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Messages - hazardtime

Quote from: Gamepaw on 2017 Jan 02, 04:30:40
When I first came on this website, I made a Backyard Hot Tub RP. It involved a shop, food and other ponies.

I wasn't a ChubWoofer back then, but I am now.

I've re-invented the Hot Tub RP into Spa RPs which still run now, so if you plan to stick around there is a place for you.

Oh right!  I barely remember that one xP

I'm sorry to say, but I don't really plan to :I  I've since moved on to mlpforums, where I'm fairly active.  Still, it was nice talking to you!
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2017 Jan 02, 03:11:56

*rises up from out of the ground*

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here!  Funnily enough, I was thinking about this place today...and how bad my writing was all those years ago xP

I'm glad you remembered me after all this time!  Unfortunately, I don't really remember you :\  Mind running me through a refresher?
Vigilant looked over towards the holo panel as the recruits stopped their heads just inches from hitting the table and looked as well.  The sergeant rolled his eyes and groaned; he hated dealing with AIs, just put an actual aide in the room.

He approached the AI and spoke, "Mission debrief, Sergeant Vigilant Honor, Equestrian Expeditionary Force to Atala.  At approximately 16:00 hours, I and my fireteam were conducting a brief combat patrol of the coastline when we were set upon by a giant crustacean.  Thanks to Valiant Sword's bravery, we were able to lure it back out into the ocean and fall back into the city.  Status of creature is unknown, assume alive and unharmed."
I keep wanting to think it's a giant crab  >A<

Spoiler: show
How in depth is the debriefing?  Just the crab attack or should I also include the encounter with the minotaur?
After a bit of walking, Team Vigilant finally made it to the command center.  While Vigilant pored over maps and memorized the various districts of the city (Downloading them to his multi-tool for good measure), the two privates did what most privates do while their superiors play around with maps:  play rock-paper-scissors.  After a few minutes that started to dull, so they moved on to seeing who could lean back the farthest in their chair without falling over.

An idle private is Discord's workshop; should they linger, it won't be long before they start headbutting the table into splinters.
Just out of curiosity, could I get a description of the command center and where it is?
Quote from: ChibiGrrl on 2014 Sep 15, 20:18:22
Let's see. . .

The lot of us celebrated Nightmare Night. Grizzly had an "imaginary friend" (actually an evil entity of some sort that
chose her as her host), Sweet had been kidnapped by an evil scientist pony, but was rescued thanks to the others.
As a result of said rescue, Checkmate's horn had broken, but has since been fixed thanks to Bygone.
A part of Sweet's personality ( Mischief ) has become an independent pony seperate from Sweet, called Sottises.
Bygone has left on a journey of sorts. Sweet and White finally got married ( in a seperate RP called Pascalo Ocean ).

In Pascalo Ocean, the ponies of Pascalo had a naval battle with a crew of pirate ponies, but a ceasefire
has been initiated. The Pascalo ponies have agreed to help the pirates rescue their Captain from a nearby island,
which is said to be inhabited by unknown indigenous pony tribes and protected by some type of dark magic.

I'm sure there's other stuff I forget to mention though, sorry about that X3

I was here for the first two bullets but kind of melted away while Sottises was being created.  Well, I may get involved again, but school starts up in two weeks for me, so it may be shortlived.
(( Sorry, got poached by another RP group :(  Allow me to revive this thread ))

Having drawn the crab back out into the water, Furious regroups with the others back on the beach.  As Vigilant watches the crab searching for them, he says, "We need to get off this beach.  Vacation's over, everypony."

He begins leading them in a gallop away from the shore and into the city.  He eventually ends up outside the hospital before he stops and allows everyone to catch their breaths.  He brings his communicator to his mouth as he sends a message to blue, "Sergeant Vigilant to Command, SITREP.  I and the rest of my team had our vacations cut short by a crustacean of extraordinary size, and are now outside of what appears to be a hospital.  Requesting orders, over."
Hi everyone!  Just checking in to show that I didn't die, but I did get poached by another RP group  :s

I just put up Chapter Two of Kotov Syndrome, sorry about the long wait!  I blame lack of motivation and ideas  0:)

So, this is going to hurt a bit, but can someone outline anything major that I missed?
Aww, but we're getting to the good part!

But seriously, I should go to bed, too.  Night everyone!
Low Key simply smiles and picks his book back up and begins to read.
"Then we have something in common.  Still, even though you might not want it, thank you."
Low Key nods, "I thought you would say that," followed by another awkward silence.  Speaking up again, "Has anypony ever thanked you?  For your service?  Not after you saved them, but just out of the blue?"
"I would say that I'm glad but, well...I wish everypony could have come out in one piece."
Low Key couldn't help but stare at Checkmate with wide eyes, "I-I do hope everyone turned out alright."
"Sorry for the cliche, but what did I miss, exactly?"
Low Key nodded and sat there in silence for a few moments, unsure how to continue.  Finally he speaks up, changing the conversation, "I'm sorry I haven't been around.  I was working at the musician's guild."
"A different force?  What do you mean?  I pick up a lot of things well with my hooves, but playing a guitar?  How is that possible without magic?  There are plenty of attachments for hoof playing available, but these astral phalanges work much better."  To punctuate his point, his horn lights up and two astral hands appear before him.  As soon as they appear they disappear as Low Key blushes in embarrassment, "I'm being a total snob right now.  Sorry about that."
Low Key shudders at the thought, "It's probably a bit racist of me, but I can't begin to comprehend what life would be like without my horn.  Truth be told, I don't know how other races get along without one."  He blushes and grinds his teeth as he internally debates on whether or not being honest was the right thing to do in this circumstance.