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Messages - Chautauquan

Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Nov 02, 02:05:58
isengard ovO

Isengard?  Mordor?... But I want more of the Shire!  (Does this mean Shire Ponies=Hobbits?)
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2012 Oct 30, 17:04:41
I get to wear all three of my Hallowe'en costumes this week.  They're all historical, but, uh... some garner more recognition than others.

"What are you?  Some kinda Russian?"-Practically everyone
"I'm a Cossack!  Cossacks are cool!"-Me
"It's like a Russian cowboy, but cooler."-Still me
"Oh, okay."-The other people

But tonight will be great.  Considering the abundance of pirate costumes, the fact that I'll be a respectable merchant of the same time period and locale will make for great fun.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2012 Oct 19, 19:16:05
Made Piroshki the other day and again today.  Filled up those rolls with chocolate pudding.  Now it's potatoes.  I love baking.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 19, 19:14:13
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Oct 19, 18:15:44
high humidity

Amen!  I've got a terrible tolerance for humidity.  I moved from one (extremely) dry climate to a slightly less extreme climate.  I mean, in both cases, it's a desert, with sagebrush being the main vegetation.  It was funny my first couple of days here, though, because I thought it was somehow hotter (because water existed in the air) but my roommate (who happened to share my first name) came from Indonesia, so he was talking about shriveling into a raisin in the climate while I was insisting that I needed gills to breathe... Made for an odd situation, it did.

That being said, I get really annoyed when we've got gorgeous storm clouds, and they decide to pass us up.  I suppose local pegasi are obsessed with keeping us dry... (Yeah, we're a desert, I know, but that's why I miss it when we don't get rain, because it's like having a birthday everyday it rains)
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 18, 02:47:56
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Oct 17, 22:48:32
I have a phobia of getting my blood drawn. >.< Childhood trauma and whatnot. Looking back on vague memory of it, I think they drew from my left arm. Nurses lately have been insisting on my right arm. That's why it hurt so bad when I was a kid - they drew from the wrong arm.

Mumble grumble.  People who assume, er... handed-ness.  I was getting vaccinations once to go abroad, some of which are the type which... aren't pleasant for a while afterwards.  My doctor knew I was a lefty, but not the new nurse, who decided to inject me with all of the vaccinations into the left arm.  I didn't know about the side effects at the time, so I didn't care where they went... After the fact, she told me that my arm would be sore for about a day, and might not be the most coordinated.  Lovely.  Just lovely. 
Another western episode, with potential conflict.... mostly because I want to hear somepony utter the line "Remember the a la mode!"  A bit of a stretch for a cheap gag, I know, but it'd warm the cockles of my heart.
As the combined efforts of the two silver ponies pulled Dusty out, he gritted his teeth against the pain, still wearing a forced smile as the bruises were bumped up against rather unpleasantly.  The gentle plucking motions were a bit easier to go through, although the pressure from cloth being applied was still leaving him rather tender.  Eventually, rather than admit the pain, he decided to speak up, and see if he could get away with simply "walking it off".  With a quick turn to those caring for him, he smiled and thanked them, adding, "You know, I'm right grateful for everything you're doing, but, uh, I think it's about time we get moving, right?  Unh--Best get everypony inside again sooner, that'll be best, I figure."  He stamped his hooves a bit for warmth before setting forth.  "Nevermind-- me, I'll be fine.  Sooner we get everypony inside, sooner we're all better off for it." He still grinned throughout the process, although a few words were rather... accented due to the bruising.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Oct 12, 18:01:19
Quote from: Zygrograxgra on 2012 Oct 11, 19:19:59
When people flirt with me.

With the corresponding counterpart of people assuming that friendliness is flirtation.  Can't a guy make bagels just because he wants to be a good friend?  It's just very odd to get friendzoned by someone who you aren't pursuing. 
Dusty winced as he watched the ice rough up the pony in front of him.  Had he considered that, he might have gone first.  But, there was little to be done now about that, only making life simpler for himself.  Knocking some ice loose before crawling slowly out, the cracking sounds of the ice grew more frequent and louder, eventually culminating in a crash just as the earth pony was pulling his hind legs free.  The collapse caught the both of them, although with a bit of work, he pulled the left one free.  Struggling to free the other, he winced with pain as his back twisted and turned, gritting his teeth in an effort to hide the pain.  "Just a moment, I'll get out of here fine... Just need to-urk!"  He cut himself off with a grunt.  "Keep going, get him dry and warm, I'll get over soon."  Planting one hind hoof next to the other, he tried one more time to pull it out by practically bucking the mound... and remained rather attached to his leg,  as well as the snowdrift.
At this point, Dusty deferred to the pony beside him, motioning for him to move first.  Hypothermia was still his main concern, and, from his own assumptions, he figured he was in a better spot for the time being.  "Go on, then," he intoned, "I'll keep in touch from the back."  He also shouted out a quick request, though it might have seemed rather terse if not for the circumstances, "Can somepony bring some blankets back here?  Might be good if only for a moment."  Dusty was pushing back his own worry and concern by foisting it all onto somepony else.  So long as he wasn't alone in danger, he felt comfortable enough.
Dusty had listened to the commotion outside with a relative calmness.  After all, what was there to get worked up over?  It was just getting closer to a time for a good nap.  Just a quick rest, nothing more.   But when Silverspark came crashing down on top of the ice, he jumped quite a bit, knocking from the inside just after the cracks gathered across the outside.  Soreness makes for a boon companion when one is drifting away to sleep improperly, and this was one such case.  The spiderweb cracks were loud underneath the ice, and made for a bit of nervousness, as logic gave way to shock. 
"Hoppin' horn-toads!" Dusty blurted out quickly, but then noticed the canvas was malleable again.  He called out through the hole, trying to communicate with the outside.   "Here!  Let's make the hole bigger!  Just get that log in the hole and wiggle...  We'll crawl out, if needs be.  I think we'll be fine, now that it's shattered."  Feeling the back still rather heavy with snow, he thought simply to get out before all else.  "The canvas might be... stuck... longer than us, sorry to say."  He punctuated his last words with a couple of taps to the sides of the canvas, slowly expanding the hole which he had carved earlier.
((Actually, that's why I mentioned 'bumping' them upon leaving.  I figured he'd likely notice what he hit, likely because he didn't know it was there.  Like hitting a target you don't know is there... Can't avoid what you cannae see.))

Dusty shrugged.  "Folks are generally kind, far as I can tell, wherever they be.  'Specially since as we're stuck under here, they're digging us out.  Generally a good thing, last I checked.  Say, your hoof alright?  You seemed to be down even before the snow came."
The Retirement Home / Re: Colts vs Fillies
2012 Sep 29, 19:20:08
Dusty chuckled as the sounds got louder.  "Well sure they're digging us out!  You don't think they'd let us hog all the fun in here for ourselves, do you?  Hardworking folk will need to blow off steam in a fine way, and here we are just trying to keep our spirit locked up inside a snowbank!  By the by, I, uh... meant to apologize back there.  I think I might've knocked your wings a bit when I was trying to get off of you.  Sorry about that, really, I am."  The fact that the sounds of hope were nigh brought yet more hope to him, and he began trying to do his part to get out.  "Can't reach much, truth be told... but we might be able to help lift the canvas if we just dig a little bit underneath..."  He punctuated his pauses with taps on the snow below, hollowing out what might be useful either as a hoof-grip or at the very least, an airhole and system of communication with the outside.  "Well, to get back to what I mentioned earlier, I figure that folks ought to be comfortable.  If'n I'm making you uncomfortable with my naggin' and whatnot, I really don't mean to.  I just figure that, well, now especially that I know we're both travelers, it wouldn't hurt to get to know folks.  Aye?"
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Sep 28, 17:58:34
Hehe! It's ridiculously fun just to zip around. I chose pegasus to avoid all the getting stuck I keep hearing about in chat.

Well, speak of the draconequus, that just happened to me.  Pifflesnoots.  Well, I'll be likely going over to Pegasus for testing purposes sooner rather than later.
Dusty Tomes is also wandering Discord!... soon as the connection agrees with my computer... well, vice-versa, rather.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Sep 28, 14:15:18
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Sep 28, 10:45:28
Again, why I like the US History textbook my college uses. It actually makes a point to tell all sides of the story, even England's side in the American Revolution. I now know that England wasn't completely being a jerk. There was just a lot of miscommunication. And quite a few things America got was due to miscommunication. Lucky us. ovO

Textbooks in and of themselves rather frustrate me for history.  Sure, there are some nuggets, but generally speaking, it seems to me like they're designed to make people not like history. Dates and facts and statistics... completely forgetting the human element.  (This appears to be a different case, but still...) I love when it's all the first-hand resources, stuff like journals and newspapers and summat.  Sure, they'll be biased, but that's why you read lots of different journals!
Not under-rated, from what I can tell, but certainly forgotten:
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter.  Absolute classic, made me fall in love with the A-Wing.  Still the best Star Wars dogfighting game out there, I think.
Also, LEGO Island.  I can remember shoving countless pizzas into the Brickster's craw in an effort to save the island, while luring the cops to his trail with donuts.
Finally, I cant forget "Chutes and Buckets", which was a really, really old game.  You basically had a little bucket with which you caught math equations, and hopefully you had the right number when the equation landed, or your bucket filled up.  If it was completely full, the equation would spill out and you lost.  Absolutely ancient, but I remember thinking that the orange equations floating down my monochromatic screen were almost magical.

Music Archive / Re: Post your theme song!
2012 Sep 28, 01:52:18

Yup.  The most touching part of my childhood summed up in two and a half minutes.  This actually drove me (very indirectly) to my major today.  Amazing how music influences us even from an early age, eh?
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2012 Sep 28, 01:25:11
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Sep 28, 01:07:45
when history is written by the winners.  Edison, Columbus, Perry, Americo...

Yeah... Don't know when that isn't the case, though.  Plato saved Socrates for us, but still, guh!  Too much of the spoils being in the victors' hands.  I cannae remember who, but someone said, "Whoever controls the present, controls the past; and whoever controls the past, controls the future."  History has told me that this is true and it works.  Grr... 

On topic, though.... I'm annoyed that there isn't a standard department for History.  It's either lumped into humanities or social sciences, depending on where you are.  Really?  Why can't we just be our own special deal, like the school of Accountancy?