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Messages - Mumble

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Jun 17, 17:39:17
To be honest, it seems to me like Hasbro has been really cheap on toy production and doesn't really care too much about the toys being very show-accurate. Maybe they think because the show is doing great, they don't need to put much effort into the toys anymore.

I'm still kind of annoyed that the blindbag figures of Fluttershy use the same exact model as the Rainbow Dash blindbag figures.

This even carries over to the cards that come with them:
Spoiler: Explain to me why Fluttershy's eyes are dark green in this image. • show

Not to mention they kept making the Celestia toys pink until they came up with Cadence.

I've seen a special kind of bad quality in two of the Rainbow Power sets.
Spoiler: There is something seriously wrong with these Daring Do and Derpy Hooves toys... • show

All the other figures from the Rainbow Power sets are pretty good, but those two are warped or something.

Also, compare fan-made pony plushes to this:
Spoiler: I will haunt your nightmares. • show

4DE's totally adorable Twilight Sparkle plush will cure your fear, though:
Spoiler: show

If you want really good quality MLP merch, it's often best to look somewhere other than Hasbro. 4th Dimension Entertainment (4DE) is coming out with excellent pony plushes. They're a lot like fan-made plushes, but they only cost $25 instead of, like, $100+. I'm gonna get their Pinkie Pie.~

As for pony figures, Funko has been making some awesome ones. They have vinyl figures, bobbleheads, cupcake ponies, and mystery mini figures. The vinyl figures are excellent. I have some.

Loved your post. So intelligent and to the point and it ventured exactly into the heart of the matter that I react to! It's like the toy makers don't even care, and that's a step in a really weird direction, I think. Disney has been known to make barbies and whatnot for their movies, but they've started to really try to make them look alike. So I think it's really odd that Hasbro is moving backwards where other toy lines are trying to get better.  :nod:
Quote from: blobking156 on 2014 Jun 17, 20:31:16
Quote from: Mumble on 2014 Jun 16, 20:30:50
Boo, I can't watch that! Says it's private!   ono

Well, Sadly, the creator did get a cease and desist order from Hasbro.
Frankly,i think copyrights should affect something only if it's making money, but i understand Hasbro not wanting people to use their property. People are just like that.

Aww. As long as it's not offensive, I think they should embrace the community trying to do something creative with their franchise!  <3
Original Characters / Re: Mumble, yeah!
2014 Jun 18, 05:40:55
Quote from: Tiger on 2014 Jun 17, 23:46:25
Quote from: Mumble on 2014 Jun 16, 21:27:36
Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2014 Jun 16, 21:25:20
I'm simply criticising the fact that your oc is basically Pinkie Pie and that's being mean? :l

There are nicer ways to tell someone you think it's too much like Pinkie Pie, isn't there?

Post Merge

Meh, doesn't matter. I suppose it just takes one pony to turn you off a community.  ono

*feels bad*

Err, I think I'll just.. go.

Don't mind her, Mumble. She's always like that.

Anyways, I'd actually expect ponies to find whirlwinds more towards the "terrifiying" side than the "fun" side  X3

Baw, thanks. You're really sweet to say that. I was wondering if I really was the problem.

Funny thing though,
Spoiler: show
I noticed Discord that exactly that cutiemark when he pretended to be a pony in the final episodes of season 4!

And I think you're right, I should look more into the reason why she has a whirlwind. It doesn't quite make sense the way it is now.  <3
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
2014 Jun 17, 13:01:33
Am drinking a glass bottle of Coca Cola right now, hee.  <3

Pepsi was never for me, no.
As much as I'm sick of "princess franchise for little girls", the 3D production seems quality, the design is sturdy, and not all.. anorexic bratz-like, which I like.

I'm not going to watch it. And I'm still going to force Adventure Time and MLF Friendship is Magic on my future children. Each to their own, I suppose!  :nod:
Quote from: -ReiMar- on 2014 Jun 17, 12:52:44
Quote from: Mumble on 2014 Jun 17, 12:49:28
Quote from: -ReiMar- on 2014 Jun 17, 11:48:52
I always get the feeling that these low quality toys are just reshaped and recolored Barbie toys. Houses, ponies, cars, EG dolls...I guess they make quite a lot of money. Spend little money on production and lil' girls will buy it anyway.
Bronies do stuff way better. Cause they put HEART in it)) ^^

I just can't help feeling the old MLP toys were made of sturdier stuff, and they didn't have crossed-eyes and whatnot. Haha.

"Ya youngers don't do stuff properly no more! In my days, toys were made way more sturdier!". XD

That's how I feel when it comes to the pony toys. *waves walking stick* But honest. Of all the pony shows... This one is by far the best one. BY FAR!  :nod:
My dog and my boyfriend!

DONE.  <3
Off-Topic Archive / Re: Who here can code?
2014 Jun 17, 12:53:51
I only know basic programming, like some fiddling with UDK's kismet and a bit of the Unity node system-figmajing.

I'm more a designer, by far. But I know a bunch of programmers. You guys are valuable!   :nod:
Probably Poo-pourri!  lol
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Jun 17, 12:51:55
Inconsiderate people in online communities where they are anonymous! I'm sorry, but I don't think being anonymous means you should add 20% meanness to your personality.

Make love, not online war.  <3
Quote from: -ReiMar- on 2014 Jun 17, 11:48:52
I always get the feeling that these low quality toys are just reshaped and recolored Barbie toys. Houses, ponies, cars, EG dolls...I guess they make quite a lot of money. Spend little money on production and lil' girls will buy it anyway.
Bronies do stuff way better. Cause they put HEART in it)) ^^

I just can't help feeling the old MLP toys were made of sturdier stuff, and they didn't have crossed-eyes and whatnot. Haha.

Post Merge

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 Jun 17, 10:52:51
Nope, I'm with you. Their poses are too dynamic and the hair colors are all wrong...
And their horns! Gah! Those are infant horns

Phew, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Some of the smaller figures, the all-plastic ones are much closer to the original design and I like them. But I'd have loved to keep adding to my MLP collection, but I just can't stand the look of them the way they are now!  :s
Quote from: -ReiMar- on 2014 Jun 17, 11:50:35
Game making, eh?) That's awesome)) ^ ^
Ya made any games yet?)

Apart from my student productions, nothing that's been released into the wild!

I'm working on two titles at the moment, tho! Time will show if they're worth handing out! <3

(I was unsure which forum I should put this in, so feel free to move it to a more appropriate place, if this was the wrong one! <3 )

I really don't like the MLP Friendship is Magic franchise. More often than not, the ponies have weird eyes, and their colorings are all off, and they just look.. really weird.

Since I was a wittle girl I collected MLP ponies. I've loved all generations to bits, but they're in surprisingly good shape (got played with A LOT), and their homely cozy look is something that kept me buying them for fun and giggles even as an adult. But... The newest ponies are so weird. I love Lauren Fausts design for the series, but they've not been done justice in the toy-line, in my opinion!

Am I the only one who feels this way?  :0
Quote from: Pipkin on 2014 Jun 16, 23:26:38
Hello and welcome to the LoE Forums!  I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time here.  There's lots to do and see as we anticipate the arrival of the game, such as Art, Music and Audio, Stories and Fanfictions, Roleplaying and so much more.

Also, to make sure your stay is enjoyable, please take a moment to look over the Forum Rules :)

Thanks and have fun!

The rules were pretty straightforward! It's just to be nice, don't cause drama and don't be annoying!  :nod:

And thankyou for saying hi! Hiii!

Post Merge

Quote from: Weremetalwolf on 2014 Jun 17, 06:30:13
Hi my new friend and welcome to the Legends of Equestria forum! I wish you to have the best stay here and make lots of friends! And most important HAVE FUUUN!! :D

Is what I'm hoping for, yay!  <3
Original Characters / Re: Mumble, yeah!
2014 Jun 16, 21:27:36
Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2014 Jun 16, 21:25:20
I'm simply criticising the fact that your oc is basically Pinkie Pie and that's being mean? :l

There are nicer ways to tell someone you think it's too much like Pinkie Pie, isn't there?

Post Merge

Meh, doesn't matter. I suppose it just takes one pony to turn you off a community.  ono

*feels bad*

Err, I think I'll just.. go.
Original Characters / Re: Mumble, yeah!
2014 Jun 16, 21:21:52
Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2014 Jun 16, 21:19:55
Sounds too much like Pinkie Pie...

Don't be mean! If this site needs something, it's more happy ponies! The series is all about merriment and fun anyhow! And friendship!
Original Characters / Re: Mumble, yeah!
2014 Jun 16, 21:13:17
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Jun 16, 21:05:05
Heh heh...I'm not sure how I feel about this OC because you haven't said much, I DO like the original mane though! It looks like a big fuzzy funny uncombed thing, but it's cute! lol

I'd love to see more about this ponysona or OC, whichever it is, I hope you update it soon!

I just spent some time doing just that! And when I asked to preview it, it send me to login, so it's aaaaall lost! Hee. Oops.
Original Characters / Mumble, yeah!
2014 Jun 16, 20:55:21

Name: Mumble
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus
Home: Cloudsdale

Occupation: Formerly mailmare, formerly weather patrol, formerly useful. Currently creative cloud-shaper and spreader of giggles and fun!
Looks: Cloudy white with grey trimmings. A mop of slapdash pink and purple mane (who has time to groom, ha!), slightly short and slightly tubby (cupcakes omnom), a lil' freckled!
Cutiemark: A merry grey whirlwind!
Hobbies: Giggles and whirlwinds, cloudart in the sky, mischievous fun, poor jokes, flying and cupcake eating!

Mumble is a pony who has no time for dull passtimes! Life is for making whirlwinds of fun!

Unsuspecting, you're reading your newspaper, wearing your fake moustache, and exploring your dull and serious side -- BAM! You're stuck in a whirlwind! It tickles! It annoys you! Wait, I'm flying - yaaaay!

That was fun. Did you have fun? Mumble had fun.

Gigglesnort.  <3
Yaaaaaaaaas.  :3
Animations Archive / Re: Legends of Fluffle
2014 Jun 16, 20:31:41
This video if how I heard of the game, hee!  :nod: