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Messages - Programmer3344

some of a........isn't it not free or something? they give you a demo of the engine unless you guys have a licence of it. Unity would be good to learn (don't see why not use U.D.K. since it's free to use and don't have to pay royaties unless you sell something. but ok
Hmm, I'm better at C++ , just gotta know what engine is being used.
Thanks Every-pony!!!! So what's being used? C++? Ogre3D?
Ok, i hear your looking for programmers. I have a few questions:

1) What are you guys using? (C++? Ogre3D? UDK?) Let me know what you're using so then i can see if I could help. I'm already working on the portal 2/ponies mod as a programmer but that's slow coming. So please let me know what you are using. I would greatly appreciate it. ALL HAIL CELESTIA