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Messages - SkelePone

I have applied, sending emails to both concept artist application desks. PAKalsha and Anyamash? I am very eager to help with the project, and am in the process of uploading numerous additional designs to my DeviantArt as part of my application portfolio.
Forgive me if I seem too business-like, but I would greatly like volunteer work with this to be placed on my resume.
Quote from: Azazial M. Rodriquez on 2015 Aug 05, 13:43:53
not the inventor but the invention

What exactly do you mean by that? He is an inventor, he is not "an invention"...
Yeah, the idea for an inventor is common, but the scatterbrained character trait being negative isn't as much.
The name Steampunk, is of course reminiscent of the sci-fi subgenre, hinting at his engineering methods (leaning more toward hydraulics and clockwork over electricity and magic).
His job would also seem to be a lot like the character Time Turner in canon, except the fact he works for the Royal Sisters exclusively.
I use him and several other OCs in my Wattpad series I'm just now starting up.
more can be read about my OCs via my wattpad, @SkelePone.

Race: Earth pony
Coat: Buff
Hooves (they are exposed): Ochre
Mane: Grey
Eye: Dark green

Body type: Average, but a bit taller than usual (taller than Time Turner, thinner than Big MacIntosh)

Age: fullgrown stallion
Cutie Mark: Grey gear with a pair of white angular wings.
Occupation: Owner of Steampunk Industries, Royal Engineer

Personality: He is outgoing and very active, he is scatterbrained, tending to completely leave behind entire projects to start new ones. He is VERY intelligent, one of the greatest minds of the modern Equestrian world, machine-wise. The only thing keeping him from greatness is his odd behavior.

Background Story:
Born into a family of Clockmakers, Steampunk was a mechanical prodigy from a young age.
After Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom, Steampunk yearned to take to the skies. He eventually built a rickety helicopter type machine, and set off for Cloudsdale.
Upon landing, he was met by the three "bully pegasi" colts and a filly Rainbow Dash.
The bullies convinced colt Steampunk to step out from his vehicle and onto the clouds, and Steampunk did not know that Earth ponies cannot walk on clouds like Pegasi.
Falling straight through the clouds, he was rescued from plummeting to the ground by RD. Once back in the copter, however, it was found he came out of his fall "a little unstable".
Nowadays he is known as being scatter-brained and random. Not Pinkie Pie random, mind, but ADHD with a bit of memory trouble random. He is considered to be off his rocker, and his workshop in Canterlot is one of the most hazardous places in Equestria.
^ this link is to my sketch and coloring of him