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Messages - Hexcorpe

^ you could do that but that would be hard to do plus if you u managed it u would have to work your way up the job roles, unless you got a high up job at the start  :P
^ I completely agree with you on the idea of having a My little pony series for a older audience, and I would like to think that it will happen eventually or there could be a My little pony series just for Bronies where the developers think about our ideas more than the current developers, and why should they?, they are there to make a show for a younger audience it just so happened older audiences started to like it as well so maybe if there was a company that got the rights to make a generation of mlp just for bronies that would be cool 
I don't think that My little pony will go anytime soon, the developers are always coming up with new ideas,The ideas might not all be good ideas but they are still there. Answering your questions though erm, I would have to say that many people would be upset about the loss of the show but many would still carrying on supporting the show after its gone, i think there would be chats about it like this one and many bronies would be making fan art for the show and they would be coming up with episode ideas still, but the excitement of new episodes and possible films following there first season 4 film 'equestrian girs' would be dead I am afraid to say, but this is what I think would happen if My little pony ended  D:  :/
I think if they did it well enough, and didn't make the ponies to girly again like the previous generations it will work out fine, personally I am worried about the possible 5th gen ponies because they could completely mess it up or they could make something awesome like the ponies we have now. As long as they keep all the different audiences in mind when they possibly start the next generation of ponies and they keep/add our likes and needs into generation 5 I think it will be fine but as I said previously, I am worried about the 5th gen ponies, I just don't want to see something this amazing that us bronies have made for our self's disappear, this community of bronies is all down to us and the show,and we need to enjoy the show enough to be able to stick around and support it 100%. what ever happens I will still be here and I hope a lot of people will be as well, But I don't want anything to change for the worst.  >:/