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Messages - Sharks2425

I Have a Question My Legends of equestrian game works fine, but two out of the four server That I see list don't let me in because they can't find its host and the other two are saying the player count is maxed out even though I see the player count dropping.
This is really confusing and I don't understand why it won't let me into the other two. My guess that there offline, but thats just me guessing.
Updates Archive / Re: Servers Now Closed
2014 Apr 25, 13:18:03
AWWWWWWW what?   :c  I missed it dang it... Ive been so busy with stuff I haven't been able to check on the latest news for LOE. It soundalike it was epic though. I hope that I will be able to catch the next open server.
Yah i'm having trouble with logging in as well its just telling me error.
The last Open server weekend  was awesome!! Can't wait for this one. Hope to see you all there!  ^-^
For my mac I used keka to open my file but when i click on the game icon nothing happens.
Quote from: Leafy on 2013 Jul 06, 10:43:28
Mm, I've downloaded the correct link for my computer three times, but to no avail.  :l It tells me I can't open it, so I'm assuming I need some application that can open/unzip it. Does anybody have a recommendation? It's really appreciated.  X3

what type of computer are you on? because im on the mac and its doing the same thing to me.
 I have to go for tonight, i have tried every that i could think of to try and get the file open... if any one could send me a message on how to i would be so grateful. good night every pony.  :c
 Man I am getting really close to just giving up on this. I am really stuck and is there any one out there that has a mac that knows how to get the file to open? any one, please? I am so desperate and need help.  D:
Could some one help me? I have the file for the mac but i can not open it, is there something I need to download? if so could any one please tell me? I really want to play! D:
Please! can some one help me with this? what do i need to open LoE-OSX.7z? because the only thing i can us is the stupid applecript editor and that wont do can some please help me?
Can some one help me? i have the file of the game for the mac but i cant open it
Can some one help me? i have the file but i cant open it.
 Man, this wait is killing me! so close but yet so far at the same time. lol
Thanks for that link, I have been scrambling around trying to find out when it open's up.
Its 3:42 and it's not up yet still waiting. Didn't they say it would be on there main website?