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Quote from: CMC Scootaloo on 2015 Apr 10, 03:48:42
@SkylordryanZ Because Cloudsdale and Ponyville are not accessible at moment

*cough* Cloudopolis, Ponydale *cough*
secretly adds small amounts of meat in vegan meals to see if they will notice
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Feb 04, 22:10:46
i freaking HATE the color blue, nothing rational about it just hate blue and everything blue

i used to tell myself it's no big deal, blue isn't that common in the real world, i stay inside so blue sky isn't a problem, people don't have blue skin so i'm not racist (i didn't fully enjoy the movie avatar tho) and i wear black jeans and non blue shirts, all is fine...

but ofcourse i had to become brony and be surrounded by blue furs/blue hairs everywhere XD
Quote from: phirenor on 2015 Feb 02, 01:42:28
Spoiler: show
that's why it also missing crystal heart

Spoiler: show
they should place a crystal clover instead, to push the parody further :p
Quote from: Snebze on 2015 Jan 26, 06:53:21
There's an airship that shuttles visitors between the clouds and ground. Admittedly, it took me ages to find it too.
yeah, oddly enough, to go down to the ground you need to get to the highest point of cloudopolis: totally counter intuitive XD