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Messages - sfg

Sounds good. I'll keep checking back daily.
*Snore* *Snore* "Huh what? Oh dear me, how long did I fall asleep for?"

Scruffle Gus, the roleplayer playing Scruffy the Bearded, awoke from his nap only to realize that this Fire Emblem roleplay is not inactive yet and that more ponies had apparently joined the lobby since he last left. Scruffy then realized that he wasn't wearing his fake beard and sage robes that he had to wear for the roleplay. In fact, he was apparently four days late since the first post.

"I didn't get this email until now sorry!" Scruffy yelped as he hurried onto the set in his roleplay clothes.

Okay, enough behind the curtains roleplaying. In short, I'm just saying "Oh dang, I didn't think this roleplay was still alive. Where has this gone up to so far?" Also, I'll post tomorrow, it's late here.
(( I'm just trying to find a right moment to strike and delay your goals. Other than that, all I can really do is make unfortunate events pop up and ruin your happy moments. ))

(( I only exist to make you suffer, but such opportunities do need to present themselves. My inactivity is only explained through what I would believe is very very slow movement of the role play. ))
The faceless Slendermane said nothing to the proxy that approached him as he drained the life out of another pony who happened to have been lost in the forest and tried camping out in an abandoned shack. However, he turned his head slowly to her and in a flash, he was gone. Looks like Slendermane got the message from Lulu and was on his way to feast upon more helpless ponies within his territory. The pony he was torturing, on the other hand, fell to the ground with a loud thud, and vanished into dust as it was being carried away by a breeze that conjured itself through Slendermane's magic.

As Zsaszz was trotting towards the source of the noise he heard, he would eventually rejoin with Skye. The generator emitted a few sparks due to its age and wearing condition. The unstable condition of the generator eventually caused it to short circuit and power down. The maintenance panel, however, flew right open, allowing either pony who might be handy at repairing electrical equipment, to take the time to fix the generator.
Superman's super hearing, capable of hearing Lois scream for help from the depths of space, where sound can't even travel. Is that what you're trying to get at?

Cause if you are, that's overpowered.
(( Alright, gonna finally put Starlight out of her misery ))

Starlight wouldn't have been able to run for long, for her sickness left her with a blurry vision, and weak physical condition. She finally succumbed to her illness, lying in the pool of vomit she had been coughing up all the way over to where she was now. Hoofsteps would approach her after a few minutes and the moment she looked up to find out who was coming towards her, her vision would go dark, though she was granted one last view of the creepy figure she ran into when she first came into this forsaken forest, the faceless Slendermane.
((Oh yes she is, it's just the strange noise that was heard isn't her, that's all. Gonna try to keep the suspense rolling and the environment unfolding as much as I can. It's just more interesting that way.  ovO))

((If anything I do expect hoodie to pin one of yas down just as Skye said 3))
Original Characters / Re: My OCs
2014 May 08, 09:58:50
Extreme action 9999 chain hit ultimate army killer super fun time! Ya!

I suggest you join the Fire Emblem RP in the making if you plan on doing so.
(On May 12, my finals will be finished. May 13, I can devote a lot more time to Slendermane. Plus, I haven't been advancing the plot much, due to the lack of activity among the other ponies here, so yeah.)

The strange sound was indeed really close to them, but out of their own fear they would come to realize it was nothing more than a little squirrel who just happened to be prancing by like nothing was happening. Sure it took a good look at the two ponies with a rather awkward stare, but aside from that, it felt like nothing dangerous was close to them. Unfortunately, such a time to rest will be short lived.

As they continued onwards, keeping an eye out for proxies or anything else that haunted this forest, they stumble upon a rather unusual landmark within the forest. Close inspection of the ground would reveal the remnants of a dirt road, with one direction heading towards a rather large building in the distance, while the other right back into the forest. The large building is fenced off, but the entire perimeter seems to have been long abandoned, and getting inside would be a cinch, seeing how the front door only had one out of two doors remaining, and the gate arm has been long abandoned.

Skye and Zsaszz have apparently arrived at some kind of industrial plant here in the middle of the forest. Judging by the height, it was about 3 floors high. It's reason for existence is unknown, and it might not provide much cover from whatever is out there, but it was easy to get inside, and maybe worth exploring.
 :D Pinkie Pie giggled at the idea Gummy wandering around in the punch bowl. "Hehehe, sorry Gummy. The punch was made for him over there, it's not your favorite flavor this time" she said as she pointed over at the birthday pony, Scruffle Gus, sitting at the picnic bench, eating away at the food. Though Gummy may wear a relatively unchanging expression at all times, it was clear Gummy was furious at his owner as he attempted to chomp away at the flesh and hair of his owner. However, like all other times, attempts at killing his captor have proven to be in vain, due to the lack of teeth he has.
Quote from: LostSanity on 2014 May 03, 22:45:08
((No update for Skye makes me sad  ono ))

Skye continued to make her way through the maze. Now the maze almost became like the forest. Did it have no ending? Was her chosen method on how to handle the maze leading to her doom?

These bad thoughts pretty much seemed to be constantly coming to her the longer she was here.

Skye continued to follow the right wall of the maze, now no longer having to concern herself with her pursuer. She could only hope she would find the exit soon...

(I was thinking you and Jaywo were going to resolve that. You two sounded like you had the layout of the maze already in mind, I figured I'd let you two go with it.)

Spoiler: show
Scruffy the Bearded, Scruffle Gus's ancestor, will take his part in your quest. Just imagine this unicorn with a full grown round beard, and a cape representing his faction. Some may call him crazy since he occasionally lapses into episodes of talking to himself and pursuits of knowledge has caused him to take extreme measures, but anyone who truly got a chance to know him will understand how much stress he personally undertakes on his quest for infinite knowledge and magical mastery.

Guess this information should make him a sage, but your call. He should definitely be something magic related.
(The fact that Snowcraft "wants to be a proxy" makes me want to make Starlight suffer a little longer. So I will continue her torture ovO)

Navine and Strongcolt just kept on running and running away from the dark creeping figure as it pursued them away from the three stones, even to go as far as abandoning the sick Starlight on the spot where they found her. Though both parties had believed that the monster of this forest would've already consumed the sick and immobile pony, it sure as heck was taking its sweet time to do so. That's because the thing just vanished after believing its efforts to catch the two lover ponies was hopeless, as it went off to find other victims.

Starlight would attempt to fly her way out of the forest under her delirious senses, but apparently that got her nowhere as the sickness made her fall straight back to the ground. Hacking about her breath and writhing in agony, she could only hope either death or her fate to be judged by the creeping figure would've came sometime soon, as it probably could be considered lightly better than the condition she is in now. Unfortunately for her, the figure was nowhere to be found.
It wouldn't be long before Pinkie Pie comes bouncing her way back with the birthday pony, Scruffle Gus, who is casually trotting alongside her. Pinkie Pie was her usual cheery self, while Scruffle Gus could only look in complete surprise in how much they had all set up for him. Sure a lot of guests haven't arrived, but according to Pinkie's logic, it's a party nonetheless. Besides, he liked it better this way, get to know the residents of Ponyville one at a a time.

Pinkie Pie would take the time to introduce Scruffle Gus to all of the ponies here at this party, dragging him along, having him shake their hooves and repeat his eloquent "Hello, thanks for attending" to everyone of them. Reactions were mixed as he approached everyone of them, but overall more positive than negative. After saying his thanks for everyone attending, Pinkie Pie jumps up in front of him and screams, "Let's partay!" She turns on the music and the party was officially underway.

It's not necessarily 20% cooler, but hey it's appropriate.

Meanwhile, Scruffle Gus conversed a little more with the others. He started with Twilight Sparkle, the purple alicorn of his party, who was relaxing over by the pool when her work was done.

Spoiler: show
"Hello, Miss..." Scruffle Gus would've never figured out that Twilight Sparkle was actually a princess, seeing how she's not usually wearing her crown, and how's he's always absented minded of the current news, seeing how it was usually depressing to read back in Manehattan. Still, princess or not, he still never knew her name, causing him to pause in mid speech. Pinkie Pie might've talked about her once before when she visited his lonely hovel, but he's clearly forgotten. "Twilight Sparkle," she would reply as they shook hooves. Though both looked at each other pleasantly, one particular pony wasn't entirely happy about what was happening between them. "I say, do you have any idea who you're speaking to?" Rarity spoke in shock as she came up to the two, causing Scruffle Gus to become a little startled. "You are speaking to the newly crowned princess, and you dare not address her properly?"

Scruffle Gus was a little startled by the noble looking pony's sudden outburst. After a moment of silence, Scruffle Gus would speak up about how sorry he was, and Twilight Sparkle would speak up about how the royal addresses weren't necessary, both of them would speak at the same time, interrupting each other at first but eventually made their points.

"Eep! S-sorry Princess Twilight, I didn't know! I don't keep up with the news!" Scruffle Gus said shivering in fear as he lowered is head in whatever respect he could show.

Twilight could only look at the sorry stallion and attempt to reassure him, "Oh it's okay, I don't think being a princess is a big deal here, it's your brithday after all." She chuckled a little under the embarassment of the current situation. She would then whisper to her friend "Rarity's it's not that big of a deal!"

Rarity, being the pony with refined tastes, and possibly too refined for her own good, just couldn't seem to help but object to Twilight's lack of care for her status. However, Scruffle Gus was long gone by the time she was mid-way in her ramble about it, causing him to sit down by the dining tables to collect his thoughts about what just happened. However, his time to relax would be interuptted by noneother than the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who have taken an interest to his blank flank.

Spoiler: show
The orange one, Scootaloo would be the first to excitedly say "Wow, you don't have your cutie mark yet? You just look so much older though!" The other two fillies would attempt to shut her up by throwing their hooves over her loud mouth. They were afraid that they would've insulted Scruffle Gus for her remark, but he simply smiled and said, "No, I haven't. My excessive studying have prevented me from trying to find my talent."

The three young filiies' eyes shone brightly, and Sweetie Belle would begin to speak, and maybe squeak, "Well, have been looking for our cutie marks for a long time too, and that's why we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" (Insert flashy visual here) Applebloom suddenly gasped and thought of the idea of letting Scruffle Gus join their group, but they would get into a light argument about how weird it might be to let a full grown stallion into the group, despite being a blank flank. However, Scruffle Gus would interupt them and give his proposal, "Listen, I have an idea, I won't officially be in your group, but I'll be happy to help you three with whatever you're planning to do to get yours. Sounds good?"

It was an acceptable idea, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded excitedly and ran off while yelling all at once, "Yay! The Cutie Mark Crusaders now have an unofficial member!" It was a cute sight for Scruffle Gus to see, and he couldn't help but smile at their enthusiasm.

It felt so good to talk to the fillies that he went off and went to greet the other ponies that weren't among the Mane 6, that Pinkie Pie had occasionally mentioned during her visits to the lone cabin that settled itself near the White Tail Woods. First up was the two lovers, Navine and Jax. He held up his front hoof for a shake and asked them, "Thank you for coming, but may I ask, who are you two?"

(Feel free to use the Mane 6 for your interests. Clearly, I cannot control them all with finals backing me up.)
Feel free to post anytime, just don't expect me to post back anytime soon with finals weighing themselves on me.
Diamond Rose and Tabbyte

They finally managed to make their way out of the tall grass, though it might be safe to say they didn't take every bit of sanity with them as they exited. The next place they would choose to explore would be the barn, with its windows shattered and doors completely missing, it may give the feeling that something was lurking inside there. Diamond Rose reached out to the shadow she sees within her peripheral vision, but whatever it was, it wasn't alive to say the very least.

If one of them had the ability to produce light, they would find it to be a broken down farm hoe, at least the metal part of it. This light would also allow them to see the inside of the barn, which is normally pitch black, even darker than the forest. This was probably because no light manages to get inside of it, despite its run down condition. But as prevalent as their search may be, they'll come across absolutely nothing inside this barn, aside from a few broken down doors which was normally used to keep the farm animals in, a lot of rotted hay everywhere, the pig feeding area, you know, the usual.

If they had no light, they would simply be forced to move on, due to their inability to see.

Toxic Remedy

Despite Remedy's personal experience in adapting to such extreme outdoor conditions, the preparations were considered moderate to what she was going up against. The did indicate that something was here, but clearly it was no longer around now, at least, not within the immediate vicinity. From there, she continued to wander off into the forest, dark, thick, and foggy as ever.

Navine, Strongcolt, and Starlight

It was a rather easy escape for the two loving ponies, seeing how the figure was directly across from them, giving them the head start to turn around and run the complete opposite direction. By the time the two had reached Starlight, the figure had already given up its pursuit and sought other victims for the time being. Though, looking at Starlight's condition, could it be possible that the figure had some kind of effect on her, and that the monster was still in the vicinity somewhere? Who knows, but for now, they too stood around in the middle of nowhere, under the pressure on where they should go next.

Skye Fown

Compared to the other ponies, Skye Fown had the worst of the scenarios. After picking up the piece of paper with its sketched words on it, she had to run away from a "pony" who personally looked like a serial killer. Her wings may be capable of staying one step ahead of her chaser, it would only be a matter of time before she tires out and gives in to this "pony's" relentless assault. As she was running, however, she came across another landmark that might possibly save her.

Coming across a clearing of trees, stood some green walls with two entrances into it, one on the right side and one on the left. Should she choose to, entering these labyrinth of walls would cause her to turn around and take many pathways before she will finally emerge on the outside of it again. Should she choose to, entering these walls will lead her into a turf maze, made entirely of grass. If her sense of direction was good under such pressuring conditions, she could have a chance to lose this chaser within the walls of this maze for the time being. Otherwise, she'd be trapped in there, only to be forced to meet her demise.
Name of OC(s): Scruffle Gus, you'll find him here

Requested Rank: The highest you're willing to give me.

Reason Of Joining: Ehh, I'm honestly curious to know what it's really all about. I don't think melding together a herd of roleplayers is necessary, but it's worth checking out.

Branch Off Rank (Warrior, Mage or Rogue): Mage

Also, another question, what are the branch offs all about?
(Sign up thread here for your convenience )

The ponies who managed to successfully get Pinkie Pie's Singing Telegram were all told to come to an isolated one-floor cabin that stood within Ponyville's borders near the White Tail Woods. The party, however, wasn't going to take place inside the cabin, it was just too small to do so. However, being located on the outskirts of Ponyville, there was a lot of free space on the front lawn to set up a designated area for a party, as noted by the amount of balloons, streamers, decorations, and whatever else surrounded the place.

It was a bright and sunny day too, the perfect day for a party. The temperature remained mild, not too hot, not to cold, and the best part is, it looks like there's a lot to do, even if everything was still being set up. The invitation did mark the time 2 hours from now after all. (and by 2 hours, I mean that literally)

The Apple family was well known for their tasty apple treats here in Ponyville, and had chosen to contribute to the food supply at this party, under Pinkie Pie's request of course. Big Macintosh just got around to hauling another wagon of supplies to the food stand, and his sisters Applejack and Applebloom were responsible for organizing and labeling all of the food they were laying out, ranging from fresh apples, apple pie, apple fritter, caramel apples, apple topped cupcakes, apple strudels, apple tart, you name it! She brought everything apple related for this pony's party! The younger sister, Applebloom curiously asked her older sister in the usual Apple Family country accent, (Highlight if you have trouble seeing) "Why did we bring so many things?" Her older sister replied in the same Apple Family country accent, "Well, I only met 'im once: that was back when he came over to our place lookin to help out around the farm. Unfortunately, it remains an Apple Family tradition to have only certified members of the Apple Family," she would lower her tone and whisper these next few words to Applebloom, reminding her of the Apple Family's first encounter with Flim and Flam, "and maybe a few veeery close friends," Applejack resumed her normal speaking tone, "to do any work around the farm. So I never really got a chance to know what he likes, and I figure he was just about as shy as Twilight when she first came to Ponyville, so I didn't want to put pressure on 'im and scare 'im off." The Apple treats weren't the only things to eat, about 16 pies of pizza were laid out all across another table, accompanied by club sandwiches of all sorts of fillings, and whatever other party drinks Pinkie Pie brought over.

Speaking of Twilight Sparkle, she was trotting around the party grounds checking off everything that was supposed to be here for the party, pinatas, a dance floor accompanied by big stereo loudspeakers, the pool, picnic tables to be used as dining tables, picnicking supplies, and various games such as pin the tail on the pony, billiards, a karaoke machine, horseshoe tossing, shuffleboard, apple bobbing, and the game that involves catapults hurling pumpkins at targets, normally around during the night of Nightmare Night. Everything was checked off, but something felt off to her about Pinkie Pie's party for Scruffle Gus, as many of these items are things she usually wouldn't bring to a party. She would ask her, "Wow Pinkie, where'd you get these ideas? I-I've never even heard of some of these things before." Pinkie Pie would reply ecstatically and bounce up and down as she was explaining what she knew about Scruffle Gus. (Highlight if you have trouble seeing) "Me neither! You know how he's from Manehattan right? Some of the games you haven't seen here are games he's always wanted to play back there, but he says those games aren't fun at all without friends. And I was like *gasp* O: he should totally play these games with us! We're going to be his new friends! Speaking of which, I'm going to go get him now," she said as she bounced off to the cabin in the distance.

As for the other members of the Mane 6, Rarity was relaxing by the pool in one of her many sun hats, and one of her personal chairs. She had already finished her share of the work, by properly aligning all of the table cloths and decorations, so nobody was complaining about her rest. The party wasn't going to begin in another two hours after all. Rainbow Dash, clicked the on button on the loudspeakers, which suddenly began to play this...

(It's called Los Dos Laredos Acordeones by Jaime y Los Chamacos if you're wondering.)

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shook their heads indicating that this wasn't something that shouldn't be played for a 20 year old Manehattan Stallion's birthday party causing Rainbow Dash to turn it off and try to find another track to play, possibly something 20% cooler.

Finally, Fluttershy and her animal friends were busy testing everything else, making sure it all worked. This was going to indeed be one wild birthday party.
Oh boy, I honestly wasn't expecting any sign ups after nobody replied on the Monday I posted this, or even the few days after. Hang on, I'll get the opening started soon. I just woke up, so I'm a little groggy.

Also, I say we should use this as the OOC thread, it's already conveniently here, so it would make sense.

I also would like to mention that I'm heavily backed up with college assignments at the moment and might be unable to post for a few days. Hah, that's what I get for my birthday, more schoolwork! Yay!


Navine and Strongcolt went their own way, once Diamond Rose and Tabbyte gone off running off to wherever they went running off to. After a short trot, they would come across a rather odd looking landmark in the middle of the forest. After all, it was nothing more than three boulders that arranged themselves in a triangular pattern, distancing themselves perfectly at about five ponies long on each side. In the center of the triangle laid a stone slab, etched with small printed words, attached to a tree. However there would be no time to examine it, because the dark creeping figure from before suddenly stuck its head out out from behind the tree. Navine and Strongcolt had a perfect opportunity to run, seeing how they were just across from the figure.

Tabbyte and Diamond Rose on the other hoof, would eventually find themselves wandering through the tall grass, but nothing of interest can be found within it, not even the dark creeping figure itself, as it was somewhere else. What a waste of energy, trudging yourself through grass like that.

(And Lost, don't worry about it. I just needed to make sure you understood the situation.)