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Messages - CloverMoonlight

Still each time I log in, I get into the worlds but I can't move from the spot we all come into the worlds. Yes the buttons are in the right places, yes I know the buttons to use, yes I have tried rebooting, deleting, downloading over and over again so much I've lost count. Yes I know there are teachers but they do and mean nothing if one can't get close to even try to talk to them. I could walk in one of the betas but in this I can't, I even tried to make a new name and it did the same on that too. I can't even hit the chat bubbles to talk, all I can do is the action bar and open like quest, pet, backpack too. This game is no longer any fun if all I can do is sit and watch ponies go by on their own fun but I'm unable to join in.
I did try that, I checked and hit the right buttons and still I was unable to move. I saw the teacher but when I clicked on them nothing happened and my pony still couldn't leave from the spot where you start the game. I'm lost at what to do when I've tried by making sure I hit the right buttons and rebooted, I lost count how many times, I got on every other 10 mins and nothing happened I was still stuck in the same spot.
I got into the game, but I'm unable to walk or anything but what the icons give me the chance to, like sit. I can't even work with the chat box in the office and same with anything else, I'm just stuck where we come out at in the start. I hit the buttons and such, this didn't happen on the beta, why now?