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Messages - NightWish

Quote from: Tekner on 2014 Sep 08, 01:14:11
Oh that. I've honestly never used that button, so I forgot about it lol
Quote from: NightWish on 2014 Sep 06, 18:13:49I've turned off the option to automatically subscribe to threads I post in, it says I'm not subscribed to any, but I'm still getting them..
That subscription option and the "show new replies" are two completely unrelated systems. There is no way to stop getting notifications from threads you've posted in without deleting all of your posts. That's just the way the system is designed.
Bluh. Whatevs, my posts on there were old anyway. xD No one's going to notice. Thanks, friend.
Quote from: Tekner on 2014 Sep 07, 00:20:52
Quote from: NightWish on 2014 Sep 07, 00:12:26
It says I don't have any notifications on my end, either.
This is very odd, then. When was the last email and can you give me a screenshot of it (cover or don't include personal information, of course.)
I'm not getting emails, that part's fine. I meant like, in the "Show new replies to your posts" thingy.
Quote from: Tekner on 2014 Sep 06, 22:36:19
The button to notify/unnotify was removed for normal users. That's why you can see it, Sleuth, but they cannot.
As for your issue, NightWish, I don't see any notifications set for your account. Is this for another account? If so, which thread?
No, it's this one. And it's the "What Kind of Brony Are You?". It says I don't have any notifications on my end, either.
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2014 Sep 06, 19:26:05
in the thread that you are getting notifications for
To the right of the "Reply" button do you see "Notify" or "Unnotify" because if you have Unnotify click that and that should fix it
I don't see that button on any thread I go to. I only have "add poll", "mark unread", "send this topic", and "print".
So I keep getting notifications from this thread that I haven't posted in in a year now and I really don't want it in my new replies anymore. I've turned off the option to automatically subscribe to threads I post in, it says I'm not subscribed to any, but I'm still getting them. I can't find a button on the actually thread to click that will unsubscribe me. I don't know if this is a bug or I'm just not doing the right thingy, but does anyone know how I can? It's pretty annoying.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 12:04:12
You proved nothing. Just recalled something that I don't think confirms anything.

Why would they be wearing Halloween costumes when it's not Halloween?...

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 12:04:12
Not gonna argue with headcannon.

You've done it several times already. xD;

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 12:04:12
I don't get your point.

Point being, earth ponies grow the plants. Without them, they would die. Ergo, the sun makes no difference to them in most of Equestria.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 12:04:12
I thought you started the thread for discussion/arguing? Or am I wrong?

I made it for discussion. I might just be sensitive about this, but I feel more like I'm getting attacked for it. o~o You're probably not meaning to, but it sounds like you're calling me daft or something. Sorry.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 04:00:04
Define batponies. The costume ones pulling Luna's carriage? There's doubt that they are even real.
Flutterbat? She was a vampire fruit pony, and the reason to get rid of her was the same as the bats - they were a menace. The parasprites never harmed anyone in ponyville but they got rid of them.

Well I have just provided an example of proof that they are not just costumes. Also I know Flutterbat wasn't a bat pony, as I've said. xD;

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 04:00:04
In the comics Rarity became Nightmare Rarity the moment she gave in to them and I believe the same was for Luna. So she didn't turned before her transformation. At best she had some grief that they took advantage of. Otherwise as I said, it wouldn't be nearly as surprising for Celestia as it's described.

I guess I should've explained better, but I believe Luna hadn't fully given in until she turned into NMM. Up to that point she wasn't completely agreeing with them, but rather, she was begrudgingly admitting to some of what they were saying. It was a gradual type of influence, until the culmination that turned her into NMM.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 04:00:04
Also isn't the followers part of the reason she turned? The 'not appreciate my night' part. In that case why would she want anyone from them to follow her? Why would she want any followers when she can take out the sole reason for her grief no problem (Celestia). Also in the comic, the creatures provided well enough for an army rendering which makes any gathering of followers useless.

Gathering followers was her way of attaining the respect she thought she was denied. And as I stated right above, she wasn't under their total control until she was NMM.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 02, 04:00:04
Then your headcannon is against cannon overall. If sun wasn't needed then Celestia wouldn't be forced to banish Luna to the moon because the whole reason she did that was because her ponies were at danger. And no I do not think she meant from physical danger Luna may do.

Actually I believe it has been confirmed since Bridle Gossip, wherein Applejack and Rainbow Dash mention that the plants grow on their own without pony intervention, implying that earth ponies are necessary for plants to live anywhere else in Equestria. And I'm not arguing the point that Celestia sent Luna to the moon for the protection of the citizens, because that's definitely true, but rather I'm talking about Luna's motives throughout the ordeal.

I really don't want to argue about this anymore, can we move on?
Quote from: Tiger on 2014 Aug 31, 20:25:45
I like to think of them as another race from a different part of Equestria/a different part of their planet. Perhaps only a few of them migrated, explaining why there are so few of them in the show, and the most suitable job for them to get would be as Luna's guards, being nocturnal and all. Come to think of it, they wouldn't be able to have any other job apart from night shifts because of their nocturnal-ism.

I mean, we've seen Saddle Arabian 'ponies' that completely look likr horses. There might be all kinds of races of ponies out there.

I doubt that they'd come from a different part of Equestria. Crystal ponies are like that, but I've never seen one in the locality of the series. Though I guess it *could* happen. Besides, you could possibly use Moonstuck as your headcanon and say they came from the moon.

...You know, if my headcanon ever sinks, I might use that.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 01, 04:25:09
I don't remember any batponies in that episode.

It as as she was sneaking into the castle. They had the same eyes, as well as the armor. I can't find an image of the pegasus in there, but the unicorn is on google images somewhere. But I'm too lazy to go get it. xD;

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 01, 04:25:09
3) I'm not gonna go back to the episode to bring up certain reactions. The fruit bats weren't evil but that didn't stop AJ from wanting them gone. Many things aren't evil, doesn't mean they shouldn't be dealt with.

Well then what's the reasoning in getting rid of batponies? It's not like they're harming anything.

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Sep 01, 04:25:09
As I said, If that was true then Celestia would know something is up and would've done about it. The turning wouldn't be so sudden and surprising if Luna went and seeded lies. Also that's not NNM's style and the shadowy figures that turned her in the first place. They were overconfident that they could take Celestia head on and win. Also nobody would follow her to the reason that without the sun, there would be no food. Also the food works the same way as Earth. Plants needs water and sunlight to live. The farmers (earth ponies) just maintain that process (like watering the plants, removing weed). But they cannot replace the sun which would lead to dying of the crops. Lauren has said so (she made season 1 where this happen so she had direct involvement).

It's also been confirmed through the comics that those moon thingies first seduce her into that dark mindset before possessing. And no it's not NMM's style, but it could very well be Luna's before becoming NMM. And even if not, she was being coerced by the moon ghost thingies, so she could possibly have been taking their advice on what to do.

And again, in my headcanon the sun isn't necessary for it.(I don't think it's been confirmed through canon whether or not it is, only that earth ponies take care of it.) Even if not though, in my headcanon Luna didn't think that through either since she wasn't in the right mindset. And then there would undoubtedly be those who had been coerced through Luna's false propaganda that bringing down Celestia would be more important, and then they'd figure out how to grow crops.

Yes I know I'm stretching things. Sorry, but this headcanon's too fun to fail. xD; Besides, isn't this type of thing for fun anyway?
Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Aug 31, 15:00:25
It's about time is about solid sparkle?
But anyway Luna's eclipse cannot be used as proof due to it may being a costume. The episode with Fluttershy becoming a vampire also doesn't count due to her being a vampire. But if you want to argue that she's the same ok.
1. Fluttershy did not show any intelligence beyond of the animal. The guards pulling the carriage and acting as guards for a princess would require to be intelligent as a pony. Luna in no way would get animals to do jobs for her.
2. Fluttershy turning into a vampire was a fluke caused by magic. If (and a big IF) Luna made that with ponies and bats there should be a large number of bats behaving not like bats but there is yet to see such a thing.
3. Twilight Sparkle, an expert of magic, would've read about bat ponies and would not have been so surprised to see one. Plus she would've know how to fix it on the spot.

Also with risk of sounding mean, there was no Solar Empire nor a Lunar Republic. That's just pure fanfiction. Celestia is not the type to seed lies/distrust. Luna was banished as soon as she turned leaving no time for her to make a fation let alone make another race (which I doubt even she can do). And before you come out with "she made it before being turned", no. Celestia would've notice it and took measures she wouldn't turn evil.
Plus batponies and even Luna are depended from the sun whenever they like it or not. The sun is needed to grow food which is needed by all. So frankly they wouldn't be dumb enough to follow someone that will lead to their doom....unless they have animal intelligence, then they wouldn't follow anyone.

Yeah, that's the ep I was talking about. While she was sneaking into the library there were two of them.

1 & 2) I know she wasn't a bat pony, which is why I didn't mention her.
3) When was she shown to be surprised? Also, they aren't evil anymore, so why would she "fix" it?

Yeah, I know NLR and SE are fanfiction stuff, but I still incorporate them into my headcanon just for giggles. Also, the lies and deceit thing was just a ruse that Luna created in order to gain followers. It wasn't true at all. Simply because she hadn't turned yet doesn't mean she hadn't already started rebelling. And I doubt that the laws about food and stuff apply to Equestria, since earth ponies are the ones who maintain crops and stuff, but even if it wasn't I doubt Luna was thinking clearly in the first place. If she were to gain minions they'd likely be just as ignorant about it.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Aug 31, 14:34:29
Well batponies are yet to be made cannon (no Fluttershy was a Vampire pony, that's different).
Many believe that the only ones we saw were costumes that were made to match Luna's entrance and her carriage.

However as far as I remember there was a tweet about batponies as a race that lived mainly in caves as real bats do. Hence Luna would recruit mainly from them due to the fact that she is most active at night the same time as they are.

Hm? They've been in canon twice now, once in It's About Time(which disproves the bit about it being a costume) and once in Luna Eclipsed. And that's actually just a headcanon of Faust's, it isn't official or anything.

Not trying to be mean or anything, but that's just how I see it. xD; Sorry.
*crickets chirping*

I dunno, I thought it would be a fun idea. o~o
I have a batpony OC, and I have several headcanons for the species. But I'm also interested in anyone else's, so feel free to add more!

As for me, this is my headcanon on their origins.
Spoiler: show
The batpony race is a holdover from the days of Luna's rebellion. Luna managed to win some followers to her cause, by convincing them that Celestia is feeding the population lies and propoganda.(Yes, they were the New Lunar Republic and Celestia's faction was the Solar Empire, though these terms have since been rendered obsolete by all but the most close-minded of ponies.)

She used her corrupted magic to turn them into a new race, the bat ponies, in order to have an advantage during the night time, when Celestia and her followers are more vulnerable. Even though this gave her a similar handicap, they were still better off, as now their leader could organize them during the same time as they were awake, whereas before she would be asleep during the day while they, being normal ponies, would be asleep during the night. The spell she cast to create the bat ponies was permanent however, and led to a new race being born. The bat ponies nowadays have no ill will towards Celestia at all; after all, it's been a thousand years of peace while Celestia was ruling. Though they still serve the Princess of the Night due to them being able to protect her during the night time, as their original role was meant to be.

Post Merge

Also, if you're interested in my OC, here's some more pictures of her! I'm practicing drawing ponies so I can open an ask blog for her.
Spoiler: show

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Aug 22, 22:50:06
That doesn't sound like a utopia, it sounds like an unfair caste system where people are stuck in the position they were born in with no opportunities for advancement. Pretty crappy economic system in my opinion.

It has nothing to do with being born into anything. Just because both of your parents were good at, say, football, doesn't mean you will become a football player as well. Maybe you're better at being a doctor. You'll become a doctor.

It isn't expanded in his book, but I believe if this were ever to be implemented--and there hasn't been anyone to try it yet, since new nations are very rarely going to base their entire governmental system on a hypothesis--they would perform a series of aptitude tests to see what your natural skill is, how much you enjoy it, etc. and then will provide the training necessary. If this were to be true, it'd fit with how Equestria functions as well. The Wonderbolts have their own academy for people who want to be professional stunt fliers, Celestia owns a school for unicorns with an aptitude for magic, and I'm willing to be those aren't the only examples of it.
I'm not sure what forum thing this *should* be in, forgive me. :c But I was wanting to ask, is there a way to stop following a thread? I've been inactive on this one thread for a while, but I'm getting notifications from it still. There a way to stop that?

(Retired due to being a duplicate thread, original resolved)
To me it seems like an example of Plato's definition of a utopia, defined in his book Republic. Basically it says, people's jobs aren't based on credentials or pay or education, but their own natural talents. In this, not only are the people happy with their jobs, but they are also skilled at them. The government, which is trained through a 50-year education on political mumbo jumbo(which they themselves volunteer for, since it is something they are interested in) takes a very hands-off approach when dealing with the citizens, giving them pretty much free reign. Wars aren't fought by the citizens(unless they volunteer), but by either hired mercenaries from the more war-centered nations surrounding or through the many allies they make by acting generous and hospitable to any nations outside of them.

I believe this defines Equestria pretty well. The war thing hasn't been explained at all through canon, but the rest of it seems legit.
Yeah I thought the first thread was super fun, so I'ma try to revive it.

Lemme start by asking, how do you think the royal guard functions? It's canonical that Luna and Celestia have different military, Luna's being bat ponies and Celestia's being normal ponies.

I personally believe it's a holdover from the days of Luna's rebellion. Luna managed to win some followers to her cause, by convincing them that Celestia is feeding the population lies and propoganda.(Yes, they were the New Lunar Republic and Celestia's faction was the Solar Empire, though these terms have since been rendered obsolete by all but the most close-minded of ponies.)

She used her corrupted magic to turn them into a new race, the bat ponies, in order to have an advantage during the night time, when Celestia and her followers are more vulnerable. Even though this gave her a similar handicap, they were still better off, as now their leader could organize them during the same time as they were awake, whereas before she would be asleep during the day while they, being normal ponies, would be asleep during the night. The spell she cast to create the bat ponies was permanent however, and led to a new race being born. The bat ponies nowadays have no ill will towards Celestia at all; after all, it's been a thousand years of peace while Celestia was ruling. Though they still serve the Princess of the Night due to them being able to protect her during the night time, as their original role was meant to be.

Thoughts? Also, feel free to ask other questions! And remember: "Science is the art of explaining magic."

Post Merge

Also I'd just to like to say:

Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Mar 31, 11:25:37
Pegasus ponies have less obvious magic, but their focus points are clearly distributed throughout the wings.  Although their biology is generally optimized, their flight is actually predicated on their special magic aura, which creates an invisible aerodynamic shield around them and channels the wind.  This same shield is what allows them to walk on clouds or create storms and gale winds.  It is not only weather, but also to a certain extent gravity-based, and with careful training it is theoretically possible for pegasi to control gravity much as they control weather.

The bold part is now technically canonical. Remember when Twilight was battling Lord Tirek DBZ-style? When she got super p*ssed the rocks and stuff around her started floating upwards, defying gravity. This might just be alicorn magic, but I'm siding with the idea that this was brought on by her new pegasus magic.
Quote from: the dark gods on 2013 Aug 26, 21:03:41
Quote from: 0jackie0 on 2013 Aug 26, 20:50:01
Actually, yeah, it's ''

Totally online Pokémon, based off of Firered and Soul Silver.

No I don't think that was it's name, it had a genuine pokemon game style name.....or maybe that is, I've only played it once several years ago.....
Did it have stuff like dark pokemon, metallic pokemon, and other adjectives, I remember that being in the game for no good reason?
You're thinking of Pokemon Crater. >w< I used to play that.
Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2013 Aug 26, 18:52:28
Never happen, Nintendo plays it safe with there games. Why don't we have a ONLINE coop Mario game?
Well I was just saying I want one, not I expect one to be made. :<
Geez, you're just a ray of sunshine, aren't you? >3>
Dude I seriously wish there was like a independently created pokemon MMO that will let us basically do what we do in the games cept we can:
1.) Own a gym and decorate it
2.) Send invites to people to come to your gym
3.) Battle other gym leaders and collect badges that you yourself design
4.) If you don't like competitive, there's an in-game Elite Four that you can challenge
5.) When you become Champion you can make all new gyms (but the pokemon in each gym are raised by you and given to the leaders to use)
6.) You can play solo or join other people's regions

Yeah. That'd be awesome. o3o

Post Merge

Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2013 Aug 26, 00:26:27
eh, no thanks. I honestly don't see the point in this but have fun though.
Well, we enjoy thinking up this kind of stuff and comparing our gyms! >w< There isn't really a point to it, but it's just fun to do. Do you like pokemon?