually known of this place for quite a few years now, but only just recently have I gotten back into this lovely little show. and upon doing so I thought to myself, 'hey, i should join that MLP-based game, it seems pretty fun'.
so uh, yeah...hi I guess. I don't know. I'm not good at this kind of stuff.