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Messages - Eclair

Hello everyone it's been a while~  ^^
And wow this limit thing is crazy xD
((Not to be rude to you guys who are actually playing, but it seems like this game isn't going very smoothly.  o.O Seems like half the players are still inactive which makes voting take even longer and keeps the game from actually getting somewhere  :I ))
((Yeah, it doesn't seem productive to skip a voting day. Yes you may vote an innocent but you also may get a corrupt. Like Lary said you'll only be letting the corrupt get a huge lead in the game  o.O ))
Introductions Archive / Re: Hi I'm Becky.
2012 Aug 08, 18:08:52
Quote from: Becky on 2012 Aug 08, 04:02:46
Quote from: Eclair on 2012 Aug 08, 03:54:49
Don't worry we all understand how you feel  ^-^

Your pony is beautiful. <3.
Well I just thought of a Pony. My name is Herpy. Derp's long lost sister LOL

Thank you~ I like that idea~ Very clever  ;)
Introductions Archive / Re: Hi I'm Becky.
2012 Aug 08, 03:54:49
Don't worry we all understand how you feel  ^-^
((That's really unfair for the rest of the people to take the game seriously.  >.<
Seems like the cop should have a little more restricted list to be randomized to.))
((You guys lost your cop already?!   :I  Wow, come on cops, you need to stop making yourselves so suspicious  lol))
That was fun~ But unfortunately I'm going somewhere for the next few days so I'll be unable to play next round, but maybe I'll join again another time  ^-^
Who ever drew that did an amazing job~  ;)
Yay~  :D
I didn't mess it up~  0:)
I have my reasons to be suspicious of both of you, but I feel I should stick with my original plan  :s
I hope I choose correctly  >.<
And I'm so sorry Blaze! I didn't think they were going to go after you again, I thought maybe it would be tiger or myself  D:
It's one of the most random weirdest thing I've seen. Yet it's one of the most awesome~  lol
Soo~ Have you guys heard Gangnam Style?   :3
Yes that is true but when your the doctor you know who was saved because your the one who protected them. And as I've said it's all on my word. Since I chose to save Blaze, and no one was banished the most likely outcome was that she was picked by the corrupt. Which led me to believe she was Innocent. It's what I believe to be true and I only ask is for you guys to believe me or else the innocents will end up losing  >A<
My votes still up for Zilla, as of now the game really relies on how Tiger and Ozzy vote. I just hope you guys will believe me  >.<
And I let Blaze know that I did save her and it was up to her if she believed me, she chose too.
But he also said he investigated me and said I was corrupt? How can I trust him now?
Personally I think he's the corrupted cop. It would explain why he knew Blaze was innocent and why he's so intent on getting me out. AS I've said Blaze was the one in Danger last night. He says he checked her, so he must have known and tried to get rid of her.
Quote from: Trege on 2012 Aug 04, 20:20:27
((Are you allowed to verify if a doctor saves you?  ovO ))

I don't know if there's a way? I knew she was innocent when, after I chose to protect her and she ended up being the one the corrupt tried to get rid of.  So I knew I could trust her. ^-^
Well that leaves me no choice, I'm the Doctor  >A<
Blaze knows cause I saved her (which was so lucky~)
Now I'm in danger  D: