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Messages - EmberPyre

I managed to get on for about the last, oh, seven minutes. XD

It did seem like it ran pretty smoothly.  Better than the last time I played. ^_^  I also like how it actually kept my pony from my last play.  (Whoo!)

Does anyone know where to mention little errors and such that don't effect gameplay?  I've noticed a couple things that don't seem ticket-worthy.
The Retirement Home / Re: Cant unzip files
2014 Aug 08, 16:49:31
You probably got an interrupted/incomplete download.  It's something that will happen if a download server is stressed when a lot of people try to download from it, particularly trying to download the same file.

If you're on Windows, try using the Torrent download.  One of the neat things about torrenting is that it can actually get faster when more people are downloading - downloaders each share a bit of their bandwidth.  I tried the torrent after my .ZIP download failed, and the torrent completed after about 5 minutes. ^-^
Heya!  So after being unable to download from Google Drive and getting an incomplete download from your mirror, I tried torrenting.  So much nicer - it was done in about five minutes! ^_^  The only thing is that there's currently only a download for the Windows 32-bit version; I'm playing on a 64-bit version of Windows, so that's the version I'd prefer.  I'd also like to playtest on Mac and possibly Linux.  Is there any chance you can get those versions up soon?

Anyway, I'll get started on the current version in the meantime.  I hope things go well. ^-^