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Messages - Snowy

"Hey Silver! It's been forever! I'm doing fine." Snow says smiling. She noticed the dust and started giggling. "I see you were pretty busy down there huh?" Icy hopped up and started buncing around. "Hi Silver!" Puppet Icy waved to him smiling.
"Sure I would love to see Silver, I haven't seen him in awhile." She said sliding her saddle off and sitting by the counter. "I hope it wont be trouble though, I don't want to disturb him.." Snow said starting to pet Icy a bit. "I'm sure he'd love to see you."  Puppet Icy said.
(( I'm great, how 'bout you? ))
The puppet nodded and shouted to her mother. "Mommm! We found Silvers shop! Gold's here!" Snow poked her head from out of her saddle. "What? Who told you two to walk off! You two are just as bad as the twins!" Snow picked her saddle up and walked over to his shop and walked inside. Icy was curled up on the counter, still purring from Gold patting her on the head. "Oh hey Gold! Sorry if these two caused any trouble..." She says picking puppet Icy up and walking toward the counter.

((Hey Chris! Hey Flame! ))
"Hey Gold! We decided to stop by just to see how you were doing!" Icy jumped onto the counter with a huge smile. "Besides, mommy is kind of busy." Puppet Icy peaked out the door to see Snow Dash still looking through her bag,making grumbling noises and sighs. "So anyway, what are you doing? And how's Silver?" Icy asked.
Icy, puppet Icy and Snowy were walking around two looking for something to do. They walked past a jewelry store with lots of rings and necklaces on display. Snow stopped to look in the window at all the shiny things, wondering if she had enough money to buy a necklace. Snow puled off her saddle bag and started digging around for some bits. Icy poked Puppet Icy, and whispered something in her ear. They both headed to Silvers shop, leaving Snowy alone with her saddle.  When they walked in Puppet Icy started to panic, realizing that Snow would be really angry with them. "Do you think we should be in here?"  Puppet  Icy asked looking around. Icy turned to her little sister and nodded. "Of course we should! One of mommies friends work here! Remember?" The puppet nodded and followed her big sister.
"This is why you should listen to your wife more often. I told you she was sick bu-" Icy gave Snowy a look, so she shut up and told flurry to hold on, and flew out the door. Icy and icy walked out the door following Snow.

(( Sorry, i'm on themy phone and its almost out of power so I might have to stop after a few post))
Snow Dash is downstairs tickling Flurry's stomach. She stopped when she saw Moon carrying Snowflake. "What's wrong?" Snow asked sounding extremely worried. "Is flakey ok?" Flurry asked, climbing up on Snows back.
Snowflake shook her head no, and sneezed three times in a row and coughed at the end. Icy sat by the door watching.
"Is she alright?"
Snow mocked him as he went up the steps to check on his daughter. "Still going to take her to the hospital...". Meanwhile, Snowflake was as in her bed tossing and turning. She was sweating a little, so she pushed the covers away.
"Yeah I guess. But if she has any trouble tonight I'm taking her to the hospital. Just letting you know." She said sounding serious as ever. Flurry giggled listening to his parents playing with a pony action figure.
As Moon pulled Flurry down from the counter she sighed sadly. "Sorry daddy. I wanted to help you and mommy help Snowflake. And daddy I wouldn't have slipped, honest! I'm strong enough to stand on a counter.." He said smiling.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Snow muttered flopping down on the couch. Meanwhile, Flurry is in the kitchen searching around for something to help his sister with. He jumps onto the kitchen counter and started searching inside cabinets.
"Alright alright, but this is her first time getting sick, shouldn't she have another pony in there just incase she..I don't know, throws up or something? She's my daughter and-" Icy runs up the stairs and stands next to Snowy and Moon."Calm down, Snowflake is a somewhat big girl, she can call for help." Snow rolled her eyes. " My parents- wait, I mean, my mom always stayed in the room with me whenever I got sick.." She said before going back downstairs.
Snowflake stares at the spoon, then reluctantly leaned over to sip the soup. Snow watched from behind, and after Snowflake swallowed, Snow got closer. "Do you feel any better?" Before Snowflake could answer, Icy rolled her eyes and spoke up. "Mom, I doubt that just slurping a bit of soup will make Snowflake feel better.." Snowy ignored her daughter and stared at Snowflake. "Well, do you?" Snowflake shook her head no. throat is still scratchy and- She sneezed right into the bowl of soup.

((Sorry for taking so long. ))
 "Aww but dadddyyy!" Snowflake whined as she  sat on the couch. "You heard what your daddy said. Off to bed after you eat. You don't want to be sick, right?" Snowy asked as she sat down next to her daughter. "No I guess not.." Flurry and Icy walked into the house and right up to Snowflake. "It's alright Flakey, me and daddy will heal you right up, while Snow- I mean mommy and Flurry practice some more." Icy said, jumping up on the couch, then rubbing up against her hoof. Snow nodded and patted Snowflakes head, then walked into the kitchen. "Do you think she'll be alright?" She asked Moon worriedly.
The little filly sniffled a few times before looking up to her father. "I didn't do the spell right!" She sniffled and sneezed after she said that. "And my throat feels a little scratchy *sniffle*" Snow sat down and pat her daughters head. "Uh oh..I think she might be sick.." She said sounding a bit scared. This was the first time a child had gotten sick under her care...she didn't know what to do.
Snowflake clapped for her brother. "Yayay Flurry~!" She cheered, proud her brother, mastered the spell the first time. Flurry bowed his head and sat beside his mother. Snow nodded and nudged Snowflake up to the tree. The little filly got into the same fighting stance as her brother and stared glared at the tree. She mustered up all of her strength and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a few moments of her just standing there, two ice shards came flying out of her wings. "Good try sweety. Just try it again alright? This time don't look so tense. Loosen up a  bit.." Snow said softly. Snowflake nodded, and flapped her tiny wings again. They started glowing a teal color. A few ice shards flew up into the air missing the tree completely. "Uh-oh, I got it Flakey!" Flurry got up and shot  an iceshard up into the air, thinking he could knock the two Snowflake made into the tree. Instead, the iceshard that Flurry made crashed into the two that Snowflake shot up into the air, causing little crystals to fall to the ground all over Snowflake. "Sorry Snowflake.." Flurry said, helping his sister off the ground. Snowflake sniffled a few times then began to cry..and sneeze. "Uh oh." Snowy rushed over to her children, grabbed them and walked back over to Moon.

((I hope you don't mind but I changed Snowflake's color...))
((Alright, I guess it's my turn then. And also, sorry for not posting earlier. ))

"Alright. Are you uh ready to learn some more ice magic?" The two franticly nodded their head and started bouncing up and down. Snow stepped in front of them with a serious look on her face  opening up her wings . "Alright. But using this magic isn't just for fun. You need to be responsible with it. You have to be careful with need to treat it with care. You can use this magic for good or bad. But me and your father are both very good ponies, and if even you even think about using this magic for evil-" The twins stare up at their mother with huge eyes afraid of what she would say. "Sorry. But anyway.. let's just get this started alright?" Snowy walked over to a random tree across the street with the children following behind her with large bright smiles. The tree was just across the street so Moon and Icy..and Icy could see from the house.

Snow explained to the two of them what they had to do, and how to do it. The first spell that she instructed was the easiest spell that she could find, iceshard fury. Except of course, it wouldn't be as mine shards as usual. "Feel the cool air around you, alright? Search for it if you can't find it. Then aim for the tree..alright?" The nodded, and Flurry went up first. He focused on the tree and flapped his small wings causing them to turn a navy blue color. He smiled, and got into a fighting stance. Without saying anything a few ice shards flew from his wings and pieced the tree. "I did it! I did it! Mommy loooook!" He shouted bouncing back to his mother and sister. "Did you see daddy?!" Flurry shouted to his father.
Snowy nodded at what he said. "Alright. Good." She kissed him back then walked over to the kids.

((Question...are you going to control both of them or are we taking turns or are you controlling the colt and i'm controlling the filly?))