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Messages - 0jackie0

Original Characters / Re: my oc
2015 Jan 11, 03:20:49
[I] -pushes Shadow and Star out of the way cuz, you know, NOT HELPING- [/i]

So, had a chance to build that back story at all? Because while the name is technically sound, it could be different. However, this is your character, so its your choice. After all, why bother making an OC you don't like?
Quote from: Gracie Sky on 2014 Dec 26, 16:42:15
Thrak time traveled from the primordial ages because he fell down a fissure caused by an earthquake. Now, unless there's more than meets the eye on this character's arrival to Equestria, this scenario breaks my suspension of disbelief within the Equestrian universe. I am also trying to decide if the whole concept of dinosaurs in Equestria would be believeable, although I don't see any reason why not as long as it is sufficiently explained. But falling through a crack in the ground and time travelling I wouldn't consider sufficient.

Other than that, though, I don't see any issues with Thrak. I was a little hesitant about giving my opinion on Thrak because there really isn't any nice way to say "I don't think he belongs". Of course, if you could revise the story and come up with a more plausable explanation regarding how Thrak found his way into Equestria, there won't be any issues remaining.

Well, this is where I scratch my head and admit my embarrassment. In the effort to get everything onto one page, I had to pull Thrak's info from three separate sites, cuz I'm inconsistent. I just realized that I still have his first backstory on there. xD I'll have to go looking for the one that WAS revised. My apologies on that.
It was more to see if you were willing to critique the others, not really Jackie or Russ. > w < May I ask why you did not want to critique the other? Sugar Drop I can see, but Thrak it 'technically' canon, which is usually what you like to look for. Is it because he's not g4?
First thing, wrong board.

Second thing, you generally post your own views when asking for such a thing from others.
Original Characters / Re: Lollipop Swirl
2014 Nov 28, 16:16:27
Ahmahgaw, she's adorable. * o * Very nice profile, although I think proper spacing between paragraphs would it a more attractive read.
Find five or ten songs/bands you think your OC would listen to or heck, even make some up! Then post them for all to see and judge with cold unwarranted prejudice enjoy! If your playlist has a theme, expand upon that!

Then, if you'd like, discuss and inquire as to why you feel those songs fit said OC or maybe even muster up the balls courage and suggest songs that you feel fit another OC. What could possibly go wrong?

Have fun, but keep the violence down to a minimum.

Anyway, I'm only gonna do Jackie's for now.

Jackie has no particular theme. She has a song for most of her moods, but tends to drift over to the 'easy listening' or 'downtempo' side. While she's working, it may end up being something powerful or fast paced, maybe to keep her body moving at a decent rate. She has little love for traditional dance music (tango, etc), instead bobbing around to whatever song she has playing at the moment. Her preferred genres are: New age, classic rock, hard rock, easy listening, classical and soft electronica.

(Songs are in no particular order)
1.) Principles of Lust - Enigma
2.) Michelle - Beatles
3.) Gravity - Gorillaz
4.) More Than a Feeling - Boston
5.) The Way it is - Bruce Hornsby
6.) Digital Love - Daft Punk
7.) Don't Stop Me Now - Queen
8.) It's in the Rain - Enya
9.) An Ocean Away - Sarah Brightman
10.) Misery Business - Paramore
Hi, Gracie! <3 Its been a while, hasn't it? I've added three more characters and gotten rid of one, if you wanted to give them a lookover. ^_^

Jackie and the Gang
Hiiii~ Guess I'll just drop my link here. It contains five OC's. xP

Jackie and the gang
Bump! Characters have been updated!
Original Characters / Re: OC Rating Service
2014 Nov 11, 16:08:50
If you feel up for it. I have five separate characters, but I'd like to see which one you choose.

Jackie Trade, the repair pony
Russ Eaves, the private detective
Elsa Cane, the cow with a secret
Thrak, the cuteasaurus
Sugar Drop, the honey slime
Original Characters / Re: Help me....
2013 Aug 27, 19:19:36
For the pics, click the button that looks like the Mona Lisa and post the pic's URL in between the brackets. For the icon, Im assuming you mean avatar, then click 'profile' on the dashboard. You'll see an avatar option.
Meant to do this, forgot about it. Whoops. <_<

Anyway, name's Jackie. Obviously not my real name but I choose this name for a different reason, not because it's the same as my main OC. I've been enlisted in the US Navy for 5 years, with a year and a half left on my 'sentence'. I joined due to lack of money, not out of love for country, so my views definitely do not coincide with the others I serve with. If you plan on joining any military branch, please think very hard about it. Its not what it used to be and if you have another choice for income, I suggest you skip the service and work towards that instead. Sorry, bad experiences. -_-

I have a wife of 3 years, married in December '09 and a two year old daughter, who has my wife's looks and my weirdness. : P They are the biggest part of my life. I couldn't ask for a better family and only my close friends know why.
I also have a best friend who kept me sane during my 8 month deployment and is a person who I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. > w < She's been amazing to me and, on a minor note, the only reason why I've stayed in the fandom. I hope to still be friends with her years from now.

I'm 25 years old and am pretty satisfied with life. The only thing left is to get a better job to better take care of my family and to hopefully have at least two more kids.

I write fanfics in my off time, my biggest project being a romance shipfic between my main OC Jackie and my best friend's OC Timid. : 3 if you are up for reviewing fics, I'd be very appreciative if you would take a look at mine, located in my sig. I'm always trying to improve and you can help me do that.
Also, I love love love narrative RPs, but due to my job, I rarely have the time to participate anymore. I can do slow RPs, though. (One or two replies a day) If you're interested, message me.

For now, that's all I have. If you have questions (military, or pretty much anything), I'd be happy to answer them. I'm not a recruiter. Far from it. I wanna make sure you have a better option than joining the military, but will not turn anyone down who is curious about it.

Hope to see you around the forums! <3
This should be interesting. When its finished, I'll just edit my post.
I had to stop for a while. ; - ; Didn't wanna leave it on at work while my two year old had physical access to it. Left it at 300k+ a second.
Original Characters / Re: Spiffy
2013 Aug 26, 23:24:54
There's a little button on the tool bar above the text box that looks like the Mona Lisa. Just click on that and post the URL in between the two sets of brackets. : 3
Eh, nah, it doesn't. It's just the handheld games modified for mmo play. I haven't heard of that one. :/
Actually, yeah, it's ''

Totally online Pokémon, based off of Firered and Soul Silver.
'Stop when you can'... you're funny. e _ e
I'm up to like, 70k a second.
Doesn't need to have a point. Ah well, I tried. : P