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Messages - Speedy Storm

Hey everyponies  :3

It's been about 2 months since I started playing at LoE and... *GASP* THE HORROR! O:  ...I forgot to introduce myself  0:)
Well, better late than never as they say :D

So, without further delay, Hello!!! I am Speedy Storm, an awesome pegesus  :3
I am 22 years old and I study programming(these incomprehensible lines that run your computer equipement, this forum and Legends of Equestria  X3 ).
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is my favorite show(like, i hope, a large part of this forum's members  o.O )!
My favorite pony between the Mane 6 is the most self-assured pegasus of the world.... Rainbow Dash  :3  :3  :3 (if my avatar was not already an indication  :P ).
My hobbies is reading, especially fanfictions (MLP, crossover...) , learning new thing and listening musics like MLP song or fanmade.
I'm a pony who, when in a group, prefer to listen and give my opinion from time to time.

Well, i hope my introduction is not too long, but i was a little excited  ^-^

Take care everyponies!!!  :]

P.S: Here an image of Scootaloo and her great sister Rainbow Dash :D

Hello everyone,

I had a great idea where somepony post a lyric of a MLP song and we must guess where it come from!  :D

I post an easy to began, good luck!  :]

"I used to wonder what friendship could be"
Hey everycreatures!!!

I just had a great idea  ^-^
With this topic, i will create a trend where anycreatures can post a link to a image and we have to guess which episode (or movie) it comes from  :D
I post the first image here, good luck !!! ^^

I have a problem withe the quest "Removing Cookies and Browsing Data".
I am blocked with Wayward when i want to discuss with him the missing cookies.
All his dialogues "don't stomp so hard" go nowhere.
I even went to the NPC in Cantermore to fix the Quest but nothing: it's even make the bug worse.
Can you please fix this quest ?