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Messages - Hurricane Bash

((Ahhh... it's good to be "famous."  lol))
  With the help of Blue, Hurricane stood on his hooves. "Thanks," he said, looking around. He saw the cracked album cover and sighed. "Well, there goes that," he says, before realizing something. "Hey, hows about we go get ya a new one?" He starts picking Blue's stuff off the ground. He then notices Emerald Bright on the ground, and Naura staring at him. He chucles quietly, looking to Northern Guardian. "Looks like more ponies to join the little group we have here, am I right?" He walks over to Emerald Bright, looking back at Blue. "Just a second, he says. "What's your name?" he says, tuning back to Emerald Bright.
((sorry, would've replied earlier but completely forgot.))
  Hurricane took the quill, carefully, and signed the cover. Just then, another mare ran into Blue. He jumped back again in surprise, and tripped on his own hooves. He tumbled backward, rolling until he was upside-down, curled up in a ball, and with his flank sticking up in the air. His mane was wild and thrown, and his tail looked near the same. "Ow," he said, attempting to get up but failing miserably. "What's with all the 'running-into-ponies' today? Did I not get the memo?" He looked around. "Anypony gonna help me up?"
No no no. Moonfall's reply was correct. Hurricane can hear things that ponies normally don't hear, like whispers and really high pitches. Thus enabling him to hear really well
Hey hey hey sarc, howyadoin?
Hurricane laughed loudly. "Sure, why not." He looks at Northern Guardian. "Got a pen?" he asked, never coming prepared time give out autographs.
Hurricane laughed. "Well, my reputation is quite large. DJ life is fun. Meeting new ponies, stuff like that." He smiled. "Hurricane Bash, at your service."
Hurricane smiled and nodded to the ground. You dropped a few things," he said.  Then he noticed something that looked like a music album. His album. "Is that my album?" he asked.
Hurricane jumped back as a mare ran I'to Northern Guardian. He looked on in disbelief as she fell on her flank and rubbed her nose.  "You okay, miss?" He asked.  He was definitely caught off guard by that event. "You took quite a spill there."
Oh... thanks!
Sure, that's simple enough, but what if your picture is on the PonyCreator app?
Thanks to everypony who commented on here. I have one more question, though. I know I've been on the site for a while, but Istill ccan't figure out how to set my own pictures to my profile. :( help!
Hurricane chuckled. "Wow," he said. "Be careful. Don't get too cocky over there." He shook his head, remembering those three other times. The first time, he came home battered and bandaged, but the second time, he came back half dead. The third time he had almost passed. "This is gonna be my chance!" he yells pumping a hoof in the air. He momentarily loses his balance. "Hopefully..."
Hurricane watches as Tabbyte gets up in the air. He's nervous, understandably, ince he's failed this same academy three times. Against his better judgement, he took off where he stood and put on the goggles. "Hey," he said to Tabbyte. "Have you ever been to this academy before?"
Canterlot Archives / Re: The Crown Pub
2014 May 05, 18:19:57
((Yeah just regular cider for me please))
Hurricane smiles wide. "Finally! Ponies are now recognizing me!" He was thrilled. His reputation really wasn't that large.
((oh ok))

The next day, something EVENTFUL happened. He met a guards pony. He was a stallion, but Hurricane did not know his name. "My reputation is quite large," Hurricane said. "You have my albums on your shelves in the music store." Hurricane looked around for a place to sit. He frowned. "Don't you crystal ponies have anywhere to sit? My legs are aching from all the stuff I did today. I won't even explain that stuff." He sat on the ground with a small huff. "So, what's your story, eh?"
Username: Hurricane Bash
Pegasus name: Hurricane
Gender: Stallion
Family: Whirlwind/father, Tenor/brother, Soprano/sister
Rank: Newbie

((Hurricane is most definitely a noob. As part of his backstory that I am currently writing, he has failed the Wonderbolt Academy three times. I'm trying to give him a chance of redemption here.))
Oh yeah, and Hurricane is my char, he will be pegasus knight pony.