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Messages - Blizzard Wing

Artist Showcases / Re: Ponyville Houses!
2012 Dec 08, 12:03:43
where is the december showcase? :(

I'd love to read another one ^-^
Quote from: RainCloud on 2012 Nov 18, 01:43:03
And now i'm sad :(  I just found out that if it's day here, the most of you are sleeping.
Oke, now i'm not sure if that is right...I dont understand your weird clock :(
Oh wait, i looked on the internet, and my first thougt was right. It seemes i need to stay up late to be with the most of you...

same here. ^-^
I'm from Germany so I too have to stay up late to talk to anybody, but it's nice to know that I'm not the only one :D
Artist Showcases / Re: Ponyville Houses!
2012 Nov 18, 12:12:06
I'm really enjoying these Showcases.

Reading them helps passing the time till the game comes out  :D