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Messages - Infestissumam

Quote from: Prismatic on 2013 Dec 25, 13:01:47
I don't like how Pokemon Bank is a paid service...Did they not learn anything from Blizzard Entertainment with their Diablo III fiasco?  o.O

Considering it's only five bucks for an entire year's worth of service, I don't see the problem with it being a paid service. Considering it costs a lot of money to keep servers up in the first place, I'm personally happy that Nintendo's online is free in the first place.
I was super excited when I thought they were bringing back Kirby's Air Ride.

But no.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2013 Dec 23, 11:02:49
The first game I ever beat was Super Mario Bros, when I was a wee lad.
I'm Sir Jared on Steam. c:
Introductions Archive / Re: Yes, Hello.
2013 Dec 21, 09:46:37
I read the rules, so that is good~

I've already been making myself comfortable in other subforums. I like this forum so far!
6/10, just 'cause the banner thing seems a little disorganised, and the text off to the sides of it looks a bit weird, and probably'd be better above the banner.
Dracula from the original Castlevania.

I could see Daring Do fixing this.

A lovely gif.
Quote from: Jenzy on 2013 Dec 19, 20:38:14
Rosalina's been appearing a lot recently. Playable in Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros. 4, Mario Kart 8... and in a rather surprising way where she seems to be taking the spotlight.

It's like it's trying to be the Year of Rosalina... O:

I think just the simple presence of another semi-important female in the Nintendo pantheon, especially from the Mario district, makes her iconic enough to round out an existing round-up, so for the sheer sake of diversity, I can see why they'd be adding Rosalina to a lot of their titles.
Introductions Archive / Yes, Hello.
2013 Dec 21, 04:42:39
I'm new here. I'm not the best at introductory topics, but I like video games, drawing, and writing among other things.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.