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Messages - Nactyle

Seriously, Woodentoaster was my gateway into seeing the brilliance that is the bronydom.
This does him justice. :)
Wow. O:
You weren't kidding. There is a lot going on around here!
I particularly like the audio section.
Same to you!
Nice hat. :P
Introductions Archive / Hey there mates!
2013 Jul 07, 19:44:07
I'm just a fellow who finally checked the show out after seeing random pony pictures constantly come up while on the net.
Curiosity got the better of me and I'm glad it did. The community is simply wonderful!
I love math, gaming (all kinds), and technology in general. I also read and write fanfiction.

Here's to the success of LoE and to everyone having a great time!
See ya later mates!