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Messages - StormHoof

Woohooo. At last my pacient wait is about over  :D. I already can see myself flying arround the sky of equestria.
Thank you very much, my dream is coming. <3
Exploring the everfree forest, huh? I'm sure it would be an amazing experience, feeling the Dragonhorse when he went to defeat Aldupony with the powa of the whinny.
Weee!! Alicorns are the best. Think about it, lying on a cloud while you summon some muffins (muffins!! woohoo :P) and make them dance to your mouth. AWESOME.
Hi everypony, I'm Storm Hoof, a male pegasus who recently came to this community.
I hope to make some friends here or, at least, don't have any bad vibes with anyone of the community.

Something about me is that I'm a bit slow with my brain but I have a good heart, or that is what my friends say. Anyway, this came for I still don't know if the servers only open on weekends or something like that and I really want to play the game.

And sorry for my bad, bad english, I'm from Spain so I have some problems with the language, but I'm improving my skills and there is no better way to improve than to speak and write in english with people who knows more english than me.

Nice to meet you all and thank you.
Storm Hoof.