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Messages - Two tone

He offers hwe a friendly hug, almost crying himself
Ecco shudders and looks away at moonlights last comment, he looks down and sighs in sorrow, he mumbles something under his breath before booking at them again "Y-your son? he asks as he beings to tear up
Ecco begins to wrap Moonlight in one of his wings, comforting her, he says calmy "Hey, don't cry. Many others have lost things, just like your house..." He says holding back tears of his own "But it's something we can't help, I lost my home and something else, I know how it feels"
He looks at him oddly as he says "Batty" but just shrugs it off "Ah, to where? Or where ever the wind takes you?" He smiles slightly, clearly it's something he does little of "The names Ecco by the way"
Ecco looks over to the second pony and begins to calm down a little, relaxing. His attention turns to the surrounding areas "Your house? What happened to it, if I may ask?" He asks softly as he takes a small, almost finished boxes of tissues out of his bag "And what may a pony like yourselves be doing out here? He asks as he looks between them
Ecco soon after stood up and grabbed his dufflebag, looking he spotted the band of ponies in the distance, he yawns before making his way over. As he reaches them he stops and takes a look around ""What is all this racket, ponies are trying to slee- He sees the crying mare before turning his chin up a little being defensive Whats the matter Miss? Is somepony bothering you?
Sat curled up under a tree is Ecco, a simple Bat Pony, although his wings are covered by a cloak, hiding them. He sleeps unaware of whats going on around but his ears are twitching towards sounds.