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Messages - Miles

The shadowy apparition was getting impatient under the shade of the tree it waited under. If it could speak, it would most definitely curse the sun that still shone brightly high in the sky, for making it do so. Noticing that the sense of fear had somewhat subsided, the apparition decided to give up hiding for the moment and began materializing on the spot.
The shadow crept up out of the ground and took the form of a pitch black stallion with no discernible features. It sat down and made itself comfortable, crossing it's legs as it waited anxiously for the poor soul that stumbled into this village.
In the distant police station, a shadow crept along the ground making a faint low whistle as it tried to make it's way to towards the old diner. It made sure not to stay in the bright midday sun too long, seeking shelter under the shade of trees, benches and anything else large enough to cast a shadowy haven for it. Something was out there, and whatever it was, it reeked of fear. A series of faint whistles were heard in the distance, sounding vaguely like a chuckle. The shadow continued towards it's destination, wanting to find the source of such panicked emotion.

Hovever, it seemed as though it would have to postpone their encounter, as the bright sunlight prevented it from going beyond the fountain. It decided to wait patiently under a nearby tree for their encounter.
"Somepony who probably didn't deserve this pokemon in the first place." Miles answered in a rather cold manner. He shook his head and gave the Tyrunt a gentle pet on it's muzzle, hoping to ease it's uncertainty a little bit. "It's okay buddy, we'll get you fixed up." he whispered.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Melody." Miles said indirectly, but politely. His attention was still focused on the Tyrunt, but he didn't want to seem rude by ignoring the mare completely, and looked up to Melody. "I'm Miles. I'm a trainer as well, but I suppose you could tell already... heh."
Miles looked up towards the voice, and got up off the ground. Patches quickly ducked behind him, as he approached the mare.
"No, I think I've got this under control. I just wanted to give this Tyrunt something to eat before I took it to the Pokemon Center." Miles answered as he dusted himself off, and looked back towards the pokemon on the ground. "I found her like this in the wild. She had some bindings on her muzzle, and I think she had nothing to eat for quite awhile." Miles explained.
Miles had a good look at the Tyrunt and finally noticed the bindings around the it's mouth.
"What in the world is this?" Miles was shocked to see these bindings at first and just stood there for a few moments, wondering how the pokemon wound up this way. He saw how malnourished, and skinny it was, and shifted from his position and moved a little closer, beginning to untie the rope. "You're not going to bite me as soon as I finish are you?" he joked.

"Just... sit still, I've got some oran berries here. Let's get something in your stomach before we see the pokemon center, shall we?" he smiled and took a dozen berries from his satchel and let it rest near the Tyrunt's mouth.
"Whoo! I caught a Tyrunt!" Miles cheered as he held the ball containing his new companion. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to catch the tiny dinosaur pokemon, but he was glad. "Heh, Patches that was almost... too easy." Miles said as he rubbed the back of his neck, and started worrying. "Gee... I hope I didn't hurt it."

He threw the pokeball onto the grassy fields of the forest and decided to take a good look at the pokemon he just caught, to see if it was all right before taking it to the pokemon center. "Are... are you okay?"
"Shoot!"Miles groaned when he saw that the Tyrunt had broken free from the pokeball he threw earlier. He noticed that it was visibly weak however, and pulled another ball from his satchel "You're not getting away this time." Miles said as he threw the ball Tyrunt's way. He really hoped that this time it'd stay inside.
Miles watched as the pokemon dodged yet again, but this time it seemed it was trying to run away. "Oh no you don't! Quick, try and hold it down with some vines!! Patches quickly sprinted ahead and wrapped it's long vines around the fleeing pokemon, trying it's hardest to hold the Tyrunt in place. Miles then got a pokeball from the small satchel he carried and flung it towards the pokemon, hoping it would be enough to catch it.
"Wow..." Miles was impressed that the pokemon managed to get out of the way of Patches's attack. It's seemed like it wasn't going to be as easy to catch as he originally thought. "Let's try another sleep powder attack."

"Bulba!" Patches obeyed, and shot the blue cloud of dust towards the wild Tyrunt.
Miles noticed a pokemon had gotten in between Patches' sleep powder attack and it's intended target, and the Oddish they were aiming for had gotten away. "Ah, horseapples..." he said under his breath. "A Tyrunt? What's a pokemon like that doing out here?"

Miles raised an eyebrow, but it quickly turned into a grin once he thought of catching this pokemon. "All right, Patches. Guess we're catching this one instead! Use Vine Whip!"
Miles never found out where the smoke came from because it disappeared rather quickly. "I guess I was just seeing things..." he shrugged and decided to keep looking for some pokemon. "It could've been a fire type." he reasoned with himself, but was puzzled because he didn't think fire types would wander around in a forest. He was surprised when he lost his balance and landed face first into the ground below.

"Ow!" Miles tripped over something below his hooves, and his eyes widened when he say what it was after he regained his footing. "There you are!" A small leafy blue pokemon popped out of the ground and tried to run off. "You're not getting away from us! Patches, use sleep powder!" Patches did as it was told. A cloud of blue dust quickly shot out towards the wild Oddish.
UserName: Miles
Name: Pushover Miles (he prefers just "Miles")
Gender: Male
Family: Gentle Breeze (mother), Unknown (father)
Rank: Newbie

((I think I'll give this a shot, if you guys will have me. I've been in a similar RP with this character in another forum and it'd be nice to have a do over.))
I agree with Tiger! Let's get this show on the road, and spook the living daylights... I uh... I-I mean um... have a good time with this RP! 0:)
Miles trotted back out into the forest, eager to see if he could find any wild pokemon, with Patches happily hopping after him. They were both pretty happy to be on their own again, if only for a moment. "Let's not stay out here too long." he said to his companion. "I still think I'd like to travel with some ponies and Narua and Blue seem pretty nice. We'll have to see if they still want us to tag along later. Anyway, let's find that Oddish!"

Patches gave an enthusiastic grunt, and they both started to walk back into the tall grass, until they noticed some noise, and smoke out in the distance. "Is that a fire...?!" Miles said with worry in his voice. He quickly trotted towards the source with his pokemon following close behind.
(I think I'd better stop for awhile and let the other rp'ers catch up.)
"I'm a little confused here. If those are pony names, I've never met them before." Miles stated. He remembered seeing some other grass pokemon in the forest before meeting Narua and Blue. "I think I'll head on back to the forest for a bit. I think I saw an Oddish earlier. I'll be there if you need me." Miles trotted back out.
Miles continued to watch, and upon seeing the kindness Narua displayed by getting the fainted Rattata to the pokemon center, he made up his mind. "That was awful nice of her wasn't it? Most trainers would've just left the fainted pokemon and let it heal on it's own in the wild." he said to Blue. "Y'know what? I think I will tag along with you two." He then trotted towards the pokemon center himself, Patches following close behind.
Miles barely had time to think, before that Rattata jumped up from nowhere. "Whoa!" he exclaimed Once he regained his footing, Miles walked over to Blue, and decided to watch the battle between the two pokemon commence, and give his answer later. "Do your best, Narua!"
"Well, I didn't really catch your names." Miles chuckled a bit. He looked down towards Patches and his new "friend". "I think I'm a bit older than you two, but I'm only 11."
Patches didn't really want the pony to touch him, but it didn't want to be rude so it happily smiled, but grunted nervously.
Miles smiled at both ponies. "I actually met Patches back in Kanto, where I'm originally from." he said to his fellow grass pokemon enthusiast, giving his little friend a pat on the head.
"Well, that's fine, Miss. Sometimes that's all you can do." he said while looking over to the blushing pony.
Miles eyes were fixated on the tiny grass pokemon for awhile, and he just stood there staring for a minute. "Whoops, heh. Sorry." he said as he grinned nervously, and scratched the back of his head. "My name's Miles and I just love grass pokemon. I've got one myself, Come say "hi" Patches."
The little Bulbasaur hid behind Mile's hind leg and "Saur..." it said softly.