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Messages - TheFawn

This is getting ridiculous. Just open more servers and people can actually PLAY THE GAME! Nobody will have to wait, and we can ALL play (if you've got it downloaded,  X3). Is it that hard?

For my first OSW, my morale for this game just went -20.

And believe me, I was PUMPED.  :l
Quote from: Ellowee on 2015 Jan 24, 14:48:31
Thanks for testing out our game! We hope you enjoy the Open Server Weekend!

(From the announcement thing)

HoW cAn I bE hApPy If I CaN't EvEn PLaY?! hOw CaN i EnJoY/!
Quote from: my_name_is_not on 2015 Jan 24, 14:56:38
Common sense is absent of the whole OSW, actually...

:facehoof: >:(
I do not like the way they executed this issue.

They put it on Facebook, and nowhere else, like they assumed everyone can get on Facebook. I, for example, am not allowed, and I am perfectly okay with that.

Why not put it on your SITE, where EVERYONE LOOKS FOR GAME INFORMATION?!

It's just common sense!
Quote from: Bluefire_the_lost_prince on 2015 Jan 24, 14:42:38
hey why when i log in im stuck in a birds-eye view of cloudsdale? i cant do anything o.O

This was JUST explained.

Spoiler: show


I was super hyped for this game, and to finally play it for the first time. I was so excited, in fact, that I was up at two in the morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Now, I'm sleep deprived because of this game, and can't even play it. I even called something like this was going to happen.

'Hmm... I got the download without problems, the game runs smoothly... no, wait. Watch me have problems after all this luck.'

Great. Please fix guys.  :(
Quote from: pinkamena892 on 2015 Jan 24, 11:39:58
You know what? I like your style  :]

Thank you~  X3
Quote from: pinkamena892 on 2015 Jan 24, 11:33:41
Your avatar looks like a pnoy OC I made one open server called Ing Shadows, brings back some good memories even though I was using that one when the whole "The world is ending!" chaos was going on at the end  lol

Quote from: Ponies991087 on 2015 Jan 24, 11:30:39
Lucky! I am a pegasus and 7 minutes have gone by.  D:

I was waiting as pegasus for like 15 minutes, give it a rest man...  :c
Quote from: Tokarief on 2015 Jan 24, 11:22:52
Well, instead I get this

And for earth pony it's this

Spoiler: show
Quote from: Moon Star on 2015 Jan 24, 11:16:01
Alright. I finally got to pick a server, re-upload my OC, and join. But I'm stuck with a nice view of Canterlot. I'm not actually looking at my character, just looking at the city.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Same problem  :'( D:
I have an issue, like many of you.
I make a character, it loads, then I can't get into the world. It'll give me a side view then play music and do nothing.

Quote from: Makenshi on 2015 Jan 23, 16:16:30
You're in for a ride! And this goes for anypony else who will be experiencing LoE for the first time, too!

On the last OSW back in August, I was just like you... It was my first time. And Luna knows how deep and emotional of an experience that was for me.
So when I'm reading all of you guys about this being your first time, it's giving me that mellow feeling... :) I'm not sure what it is exactly, but... I'm very happy for you ^.^ I hope you will get as much out of this "game" as I did! And in case it does the same powerful effect as it had on me... Let's regroup after it's over, and share about our experience :) Thinking back about feeling truly "like a pony"...

I made a page on Facebook for Sugarcane Corner... (you'll soon know what that is) I'll leave the link here just in case...

I hope we can meet up and play!
August was going to be my first time, too, but I got to the downloads late and had all 5 days trouble getting it. The first 4 days, I couldn't get a download working, then, I got it open but it wouldn't let me log in, saying some kind of error. But anyway, I spent the last day trying to log in, but had no luck. I just got a new computer this week, and am using it now. I luckily got to the download early this time, and am hoping to FINALLY play without lagging/crashing.

With my luck so far, I think I'll be good to go!~
Quote from: Makenshi on 2015 Jan 23, 15:46:54
Woohoo! Let's rejoice! Tomorrow is the day!
I'm glad I could download the latest client without any trouble ^^

Isn't this exciting? Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited-- well, except for the time that I played the game for the first time and I went *deep gasp* but I mean really, who can top that? :D

This is gonna be my first time! I'm hoping to meet a few people to go on quests with ^-^
I have a question, when I download the game, I want it to patch itself automatically. DO I have to download just the patcher, or do I get the current version too? :facehoof:
Quote from: goodponyplayer on 2015 Jan 23, 14:37:03
got a bit quiet here. is everypony waiting for the servers to open with extreme hype :P?

Hype doesn't begin to describe anything. Hype isn't a word anymore.  ovO
Quote from: FrozenSkies on 2015 Jan 23, 14:02:11
the 32 bit download says its too dangrous to download and it not gonna give it to me

For me, it downloaded, and then it said it was malicious. If it's doing this to you, do ctrl + j and click 'recover file' or something of the sort. It'll warn you, and click 'hurt me plenty' if that's the option. If not, just click confirm or yes.

Hope I helped.  ^-^