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Messages - The Fractured Mourn


Pinkie pie is in my house. WhatdoIdoohgodIdon'tknowwhattodoand...
*Smacks self*
She watches me sleep.  :I
(Wait? What!? The RP was actually continuing on?!?!?)

Well technically, the ONE pony amusing himself. Sixrand actually...'turned off', going into a blank trance-like state for a few hours. Or one hour, the time was never really paid attention to in the forest temple. Once Anjean spoke, Sixrand's eyes opened up and listened to what she said. "The hunt is on once more. Rain, I suggest you go up first. If a heartless appears to attack, I won't be able to permanently destroy it. If it's one of those stone statues, I suggest we just repeat what we did on the first floor."
...Well, at least in this version of the Zelda world, none of you have to deal with the water temple...

Or worse, it's big brother from Majora's mask...
- - - Elsewhere - - -

"Heh, looks like I'm getting the hang of this now." Sprint's shadow lets out a quick laugh, which echoes into the dark void he is currently residing in. It wasn't quite the realm of darkness, nor was it the realm of light. a pocket of air that got trapped between the two. The shadow found it useful to hide out in while training his dark might.

Speaking of which, the most recent accomplishment of his was creating a floating hole before him. Thing about this space, was that it was currently tracking the progress of that group he encountered. Not only that, but the Shadow knew that at any time it could hop through this hole in reality....and pop out right in front of them. Course, thing is that it also knew that this time around it's job was to strengthen the heartless, not to attack them directly.

How would he strengthen the heartless? Oh...nothing complex...just having the ability to drop foes in wherever he wanted, and the fact that he could make slight variations to each version of the heartless. In fact, he had something special planned for those two in the tower...

"...Oh right! Forgot to add in how I suddenly got the power for this ability! Simple, eating up a few souls in the underworld was the only thing I had to do! Course, raising the dead was a fun plus..."

(Just a quick recap on the Shadows current location. Also Hunter, the shadow isn't deranged...more just a very VERY angry monster that wants to gobble you up, but is smart enough to know it cant yet.)
"Uh...No. Kinda dealing with the fact that I'm technically in two places at once now."
Then how are you even speaking he-
"All I know is that magic is to blame. Since I'm an earth pony, I'll just have to let things sort themselves out...ugh..."

"Ten bits? Nah, how bout instead I give ya a few lashings!"

"...Odd, it seems all of my bits have converted into odd yellow blocks."

Yeah, you aren't getting any money from this batch.
...Oh, you already have 2 done. Er...get three done then!

I could just write my own fiction for a character, but I never get around to doing it >.>
*Sigh* Well, I really am getting bored waiting for this to go on...

Hunter, hurry up and make that second chapter in your fic. Before I decide to throw a skellington at someone!
(Desperation move = Final Smash = Ultimate attack)

(Being on the receiving end of it, basically means getting hit by said move....)
(You do realize that eventually one of you is going to be on the receiving end of a desperation move right? One coming from the glass Cannon Sprint's Shadow?)

(Besides, that wasn't a final smash, just a very awesome combo.)
"Hmph, if you wish. May I just remind you not to stri-" Sixrand leaped further away from Rain, avoiding the supernatural sting of the ponies keyblade. "-Strike me with that weapon. I do not wish to be dispersed before my heartless half." However, Sixrand did notice how the spin attack was done...and decided to try it for himself later, if in a...different form.
(I personally was thinking of Za-)


Ugh, sorry guys. I lost the will to RP for a while. It happens to the best and worst of us sometimes.

Also, may I just mention that knowing Sprint may be placed into the story of Hunter's...Heh. It actually makes me a bit impatient to see how Hunter portrays him and his fragments.

"No...I don't believe I will use weapons of any sort until I have my form returned to me." Sixrand watched as the room grew darker...and two red eyes revealed themselves. "A being of the that hunts the few strong hearts that manage to enter the darkness. The...Hunter of the Dark. How it has entered this world, and how I know this information...are unknowns. Perhaps some link to my dark half...?" Unsheathing his spikes, Sixrand waited for the creature to strike...except...

The darkness rushed towards Rain instead, letting out a growl as it lashed it's claws forward.
"Which will prove difficult, due to one hit from your keyblade, even if accidental, may hold the power to cause lasting harm to me. I suggest we keep our distance from each other, and I do my usual round of distracting the monster..." Sixrand would arrive at the second floor, and wait for Rain before he confronted the creature ahead. "Interesting."

(Now to wait for Hunter to make a post about Hunter. Yo dawg.)
"I will admit, defeating the Phantom was far easier with you doing the collection work." Sixrand then proceeded to find the way up, his spikes withdrawing back into his body. "Do not sheathe your weapon just yet, I sense...a far more powerful heartless up ahead."
Just like before, the heartless residing within the Phantom revealed itself. In one quick jabbing motion, it sent itself straight towards Rain like a spear, intending to stab the pony in the chest. Of course...that is if Sixrand didn't leap back at the Phantom, and stabbed both spikes into the armor of the creature. Surprisingly...the spike's stabbed through the thick armor, causing no true pain or permanent damage to the Phantom...but stabbing into the body of the heartless inside. So right before the heartless would pierce into Rain, it would burst into a cloud of darkness...and Rain's tear-charged keyblade would strike true.
The armor followed up with a sideways slash, which Sixrand avoided by jumping up into the air. Thrusting one of his spikes into the armors visor, Sixrand felt the heartless inside growl angrily. "Bah, you do not scare me. Nor will anything else." Now hanging on from this spike, Sixrand stabbed his other spiked foot into the phantom...and soon found his back being grabbed. The Phantom pulled Sixrand away, and threw the nobody into one of the nearby walls.
This would be a lot easier if we could just make sub-threads for the others to do their bits of adventure in...
Would allow everyone to do their thing all at once, and nobody would get bored waiting. Also, I am still going to search for other KH rp's out in the Net...
"It is nothing important. I suggest you hurry and find the tears..." The phantom let out a ghostly roar, and began to charge towards Sixrand. As it raised it's sword...Sixrand formed both of his hooves into metal spikes and brought them up just in time to block the armors downward slash. "While Heartless are immune to physical pain, I am merely...very durable. Enough effort and even a normal man could destroy me."
...Fine! If you cant decide for yourself...
*Picks up a barrel.* I'll stick everyone in barrels until I'm the only one left, and I alone run the story! MUWAHAHAHA!

Wait, I just acted evil around a bunch of goody-two-shoes. Drats.