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Messages - Blue Shield

Quote from: Proudy Hooves on 2015 Jan 24, 07:40:30

Quote from: Captain_Char on 2015 Jan 24, 07:21:24
as a person who builds game levels as a hobby, Its usually best you don't go past these hidden walls, or barriers, since 90% of the time you'll fall through the map cause you are in an area you never were meant to be in.

I can vouch. I dabble in scripting and programming as a hobby. (Though I'm not the best yet... Still much to learn.)
Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2015 Jan 24, 07:18:41
This is still a test.

For MMOs sometimes they try their bests to put all their players into one single server for a lot of good reasons.

We just wait for them to fix them.

Last OSW there were lots of bugs. Sure you might have played for a few hours. Those's who literally did a 48-hour marathon experienced some bugs.

We only experience them because we are awake during the shutdown. Imagine all the people who are sleeping right now, unaware of this, and wake up and continue playing like nothing has happened.

We just wait for now.

Sthap loginning in. I know you are :>

Only to find the fix to this; "Cutie Marks downloading" so on, so on issue. I've no interest in signing in until the servers are fixed. And if I could help them, I certainly would.

But I don't think my extremely basic, only know how to make a ball roll back and forth on a platform thing would help at all... XD
Quote from: Mizuki on 2015 Jan 24, 07:00:52
Please remain calm. We're doing all we can to get the servers back up and running. There are still a few days left in this Open Server Weekend.

In the past when there's been a major delays, we've even extended the length of the OSW's. I'm not saying for sure if we will be doing that in this case, but it's always a possibility.

If only I knew what to do to help out... Unfortunately, I don't think very little experience with Unity and CSharp will help... (Literally, All I have down is being able to get a ball to roll back and forth on a platform... And the tutorial video was in Java...)
Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2015 Jan 24, 07:07:25
Open Server Weekends are TESTs.

TESTs to TEST out new software for servers.

This include the many servers that we played. Yes, the last two OSWs were fine with all their servers, but before that, it was buggy as...well, bugs.

Yes, this is another TEST that the employees at LoE are doing to attempt. One server is a big jump from five, so it is a must that we are expecting bugs.

So far, it is down.

But so were the last few.

I seen many people look like me.

My only fault is that most people use the name Thunder in their OC name. Should have made it more unique.

Bah, that was three years ago though.

But even still. Last OSW in December-ish something like that last year, had about 5 servers if my memory serves me well.
Quote from: Aylayla Thornberry on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:10
This ^
The servers are clogged with people clicking, clicking and clicking every couple seconds, causing traffic to build up and people aren't getting to play. If we all stop clicking so fast, the servers will calm down and the problem could be solved faster.

In fact, I do agree... Though it'd be easier if they had multiple servers open...

Why they only have one that reads the ping is N/A for a lot of people is beyond me...
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 06:55:33
but i dont see what other people post. i see only my post. so please remove this warning or at least give me a preview of others posts

It does... Underneath Topic Summary. It shows the most recent post at the top. Therefore, if someone says something that you were trying to, or want to add on to, etc. There's an insert quote.

Quote from: pinkamena892 on 2015 Jan 24, 06:57:34
Im wondering if the 'hybrid-ponies' bug was patched this version... gonna have to check that out when the servers fixed

Used Just like that! :)
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 06:51:52
"Warning - While you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." NO. i dont want to review my post please remove this warning

It's there for RP reasons in the RP forums... It keeps from post cutting...
I still can't get in! I can't even use the Launcher! DD:
It seems some people are still having trouble, and it looked like others are able to log in...

I tried getting on through the Launcher, then when I got onto the game and signed in, it told me on the server list: "Cutie marks still downloading" So on, so on... Even still... So I deleted the files except the launcher to try to do it all again, and now it's telling me that it can't update cause the servers are unavailable...
Okay, now people are getting back in. Can those of us not able to get in get some help?

I downloaded the LoE Launcher and updated through that. I found a new folder that popped up named "Game"

When I opened through that; I still was greeted with the server list still saying
"Cutie marks Downloading" Blah blah blah.
Can someone PLEASE help me fix this? This is starting to get really ridiculous...
Now I used the launcher and everything to update the game, but I'm met with the same screen. NOTHING CHANGED!!!
Quote from: Streak210 on 2015 Jan 24, 00:27:20
Did you try the updater that was below the game download?

I JUST got it. Now I have to wait for what feels like eternity and a half for it to update...
I downloaded the launcher thing and it's doing update stuff... Maybe that's the stuff? :o
What am I supposed to do about the whole

"Cutie marks downloading" blah, blah, blah...? Seriously. I get stuck at that darned screen and I can't do a darned thing to play!!!
Quote from: Streak210 on 2015 Jan 24, 00:18:08
I never got that, then again.. I downloaded the updater a few hours back an updated it... Did you use the updater first?

Where is the updater? I did what I did last time and re downloaded the client... (Except now I'm on a different computer...)
Yeah, I'm met with the same screen and it seems more or less stuck on that...
I get prompted that

A herd for all the dedicated medics of the community. Only requirement is that you must have a unicorn and interest in using healing spells to aid others in combat.

Though it isn't without rules... Being a secondary herd; you are free to be a part of a primary herd, and the needs of the primary herd come first.

I will NOT allow any "Clan rivalries" In the Medical corps. If you've got any, please keep them outside the Corps. I'd rather not have any division amongst everyone, and I don't want to get involved in that business.

I will add more information as it may be needed. If anyone has any questions; Let me know.

In all honesty, I don't believe I need a form, really just the character's name... But if things start getting chaotic, that will change.


Blue Shield as Red Cross
Howitzer as Dr. Anesthetic
Well, idk about that one personally... I've kinda been off and on throughout. I've noticed some people only ever get on around the time to play the game...